Bounty Hunting/PvP


New member
Mar 20, 2023
As the ongoing effort of making the bounty hunting system work, I had some ideas. I liked the fact that everyone could put bounties on everyone, obviously this leads to issues with traders, griefing, etc. So I agree with the change of opting in.

But I think for anyone who participates in bounty hunting MUST be opted in to get a Bounty from the terminal. If your going to hunt, it’s only fair you should be able to be hunted. I also think there should be a cooldown on opting in and then being able to opt out. If you opt in you can’t opt out for a day, 3 days, a week, someone smarter than I should figure out the appropriate time for that. Also I heard/read another idea from someone saying that being SF also ticks up a bounty. Every 15 minutes is a +250-500 credit increase on bounty or something along those lines.

As far as PvP goes, I understand most players are just starting and learning builds and gear on this server. But I want to see a HEALTHY, friendly, and fun PvP community. With both scheduled and spontaneous PvP would be preferred by most players, myself included. I don’t remember who suggested it, but I give them full credit, of anyone the rank of general is always SF, obviously a lot of kinks to work out. (Group content, med buffs from bots, etc) but I think that sort of idea would be fun. For you to enjoy the benefits of general, you also have some risk associated with it.

I didn’t see a thread for PvP or Bounty hunting so I made this one. But want to hear everyone’s ideas!
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Oct 18, 2023
OK, I can't hold it; where did you find this information? Because on live, the BH system was never opt-out. It was forced on the hunted by placing a bounty of 20K or higher. For the BH it was opt-in as it was their primary source of jobs, but for the rest it forced on them.

I'm sorry to say, but your reaction sounds like that of a man not being able to deal with valid points of insight. You, my good sir/madam, need to point out where the information about the BH system as you claim is being provided. Because it most certainly is not (!) being provided in this thread, just claimed by you. So, provide some evidence that supports your claim.
Maybe if you’d take a portion of that super powered brain, that can remember so much from “live,” and directed it towards the patch notes you could find the changes without looking silly. But I’ll break it down Barney style and highlight them for you.


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New member
Oct 19, 2023
Maybe if you’d take a portion of that super powered brain, that can remember so much from “live,” and directed it towards the patch notes you could find the changes without looking silly. But I’ll break it down Barney style and highlight them for you.
Right, looks like you might want to direct a portion of your brain to reading: it states Place a bounty.

I'm not expecting any answer on this as I am not enganging any further in a childish discussion.


Oct 18, 2023
Right, looks like you might want to direct a portion of your brain to reading: it states Place a bounty.

I'm not expecting any answer on this as I am not enganging any further in a childish discussion.
There is no other way to get bountied if you aren’t PvPing, hence why they go hand in hand.


Oct 18, 2023
There is no other way to get bountied if you aren’t PvPing, hence why they go hand in hand.
Also hence why they stated, much like the current opt-in system, in which you blatantly disregarded by saying it’s not an opt-in system.


New member
Mar 20, 2023
OK, I can't hold it; where did you find this information? Because on live, the BH system was never opt-out. It was forced on the hunted by placing a bounty of 20K or higher. For the BH it was opt-in as it was their primary source of jobs, but for the rest it forced on them.

I'm sorry to say, but your reaction sounds like that of a man not being able to deal with valid points of insight. You, my good sir/madam, need to point out where the information about the BH system as you claim is being provided. Because it most certainly is not (!) being provided in this thread, just claimed by you. So, provide some evidence that supports your claim.
this is the stuff that kills the fun in pvp, you literally said that you wont ever flag up or bounty hunt planet side, If you dont have anything productive or helpful to add, kindly take it to another suggestion :). There is literally no point to you finding and creating arguments where there isnt any. So again I want to hear feedback and how everyone feels, but you arguing over nonsense over and over about the fine point of this thread title (3 words) isnt helping anyone and just creating drama.


New member
Mar 12, 2023
When the BH system was reintroduced to the NGE. BHs were able to attack each other if they had the same contract.


New member
Oct 17, 2023
When the BH system was reintroduced to the NGE. BHs were able to attack each other if they had the same contract.
Source? I was a BH on live from Pre-CU until the servers shut down, and often would group hunt the tougher targets but was never able to attack my fellow BHs