What this guide was originally designed to do was help players obtain GCW fast. Why? Because we want to make progress in as little time as possible.
GCW Rank takes time and not everyone is in favor of PVP but still want to have the GCW Flag to grant buffs for groups.
To obtain the GCW Flag one need to reach the Rank of Captain. Wish it was as simple as get xx amount of GCW points and you have it, but that is not the case it takes weeks to obtain, the once you have it, it was worth the wait.
After discussing with a few other players it seems like one can obtain somewhere around 30,000-35,000 GCW points per week before hitting the brick wall of diminishing returns.
So what does this mean?
You join the Rebellion or Imperial army, and you start as Private and begin ranking up.
(Note Rank increase takes place at 12:00 noon on Thursday Pacific Standard Time).
1st Day - Private
1st Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Lance Corporal
2nd Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Corporal
3rd Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Sergeant
4th Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Master Sergeant
5th Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Sergeant Major
6th Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Lieutenant
7th Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Captain (You can obtain the GCW Flag from the Requisitions from the Recruiter)
8th Week ...
Yes this means almost 2 months before you can obtain this highly prized GCW Flag.
What are the benefits of the GCW Flag?
2% Dodge, 2% Glancing Blow, 5% Critical Chance, 100 Agility, 100 Precision, 100 Constitution, 100 Luck, 100 Strength.
(Note all of the above can be obtain from one character except the 100 Strength which must be from a Ranked Jedi).
If you do City Invasion missions you will get Galactic Civil War Tokens, these can be traded in for another buff granting item that has a short duration but can be used often.
Visit the Recruiter and Requisition using Imperial Tokens. Purchase the Tactical Electrobinoculars for 1000 Tokens.
Tactical Electrobinoculars - 5% Damage for few Seconds, 3 Minute Cooldown.
What I found to be the single best way to gain GCW points is not from PVP events, but instead it comes from City Invasion.
1. City Invasion (Moderate PVP chance depending on player participation).

What you want is this mission "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" (Available only during Invasion). The mission is only available presently to players with 1 point in Assassin (Sorry Jedi please consider this petition in the suggestions forum https://www.swgevolve.com/threads/846/). For the defending faction the Field Commander will be located near a map. For the invading faction visit the staging tents outside the city.
When you first approach the Field Commander you will have your service locked to Special Forces (SF), this forces you into PVP mode in which other players can attack you. This is good, you will get occasional ticks of 250 GCW points while in SF (Special Forces). Note when SF players can track and attack you if they are also SF.
The mission "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" requests that you eliminate 10 opposing faction forces. Once complete you are rewarded with 2500 GCW points* and 100 Galactic Civil War Tokens. ***THE MISSION IS REPEATABLE***.
*Note you will gain less points if you are not SF.
The sequence of City Invasion is as follows Bestine (Tatooine) > Dearic (Talus) > Keren (Naboo) > Bestine (Tatooine)..... there is a 30 minute down time between Invasion.
For the defending faction you will have a steady stream of opposing faction forces coming at you.
Bestine (Very slow stream)
Keren (Reasonable stream)
Dearic (Fast steady stream)
How to speed up the mission when the stream of opposing faction forces is slow?
Get missions from the local faction mission terminal.

You can find the closest terminal in the following cities.
/waypoint tatooine -1069 0 -3596 Imperial Mission Terminal - Located near the Shuttleport.
No nearby Rebellion Mission Terminal please consider this petition to get one.
/waypoint talus 241 0 -3070 Imperial Mission Terminal - Located outside the cloning center.
/waypoint talus 415 0 -2926 Rebellion Mission Terminal - Located inside cantina, backroom.
/waypoint naboo 2110 0 2571 Imperial Mission Terminal - Located outside the Cantina up the hill.
/waypoint naboo 1247 0 2693 Rebellion Mission Terminal - Located behind the Starport.
Recommendation group up with 2-3 additional players or alts*. Grab as many missions as possible ahead of the invasion in the same direction.
With 3-4 group members you will complete the "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" mission after 2 Terminal missions. Turn the "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" and REPEAT.
This has two benefits you will gain GCW points for completing the Terminal mission and the NPC's that spawn. You will also avoid the center of the PVP action.
*Note please respect PVP zone etiquette when operating alts in a designated PVP zone, there is no Rule as of yet but there may be one in the future.
Final reason why City Invasion is the best option for GCW points, using Galactic Civil War Tokens. Visit your faction recruiter, you can trade those Tokens for more GCW points by purchasing the "A 1000 Point Imperial/Rebellion Insignia" for 100 Galactic Civil War Tokens.
This means for every time you complete the mission "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" you can get 3500 GCW points when combined with Token purchase.
One more bonus if you succeed in the Invasion you get a bonus of 5000 GCW points and Tokens.
2. PVP Events
This at presently takes place nearly every Friday please visit the Community Updates section of the forum. Normally called Friday Night Fights.
You may also want to monitor global chat, if you see multiple kills in a short period of time check Discord PVP channel there may be some player hosted pvp action.
This tends to be the second best option to gain GCW points, normally you cap GCW points for the week from just one event.
Bonus you get Restuss Commendation for every player killed near you. These can be traded for rewards from the faction Commendation Officer. The weapons have a 2% damage bonus when deconstructed and crafted by a weaponsmith.
3. Hoth Heroic (Minimum 4 group members)
Visit the Aurilian Guild Hall on Dathomire.
/waypoint dathomire 5204 0 -4165

Seen here for Imperials visit the Imperial Snowtrooper on the left, Rebellion visit the Cold-weather Rebel Trooper on the right.
Minimum 4 group members need to be in party to enter the instance and keep the heroic instance open. These can be alts from your own account.
Typically I get 15,000+ GCW points from a single Hoth run. It can be run once a day.
Tips for Imperial faction members. I have placed a guide for Phase 2 on the forum. https://www.swgevolve.com/threads/833/
Once you are completed with the Hoth run, don't leave right away, backtrack on the Transport Ship Field and clear out the Rebel Pilots up to there spawn location, keep killing them you could easily leave with an additional 25,000+ GCW points before the instance force closes.
Tips for Rebellion faction members. Nothing at this time.
Benefits of doing Hoth Heroic is you don't have to deal with PVP, you also have the bonus of collecting Echo Base Tokens which can be used to purchase items from the troopers above in the picture.
GCW Rank takes time and not everyone is in favor of PVP but still want to have the GCW Flag to grant buffs for groups.
To obtain the GCW Flag one need to reach the Rank of Captain. Wish it was as simple as get xx amount of GCW points and you have it, but that is not the case it takes weeks to obtain, the once you have it, it was worth the wait.
After discussing with a few other players it seems like one can obtain somewhere around 30,000-35,000 GCW points per week before hitting the brick wall of diminishing returns.
So what does this mean?
You join the Rebellion or Imperial army, and you start as Private and begin ranking up.
(Note Rank increase takes place at 12:00 noon on Thursday Pacific Standard Time).
1st Day - Private
1st Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Lance Corporal
2nd Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Corporal
3rd Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Sergeant
4th Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Master Sergeant
5th Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Sergeant Major
6th Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Lieutenant
7th Week - 35,000 GCW - Rank, Captain (You can obtain the GCW Flag from the Requisitions from the Recruiter)
8th Week ...
Yes this means almost 2 months before you can obtain this highly prized GCW Flag.
What are the benefits of the GCW Flag?
2% Dodge, 2% Glancing Blow, 5% Critical Chance, 100 Agility, 100 Precision, 100 Constitution, 100 Luck, 100 Strength.
(Note all of the above can be obtain from one character except the 100 Strength which must be from a Ranked Jedi).
If you do City Invasion missions you will get Galactic Civil War Tokens, these can be traded in for another buff granting item that has a short duration but can be used often.
Visit the Recruiter and Requisition using Imperial Tokens. Purchase the Tactical Electrobinoculars for 1000 Tokens.
Tactical Electrobinoculars - 5% Damage for few Seconds, 3 Minute Cooldown.
What I found to be the single best way to gain GCW points is not from PVP events, but instead it comes from City Invasion.
1. City Invasion (Moderate PVP chance depending on player participation).

What you want is this mission "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" (Available only during Invasion). The mission is only available presently to players with 1 point in Assassin (Sorry Jedi please consider this petition in the suggestions forum https://www.swgevolve.com/threads/846/). For the defending faction the Field Commander will be located near a map. For the invading faction visit the staging tents outside the city.
When you first approach the Field Commander you will have your service locked to Special Forces (SF), this forces you into PVP mode in which other players can attack you. This is good, you will get occasional ticks of 250 GCW points while in SF (Special Forces). Note when SF players can track and attack you if they are also SF.
The mission "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" requests that you eliminate 10 opposing faction forces. Once complete you are rewarded with 2500 GCW points* and 100 Galactic Civil War Tokens. ***THE MISSION IS REPEATABLE***.
*Note you will gain less points if you are not SF.
The sequence of City Invasion is as follows Bestine (Tatooine) > Dearic (Talus) > Keren (Naboo) > Bestine (Tatooine)..... there is a 30 minute down time between Invasion.
For the defending faction you will have a steady stream of opposing faction forces coming at you.
Bestine (Very slow stream)
Keren (Reasonable stream)
Dearic (Fast steady stream)
How to speed up the mission when the stream of opposing faction forces is slow?
Get missions from the local faction mission terminal.

You can find the closest terminal in the following cities.
/waypoint tatooine -1069 0 -3596 Imperial Mission Terminal - Located near the Shuttleport.
No nearby Rebellion Mission Terminal please consider this petition to get one.
Add faction terminals
Could we please have faction terminals in every starport city. Most already have them, some do not for both factions. Suggestion place them at opposite sides of the city so opposing factions will not collide, or place it at the starport so that opposing factions will collide. At the very least...

/waypoint talus 241 0 -3070 Imperial Mission Terminal - Located outside the cloning center.
/waypoint talus 415 0 -2926 Rebellion Mission Terminal - Located inside cantina, backroom.
/waypoint naboo 2110 0 2571 Imperial Mission Terminal - Located outside the Cantina up the hill.
/waypoint naboo 1247 0 2693 Rebellion Mission Terminal - Located behind the Starport.
Recommendation group up with 2-3 additional players or alts*. Grab as many missions as possible ahead of the invasion in the same direction.
With 3-4 group members you will complete the "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" mission after 2 Terminal missions. Turn the "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" and REPEAT.
This has two benefits you will gain GCW points for completing the Terminal mission and the NPC's that spawn. You will also avoid the center of the PVP action.
*Note please respect PVP zone etiquette when operating alts in a designated PVP zone, there is no Rule as of yet but there may be one in the future.
Final reason why City Invasion is the best option for GCW points, using Galactic Civil War Tokens. Visit your faction recruiter, you can trade those Tokens for more GCW points by purchasing the "A 1000 Point Imperial/Rebellion Insignia" for 100 Galactic Civil War Tokens.
This means for every time you complete the mission "Need intelligence on the enemy, sir?" you can get 3500 GCW points when combined with Token purchase.
One more bonus if you succeed in the Invasion you get a bonus of 5000 GCW points and Tokens.
2. PVP Events
This at presently takes place nearly every Friday please visit the Community Updates section of the forum. Normally called Friday Night Fights.
Community Updates

This tends to be the second best option to gain GCW points, normally you cap GCW points for the week from just one event.
Bonus you get Restuss Commendation for every player killed near you. These can be traded for rewards from the faction Commendation Officer. The weapons have a 2% damage bonus when deconstructed and crafted by a weaponsmith.
3. Hoth Heroic (Minimum 4 group members)
Visit the Aurilian Guild Hall on Dathomire.
/waypoint dathomire 5204 0 -4165

Seen here for Imperials visit the Imperial Snowtrooper on the left, Rebellion visit the Cold-weather Rebel Trooper on the right.
Minimum 4 group members need to be in party to enter the instance and keep the heroic instance open. These can be alts from your own account.
Typically I get 15,000+ GCW points from a single Hoth run. It can be run once a day.
Tips for Imperial faction members. I have placed a guide for Phase 2 on the forum. https://www.swgevolve.com/threads/833/
Once you are completed with the Hoth run, don't leave right away, backtrack on the Transport Ship Field and clear out the Rebel Pilots up to there spawn location, keep killing them you could easily leave with an additional 25,000+ GCW points before the instance force closes.
Tips for Rebellion faction members. Nothing at this time.
Benefits of doing Hoth Heroic is you don't have to deal with PVP, you also have the bonus of collecting Echo Base Tokens which can be used to purchase items from the troopers above in the picture.
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