Reduce crafting cost


New member
Feb 24, 2023
some crafting takes alot of resources and takes some time alot of hand smapling depending on the planet. So my idea for a QOL is to reduce crafting cost by 25% to 50%.


New member
Oct 17, 2023
some crafting takes alot of resources and takes some time alot of hand smapling depending on the planet. So my idea for a QOL is to reduce crafting cost by 25% to 50%.

I think this suggestion comes from a good place but I'm not for it because it would further devalue minerals and the fact the time and effort put into crafting is a large part of what gives it value, if everyone can do everything instantly nothing has value, if people have to work towards things, pool resources and work together, that's how community is built.


The Trickster
Sep 15, 2023
As someone who pools resources with 3 other people. I do agree that CERTAIN things could use with a reduction in resource cost. Others not so much. There are some things that a change should be made rather than a reduction of resources.

Elite Gas Harvesters for example use 9 wall modules and 21k units of metal instead of 18 wall modules to make compared to their elite counter-parts.

If anything should be reduced in resource cost I'd say

Elite Harvesters - Wall modules required to be on par with what they actually are. The equivelent of 4 capped mediums. (12 wall modules)
BM Components and sub components on consumables - These take insane amounts of resources considering how many you use to make a single pet.


New member
Mar 22, 2023
I would be for this changed but not limited to just resources requirements. Component requirements for things like alcohol and BM consumables could hopefully be looked into
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New member
Oct 7, 2023
25 - 50% decrease as a general statement to reduce all crafting costs is not a QoL change, but rather gigantic impact on crafting and would have long-term effects on the economy and value of resources.

Things should take some time and we should not be able to get everything so quickly after a new server launch. Work together as a community and continually build better things is how SWG economy was built and why a lot of us still play today.

I'd be interested to hear a more thought out approach to specific classes and schematics. Coming from someone doing more Architect lately, I can see an argument for certain things requiring less components (i.e. walls) but also understand the cost to make the walls is more so just related to time (which is OK, IMO).

A general statement though on flat reducing crafting costs by 25-50% needs a lot more thought put into it and should not be implemented as it does not consider the downstream impacts.


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Not a fan of flat reductions, but the Wall issue is being addressed soon.


New member
Sep 21, 2023
I am sorry to be late to this discussion but I wanted to put my 2 cents in. I have been an architect for while and I do not quite agree in a reduction of resource costs for anything on this server.. YES.. it takes 200k ore just to make 1 factory run of structure modules and another 20k for 100 Walls not to mention the steel but that's only 80k total. BUT.. on this server.. with the slots < lots > we have.. this is not a problem in my honest opinion. Besides, reducing resources used will lower the value of our products and thus lower our profits.

Yes.. some Elites take less wall modules than others and the Moisture Vap takes structure modules lol and not even one wall. I am not sure what SOE was thinking here but with any game developer, people move around, get replaced.. get lazy.. have publisher problems... Things fall under the cracks. lol.

Anyway, with the harvesting rate on this server, reducing the costs just would not make much sense to me. Harvesters will fill up in less than 2 days time and such make medium harvesters very viable for some people that do not need as many resources as say, SWs and archies. The amount of resources you get in a faster amount of time easily makes up for the cost.


New member
Feb 24, 2023
What I was mean was a reduction of resources need to make consumable stuff like bm stuff as it takes so much resources.