The nightmare that is Shellfish harvesting.


The Trickster
Sep 15, 2023
after about 5 minutes of doing it I found something considerably worse than getting egg or milking a creature.

Shellfish harvesting is by far the worst system i've ever encountered on this game, The Current system is similar to foraging.

Make shellfish harvesting use the same system as the other surveying tools. Where you can pick the resource you want to find and can hand sample it.

It would make things so much easier compared to manually clicking the tool every 10 seconds or setting up a macro to fire it from the toolbar. Which is fine. if the system would auto stack the sample you collect. It currently does not, what makes it worse is that its seemingly random just like foraging whether you get Shellfish, Mollusk, or nothing.

other servers have changed how shellfish harvesting tools work making them on par with a survey tool. I know of one server who has even made shellfish harvesters similar to flora farms that sit on the shore of a body of water to collect the resources.


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Theres a patch coming that will help with the stacking issue.

For the other issues, you can use the Complete (All in One) Survey Tool to sample this stuff already.