Current Review of Combat Revamp Patch


The Trickster
Sep 15, 2023
  • Base Attributes have been revamped with new and/or modified combat values - See Footnotes in follow up post
  • Base Attributes will no longer be gained during the leveling process, leveling will only add to health, health regen, action and action regen

Requirements for Combat Skill Trees:
  • All combat skill trees with the exception of Beast Master and Creature Handler will require that you have mastered at least one weapon skill tree

  • Ranged Dodge and Melee Dodge are now obsolete and are just normal dodge (for ranged) and parry (for melee)
  • Droid, Creature, NPC (Humanoid) Crit modifiers are obsolete (PvP Crit will remain)
  • Weapon Specific Critical Chance modifiers are being discontinued and should use the "wepaon critical" modifiers instead

  • Proc checks have been moved earlier in the combat system to give a more reliable result

  • Force Choke recourse has been revamped to be a heal cut recourse
  • Heal Cut Recourse effects the heal cut debuff from Force Choke, Dread Strike, and Bacta Corruption for 24 seconds
  • Successful BH Stun, Unhealthy Fixation and False Hope apply stun immunity for 12 seconds

  • Powerups should now last 2 hours
  • Officer Tac Stims should now last 2 hours
  • Meditate Buffs should now last 2 hours
  • Banner Buffs should now last 2 hours
  • Jedi Stances and Medic Stances can no longer be swapped in Combat
  • Advanced Tactics, Focus Fire and Drillmaster no longer proc Inspiration and should no longer be spammed and last 2 hours

Global Cooldown:
  • Combat Abilities now have a 0.5 second Global Cooldown - This may be adjusted during testing - works well and is barely noticeable. Gone are the times of .3 pause macros

Bounty Hunter:
  • Investigation Skills have been moved to Novice Bounty Hunter
  • The shield line is now tied to Duelist Stance
  • Cripple has been moved from Marksman back to Bounty Hunter
  • Venous Ploy and its line of attacks have been moved to Bounty Hunter
  • Gained the Preparation Ability

  • Novice Commando now grants the Position Secured Ability and 3 further points into Novice Commmando include improved position secured
  • Removed Devastation from Burst Fire and added a base 20% chance of Devestation to Novice Commmando
  • Burst Fire Proc has been relocated to On Target
  • Supressing Fire Debuff has been moved to Heavy Weapon Specialist
  • Pinpoint Shielding now grants 1750 Innate Armor per tick and overwrites Armor Protections from Equipped Armor
  • Dodge Chance has been added to Deflective Armor
  • Evasion Chance and Evasion Value has been added to Blast Resistance

Combat Medic:
  • Fixed the DOT increases from the Combat Stance - see foot notes (commando dots)
  • Purge can no longer be used on other players

Creature Handler:
  • Revive will now Area Revive your fallen pets - see foot notes
  • All pet commands should now work even if one of the pets are dead
  • Made some improvements to the Tame ability - see foot notes

  • Stun Grenade has been moved to Marksman
  • Novice Grenadier has been reworked and moved to Marksman
  • Strong Arm and Packed Explosives have moved to Marksman
  • Gained the High Explosives, Explosives Expert and Surgical Demolition Lines
  • Gained Core Bomb, Dioxis Grenade, Artillery and Superior Firepower Abilities
  • The Hellstorm Jewelry Set will now require Master Grenadier

  • Moved Cripple back to Bounty Hunter
  • Moved Ambush to Rifleman
  • Stun Grenade has been moved from Grenadier
  • Novice Grenadier has been reworked and moved to Marksman
  • Strong Arm and Packed Explosives have moved to Marksman

  • Gained the Ambush ability

  • Impossible Odds now has a chance to bypass all defensive rolls
  • Loaded Chance Cubes will make an attacker under the effects of Impossible Odds less likely to land a crit or strikethrough
  • Blaster at your side can now have up to 4 pts
  • Sly Lie and Fast Talk Skill lines have been incorporated into Novice Smuggler
  • Lucky Break has been incorporated into Feeling Lucky
  • Feeling Lucky and Card up your sleeve has been reworked to have a guaranteed hit chance while active
  • Summon Smuggler and Summon Medic have been incorporated into Off The Books - requires clarification
  • Master Smuggler can now inherently craft spice
  • Master Smugglers will now possess the Cover Fire ability
  • Spot a Sucker Debuff will now apply a -300 precision debuff
  • Reworked Skullduggery's calculationsy

Squad Leader:
  • Leadership line of skills that affect buff durations is now included in Novice Squad Leader
  • Moved several skills to Grenadier

Teras Kasi:
  • Evasion Chance and Evasion Value in the "Critical Hit Reduction" Expertise has been replaced with Block Chance and Block Value
  • Dodge Chance has been removed from the "Damage Reduction" Expertise, Parry Chance has been increased
  • Ranged Defense has been removed from Teras Kasi Expertise Page
  • Melee Defense now includes Parry

  • New Expertise Boxes for Force Choke that are dedicated to the strength of the heal cut
  • New Expertise Boxes for Forsake Fear cool down
  • New Expertise Boxes for Hermetic Touch cool down
  • New Expertise Boxes to add a minimal action drain to Force Drain


The Trickster
Sep 15, 2023
Foot notes:


Change Damage to Action increase per 100 points to .5 from .33
ACR Not applying

Add a damage output debuff when doctor stance is applied to a character

CM stance working - Reduce Duration from 40 seconds
*All of the below commando feedback is with or without CM stance on*
However any dot stack application regardless of element or Heavy Weapon is applying a dot stacks in a 3, 7, 10 pattern instead of 1 at a time
Dots overwrite each other from the same character and do not stack "multiple elemental dots" on a weapon swap
2x Commandos - Whoever applies the initial dot, only 1 dot sticks. All other DoT procs just reset the timer of the original DoT Regardless of Element used. Instead of applying multiple elemental stacks. Only the original stack applicator can change the element of the dot.

Skullduggery - Basic heavy weapon attacks and dots are not affected by this but does block "abilities" (This may be a rabbit hole. Its not a huge deal providing the Commando dots are fixed)

Stuns do not have immunity, because they are considered "roots" not actual stuns?

Creature Handler:
Tame pet still breaks abilities when taming some creatures. (eg: Scyks behind Mos Eisley Starport)
Revive only reviving 1 pet at a time and removes them from the group (this is also hit and miss whether or not a pet is revived)

Ranged and Melee critical is dividing by 10 before they are being added as percentages (eg: pistoleer tree 25% is only adding 2.5%, and the fencer tree 14% is only adding 1.4%)
Last edited:


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Change Damage to Action increase per 100 points to .5 from .33 - Done
ACR Not applying - Made adjustments to Stamina ACR Calculations

Add a damage output debuff when it is applied to a character
- Added a 40% reduction

CM stance working - Reduce Duration from 40 seconds
*All of the below commando feedback is with or without CM stance on*
However any dot stack application regardless of element or Heavy Weapon is applying a dot stacks in a 3, 7, 10 pattern instead of 1 at a time
Dots overwrite each other from the same character and do not stack "multiple elemental dots" on a weapon swap
2x Commandos - Whoever applies the initial dot, only 1 dot sticks. All other DoT procs just reset the timer of the original DoT Regardless of Element used. Instead of applying multiple elemental stacks. Only the original stack applicator can change the element of the dot.

- The buff calculation for the DOT Defuffs, will now remove the old buff first. (Not sure if it will remove full stacks, gotta test.)
- Duration now adds as a percent instead of flat duration

Stuns do not have immunity, because they are considered "roots" not actual stuns?
This seems to work on the dev server

Creature Handler:
Tame pet still breaks abilities when taming some creatures. (eg: Scyks behind Mos Eisley Starport) - Made improvements
Revive only reviving 1 pet at a time and removes them from the group (this is also hit and miss whether or not a pet is revived) Made improvements but still some issues after the pets get revived

Ranged and Melee critical is dividing by 10 before they are being added as percentages (eg: pistoleer tree 25% is only adding 2.5%, and the fencer tree 14% is only adding 1.4%) - This divisor from the DR has been removed but the DR will remain.


Brawler/Marksman Block Chance per point has been increased to 2%

New Menu Selection for Jedi Meditate Buffs

Creature Handlers can now creature Mounts
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Oct 18, 2023
ACR and Damage to action does not show in skill mods page

40% Damage Reduction (Suggest adding this information to the skill description box)

Heavy Weapons:
DoTs are correctly applying 1 stack per proc.
Duration increasing 25%

Cannot have more than 1 Element type HW DoT on target, every new type overwrites the previous. (Tested from both same player and 2 different attackers elements)

Stuns recourse (Suggest moving from this visual from the target's buff bar to the debuff bar)


Divisor removed and DR remains for Ranged/Melee crit

New Menu Selection for Jedi Meditate Buffs

Block Chance per point has been increased to 2%

Evolve Staff

Staff member
Mar 23, 2023
Divisors have been removed from offensive and defensive stats.

Players should be able to immediately mount when exiting an instance.

Made additional changes to fix calculations around strength adding to melee damage.

Evolve Staff

Staff member
Mar 23, 2023
ACR and Damage to action does not show in skill mods page - Currently very little things that raw stats add bonuses to actually reflect in that page. Could look at doing more rework there

Evolve Staff

Staff member
Mar 23, 2023
Stun Recourse is now on the debuff bar for better visibility

HeavyWeapon Dots should now be able to be applied by separate users.

Fixed issue with defense rolls

Made additional changes to stat page:
Calculated Combat Rolls
Lucky Chance
Damage To Action
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Evolve Staff

Staff member
Mar 23, 2023
Lucky Break now requires Master Smuggler
Stasis now requires Master Medic
Rally Points are now granted with Master Squadleader
Both SquadLeader Armors are granted by the same expertise box, similiar to Medic
All row 5 expertise boxes now require Master Squad Leader

Lightning and Maelstrom fast attack resets are no longer linked
SkullDuggery can now affect AOE attacks
Fixed an issue with block value not showing
Calculated Block Value and Calculated Evasion Value have been added to the Stat Page
Fixed some missing collection items with gems and stage projector

Evolve Staff

Staff member
Mar 23, 2023
Added Damage Rolls to printout for testing
Added DR to CHR Defenses
Master Bounty Hunters now have the reveal bounty ability to find hidden player targets
Added additional calls to attribute cache that should be called every time armor/weapons/jewelry equip/unequip

Group Waypoint fix for Destroy Duties
Added ability to toggle space parts for No Sell/Protected for Chassis Dealer