Multiple Accounts Discussions

Evolve Staff

Staff member
Mar 23, 2023
Current Policy:

Multi Accounty Policy

With great power comes great responsibility

  • - No using multiple accounts by the same account owner to rank up cities
  • - No using multiple accounts to horde an entire resource spawn with harvesters
  • - No using multiple accounts by the same account owner to follow and use combat macros
  • - No using multiple accounts by the same account owner to PvP
  • - No using multiple accounts by the same account owner to AFK farm
  • - Multiple Accounts are limited to TWO per person (No Excessive Account Creation)

Please discuss pros, cons, thoughts, should we restrict to a single account?
This seems to have stirred alot of debate, so lets debate here.


Oct 16, 2023
Current Policy:

Multi Accounty Policy

With great power comes great responsibility

  • - No using multiple accounts by the same account owner to rank up cities
  • - No using multiple accounts to horde an entire resource spawn with harvesters
  • - No using multiple accounts by the same account owner to follow and use combat macros
  • - No using multiple accounts by the same account owner to PvP
  • - No using multiple accounts by the same account owner to AFK farm
  • - Multiple Accounts are limited to TWO per person (No Excessive Account Creation)

Please discuss pros, cons, thoughts, should we restrict to a single account?
This seems to have stirred alot of debate, so lets debate here.
If this is the current policy, why are we seeing 16 man teams farming POI's for rare loot drops while AFK? Many have seen this, many have commented about it.... So? What's up? Is this something that's being put to rest? Or did something change and now you can AFK Farm, (ie Holocrons) with 8-16 afk players on POI locations as players who are actively online arrive and are outgunned by 16 bots AOEing the whole area... Is this not an example of that? Perhaps that needs to be nuked because that can create another issue where we're back to AFK everywhere. Maybe a compromise, since AFK playing is a part of SWG, we can limit an AFK Macro duration to "2hrs"... Anyone who swears they're not "farming" shouldn't have any issue with this. Just my thought on a very specific example.
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