You may have just started playing and you ask yourself how can I make credits when looting mobs only grants me 1 credit. This is a guide for you.
I typically make 2m+ credits per day playing SWG Evolve. This is done casually.
Guide is broken up into 3 categories New Player, Endgame Easy Credits, Advanced Credits.
It assumes you have already reached high level and have basic gear, that is armor and weapon.
Section 1: New Player
The Junk Dealer is your friend, and enemy. I say enemy because to curtail players from overpricing it has been decided to limit players to 250k credits per day that you can make from this method. Typically found in the Market Place the + shape on the overlay map.

How can you make more using this option. Junk Loot doesn't sell for much and takes time to accumulate.
What does sell is Looted Stated Gear, Looted Weapons, and Looted Stims. Typically a reasonable level of these will sell between 6-11k credits each. You have 160 inventory slots.
28 items at 9k each is 252k credits. That hits your limit for the day.
So what can you do with the other 132 looted items? Trade them to your alternate characters, you can have 7 (8 if you have Jedi Unlocked).
Good Locations to get Stated Gear, Looted Weapons, and Looted Stims:
Hunt Silver Bracket NPC's.
Bottom of Ryatt Trail on Kashyyyk, many of these mobs drop these items. Note unlocking the bottom of Ryatt Trail is a good way to obtain some basic weapons for new players.
Death Watch Bunker, unlocked after talking to Boba Fett in Jabba's Palace. Note this has an added bonus because there is items that players want which will be discussed in Advanced Credits.
Corellian Corvette, Rebel, Imperial, and Neutral. Note this has an added bonus of the AV-21 Powerplant which is needed to craft the AV-21 Landspeeder.
Tip bring your alts with you have one of them be a smuggler with Off the Books, which calls a Junk Dealer to your location.
* Note be aware that alts have a Rule restriction in Death Watch Bunker.
Maximum Credits per day using this method.
250k x 7 = 1.75m + 250k (Jedi) = 2m credits
Mission Terminals, oldest consistent method to collect credits.

7-10k credits per mission. No limit per day.
Added bonus Creatures missions provide a chance to obtain resources Hide, Meat, Bone.
Added bonus NPC missions provide a chance to loot items that may be of value to Junk Dealer.
Added bonus Imperial or Rebel missions (visit Faction Mission Terminal) provide additional GCW (Galactic Civil War) points.
Tip bring alts, you can have 6 missions per character. Collect missions in the same direction to reduce travel time between missions. Sadly the reward credits is shared between group members within range.
Maximum Credits per Mission excursion.
10k x 6 = 60k x 7 = 420k + 60k (Jedi) = 480k credits
Section 2: Endgame Easy Credits
These are the credits you passively get doing activities, the big rewards are from Heroics.
Heroics or commonly known as OG's and Mustafar Heroics each provide 100k for each member of the group for the accomplishment of the heroic.
Travel to Mustafar and mission you want to start with is Supplies for the Miners provided by Foreman Chivos.
*Note you can skip the quests buy purchasing scrolls from the Mustafar Token Vendor.

The first Mustafar Heroic Reward comes from Transfer the AI mission. Where you travel to the Kubaza Beetle Cavern and kill the Kubaza Beetle Foreman.
Tip for Kubaza Beetle Cavern, take out the nests first, then if you can tank, deal a little damage to each individual beetle and let them keep attacking you until the Repair Droid places all the antenna.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The second Mustafar Heroic comes from the mission Wrong Place Wrong Time, Decrepit Droid Factory for short.
Tip you must have 2 characters to complete the mission.
It is possible to do this with alts but it is difficult.
For the first puzzle place an alt at the first room closest to the entrance with the access code. Place your main at the second room straight ahead from the entrance with the access code. Switch to your alt get the access code and remember its location, QUICKLY switch to your main and get the access code from the second room, Burst Run to the third room (near the Code Entry Terminal) get the access code, run out to the Code Entry Terminal and type in the correct access code.
For the second puzzle place an alt near the thing on the wall, place your main with a camera view for the second thing on the wall and the terminal, click the first thing on the wall with your alt, QUICKLY switch to your main and select the other thing on the wall then the terminal.
Rest of the mission is easy.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The third Mustafar Heroic comes from Trouble with HK-47: Defeat the Droid Army, Droid Army for short.
Tip once the GK spawns from the spawn location closest to the smaller camp the Foreman Commander Mk. I boss will spawn in the next phase, it drops the Warmly Glowing Metallic Eye which is used to create some special items.
Mission is easy long as you don't fall asleep, takes about 25-30 minutes.
It provides a very nice buff High Morale Victory which gives you 10% Dodge, +200 Luck, +100 Damage for 1 hour. Do note it takes 25-30 minutes to complete the mission.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The fourth Mustafar Heroic comes from Trouble with HK-47: Shut Down Factory, Operational Factory for short.
Tip you must have 2 characters to complete the mission.
It is possible to do this with alts but it is difficult.
First phase you will need to kill the first 2 droids at the same time (within 15 seconds) of each other, they are in separate rooms.
Second phase you will need an alt to run down the hallway to turn off the shield by pulling a rod and delivering to the device to shut down the shield.
Doom Bringer phase remove all area attacks and get the attention of the Doom Bringer that becomes active one by one, do so quickly and avoid hitting the radio active material in the center of the room. If the radio active material breaks you lose.
I prefer to skip this heroic, buy a scroll from the Mustafar Heroic Vendor.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The fifth Mustafar Heroic comes from Destroy HK-47, Champion of Mustafar for short.
On SWG Evolve this should be relatively easy to complete, just takes time.
Tip you will likely need to rebuff after taking out HK-47 as you deal with buff removals during the final phase. HK-47 drops the Warmly Glowing Reactive Antidote which is needed for the final Mustafar Heroic.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The sixth Mustafar Heroic comes from Sher Kar. Located at the end of the Tulrus Canyon.
Tip get a Warmly Glowing Teleport Device from the Mustafar Token Vendor to quickly teleport here.
You need to obtain Omniglobular Syringe by combining the following:
Warmly Glowing Reactive Antidote (Obtained from HK-47)
Warmly Glowing Poison Gland (Obtained from Malfosa in the Burning Plains)
Warmly Glowing Dispersal Unit (Obtained from combining Faintly Glowing Booster (Shambler, N. Burning Plains), Faintly Glowing Slave Collar (Mindless Treasure Hunters, N. Burning Plains), Faintly Glowing Patch of Hair (Blistmoks)).
Use the Chu Gon Dar cube to combine the items together.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
Maximum credits from Mustafar per day.
100k x 6 = 600k x 7 = 4.2m + 600k (Jedi) = 4.8m credits
OG's or Original Game Heroic, Aurilian Heroics, there are 6 Heroics.
Many players avoid doing these since they feel them to be to difficult to accomplish. I can accomplish them all with as little as 2 character and most of it with just 1 character.

TK - Tusken King Heroic
Tip on SWG Evolve you do not need to defend the cantina or the citizens and experts, making this very easy to complete. The Tusken King drops the Rucksack which can be in demand for some players.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
EK - Exar Kun Heroic
The hardest of all the heroics requires decent healing and dps along with ranged weapon swap it is doable alone, I need at least myself and an alt.
Tip Phase 1 If you can tank and heal it may be easiest to do alone. Phase 3 need decent dps otherwise during the end battle the lightning attacks get stronger and stronger and kill party members, avoid the gas it hurts. Phase 4 you can lure across the bridge allowing more space to stay out of the flames. Phase 5 doable alone, I put my alts on heal duty, take out Unquenchable Wrath (ranged weapon swap) first, then Promised Vengeance (ranged only), then Lingering Harmony & Embraced Chaos (both melee only).
Note if you are melee and use an area attack you could potentially kill everyone in the group. ranged area does not have this downside but be sure to not shoot directly the melee only bosses.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
AM - Axkva Min
With decent healing and dps its easy.
Tip Phase 2 Lelli Hi avoid her mine when she cloaks. Phase 3 occasionally move around to avoid damage especially if you have limited healing ability. Phase 4 Suin Chalo be sure to have weapon swap. Phase 5 try to space the group so that if you get gased it does not nuke the whole group.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
IG - IG-88
With decent healing and dps its easy.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
ISD - Imperial (Lost) Star Destroyer
With decent healing and dps its easy.
Tip fly the luxury yacht to the ISD in order to board this allows you to avoid confrontation in space. Phase 1 keep moving and take out the grenadiers first then Krix, stay out of his flames. Phase 5 Blacksun Boarders you can run to the end then kill the mobs in the engine room, the mission may move forward at this point avoiding taking out all the Boarders, if the mission does not move forward kill the engineers and take the elevator back.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
Hoth - Battle of Echo Base
Tip for imperials please check out my guide for 2nd Phase.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
Maximum credits from OG's Heroics per day.
100k x 6 = 600k x 7 = 4.2m + 600k (Jedi) = 4.8m credits
This brings the total for the activities for the day between New Player and Endgame Easy Credits to rougly 12.08m credits per day if you bring all your alts along.
Section 3: Advanced Credits
This section is largely based on player sales. You need to find a need and fill it.
Needs can consist of consumables, rare loot.
Tip watch the Galactic-Bazaar on SWG Evolves discord.
Common consumables are Resources, Drink, Food, and PuPs (Weapon, Clothing, Armor Power ups), Enhancers and Augmentation.
Resources, are always in demand for consumables, perhaps you can find out what a crafter wants and place harvesters on needed resources.
Drink, and Food are created through Chef crafting and are directly consumed making it always in demand.
PuPs are consumable but take a while to consume but this creates a demand of +35 Power Bits which are created via Reverse Engineering. Looted stated gear of +21 or higher can be in demand to create +35 Power Bits.
Enhancers, with the introduction of the Daily Challenges many players are obtaining large amount of these, the value has significantly dropped. Perfect +30 still should sell very nicely.
Augmentation, with the introduction of the Daily Challenges many players are obtaining large amount of these, the value has significantly dropped. Perfect +250 still should sell very nicely.
Rare Loot.
Depending on the players items that can be in demand Jewelry, Ancient Pearls, Backpacks, Liquids, Tokens, Rare Vehicles, Junk Loot.
Jewelry, not just Heroic Jewelry which requires Tokens to obtain, but also some bracelets like the Jedi Meditative Bracelet from Treasure Hunting.
Ancient Pearls, The Ancient Krayt Dragon Pearl from either Ancient Krayt Dragons, or Treasure Hunting, soon to be in demand Ancient Greater Krayt Dragon Pearl from the World Boss.
Backpacks, Obtainable from OG's, the Tusken Rucksack, Ace Field Packs from ISD, and Tauntaun Skull backpack from Hoth.
Liquids, Binary Liquid and Protective Liquid Coating from Death Watch Wraiths in the Death Watch Bunker are always in demand. This is the added bonus of hunting in DWB.
Tokens, OG Tokens, GCW Tokens, Battlefield Tokens are tradeable and can be in demand.
Rare Vehicles, sometimes players want Jetpack (Crafted in the DWB, Jetpack Base obtained from Blacksun on Yavin4), AV-21 (Corellian Corvette need Schematic and AV-21 Powerplant)...
Junk Loot, there are a few pieces of Junk Loot that are in demand that are looted only from OG's, so save that Junk Loot you never know when it will become in demand.
Craft Items.
With NGE mechanics we do not have decay so Weapons, Armor, Clothing, Factories and Harvesters last forever once crafted. These items therefore can cost a premium to obtain.
Weapons, a capped weapon can be sold for millions of credits, especially if its based off of a rare schematic.
Armor, getting that proper baked in stat for the chest plate can take time, so players either buy the cores to build there own, or you may have a special schematic that they want specially made.
Clothing, tailor a suit just for that player that wants to look good.
Factories and Harvesters, couple 100k for a capped Harvester, but new players may want Factories to get themselves established saving the hassle of crafting themselves.
Final Notes:
To save time on travel get Teleport Devices for Mustafar and Aurilia for OG's. Have your alts pile up in a vehicle and teleport to the Heroics.
There are other methods of making credits like Bounty Hunting, and Space Reverse Engineering, please chat with players that are more familiar with these avenues of obtaining credits.
I typically make 2m+ credits per day playing SWG Evolve. This is done casually.
Guide is broken up into 3 categories New Player, Endgame Easy Credits, Advanced Credits.
It assumes you have already reached high level and have basic gear, that is armor and weapon.
Section 1: New Player
The Junk Dealer is your friend, and enemy. I say enemy because to curtail players from overpricing it has been decided to limit players to 250k credits per day that you can make from this method. Typically found in the Market Place the + shape on the overlay map.

How can you make more using this option. Junk Loot doesn't sell for much and takes time to accumulate.
What does sell is Looted Stated Gear, Looted Weapons, and Looted Stims. Typically a reasonable level of these will sell between 6-11k credits each. You have 160 inventory slots.
28 items at 9k each is 252k credits. That hits your limit for the day.
So what can you do with the other 132 looted items? Trade them to your alternate characters, you can have 7 (8 if you have Jedi Unlocked).
Good Locations to get Stated Gear, Looted Weapons, and Looted Stims:
Hunt Silver Bracket NPC's.
Bottom of Ryatt Trail on Kashyyyk, many of these mobs drop these items. Note unlocking the bottom of Ryatt Trail is a good way to obtain some basic weapons for new players.
Death Watch Bunker, unlocked after talking to Boba Fett in Jabba's Palace. Note this has an added bonus because there is items that players want which will be discussed in Advanced Credits.
Corellian Corvette, Rebel, Imperial, and Neutral. Note this has an added bonus of the AV-21 Powerplant which is needed to craft the AV-21 Landspeeder.
Tip bring your alts with you have one of them be a smuggler with Off the Books, which calls a Junk Dealer to your location.
* Note be aware that alts have a Rule restriction in Death Watch Bunker.
Maximum Credits per day using this method.
250k x 7 = 1.75m + 250k (Jedi) = 2m credits
Mission Terminals, oldest consistent method to collect credits.

7-10k credits per mission. No limit per day.
Added bonus Creatures missions provide a chance to obtain resources Hide, Meat, Bone.
Added bonus NPC missions provide a chance to loot items that may be of value to Junk Dealer.
Added bonus Imperial or Rebel missions (visit Faction Mission Terminal) provide additional GCW (Galactic Civil War) points.
Tip bring alts, you can have 6 missions per character. Collect missions in the same direction to reduce travel time between missions. Sadly the reward credits is shared between group members within range.
Maximum Credits per Mission excursion.
10k x 6 = 60k x 7 = 420k + 60k (Jedi) = 480k credits
Section 2: Endgame Easy Credits
These are the credits you passively get doing activities, the big rewards are from Heroics.
Heroics or commonly known as OG's and Mustafar Heroics each provide 100k for each member of the group for the accomplishment of the heroic.
Travel to Mustafar and mission you want to start with is Supplies for the Miners provided by Foreman Chivos.
*Note you can skip the quests buy purchasing scrolls from the Mustafar Token Vendor.

The first Mustafar Heroic Reward comes from Transfer the AI mission. Where you travel to the Kubaza Beetle Cavern and kill the Kubaza Beetle Foreman.
Tip for Kubaza Beetle Cavern, take out the nests first, then if you can tank, deal a little damage to each individual beetle and let them keep attacking you until the Repair Droid places all the antenna.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The second Mustafar Heroic comes from the mission Wrong Place Wrong Time, Decrepit Droid Factory for short.
Tip you must have 2 characters to complete the mission.
It is possible to do this with alts but it is difficult.
For the first puzzle place an alt at the first room closest to the entrance with the access code. Place your main at the second room straight ahead from the entrance with the access code. Switch to your alt get the access code and remember its location, QUICKLY switch to your main and get the access code from the second room, Burst Run to the third room (near the Code Entry Terminal) get the access code, run out to the Code Entry Terminal and type in the correct access code.
For the second puzzle place an alt near the thing on the wall, place your main with a camera view for the second thing on the wall and the terminal, click the first thing on the wall with your alt, QUICKLY switch to your main and select the other thing on the wall then the terminal.
Rest of the mission is easy.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The third Mustafar Heroic comes from Trouble with HK-47: Defeat the Droid Army, Droid Army for short.
Tip once the GK spawns from the spawn location closest to the smaller camp the Foreman Commander Mk. I boss will spawn in the next phase, it drops the Warmly Glowing Metallic Eye which is used to create some special items.
Mission is easy long as you don't fall asleep, takes about 25-30 minutes.
It provides a very nice buff High Morale Victory which gives you 10% Dodge, +200 Luck, +100 Damage for 1 hour. Do note it takes 25-30 minutes to complete the mission.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The fourth Mustafar Heroic comes from Trouble with HK-47: Shut Down Factory, Operational Factory for short.
Tip you must have 2 characters to complete the mission.
It is possible to do this with alts but it is difficult.
First phase you will need to kill the first 2 droids at the same time (within 15 seconds) of each other, they are in separate rooms.
Second phase you will need an alt to run down the hallway to turn off the shield by pulling a rod and delivering to the device to shut down the shield.
Doom Bringer phase remove all area attacks and get the attention of the Doom Bringer that becomes active one by one, do so quickly and avoid hitting the radio active material in the center of the room. If the radio active material breaks you lose.
I prefer to skip this heroic, buy a scroll from the Mustafar Heroic Vendor.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The fifth Mustafar Heroic comes from Destroy HK-47, Champion of Mustafar for short.
On SWG Evolve this should be relatively easy to complete, just takes time.
Tip you will likely need to rebuff after taking out HK-47 as you deal with buff removals during the final phase. HK-47 drops the Warmly Glowing Reactive Antidote which is needed for the final Mustafar Heroic.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
The sixth Mustafar Heroic comes from Sher Kar. Located at the end of the Tulrus Canyon.
Tip get a Warmly Glowing Teleport Device from the Mustafar Token Vendor to quickly teleport here.
You need to obtain Omniglobular Syringe by combining the following:
Warmly Glowing Reactive Antidote (Obtained from HK-47)
Warmly Glowing Poison Gland (Obtained from Malfosa in the Burning Plains)
Warmly Glowing Dispersal Unit (Obtained from combining Faintly Glowing Booster (Shambler, N. Burning Plains), Faintly Glowing Slave Collar (Mindless Treasure Hunters, N. Burning Plains), Faintly Glowing Patch of Hair (Blistmoks)).
Use the Chu Gon Dar cube to combine the items together.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
Maximum credits from Mustafar per day.
100k x 6 = 600k x 7 = 4.2m + 600k (Jedi) = 4.8m credits
OG's or Original Game Heroic, Aurilian Heroics, there are 6 Heroics.
Many players avoid doing these since they feel them to be to difficult to accomplish. I can accomplish them all with as little as 2 character and most of it with just 1 character.

TK - Tusken King Heroic
Tip on SWG Evolve you do not need to defend the cantina or the citizens and experts, making this very easy to complete. The Tusken King drops the Rucksack which can be in demand for some players.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
EK - Exar Kun Heroic
The hardest of all the heroics requires decent healing and dps along with ranged weapon swap it is doable alone, I need at least myself and an alt.
Tip Phase 1 If you can tank and heal it may be easiest to do alone. Phase 3 need decent dps otherwise during the end battle the lightning attacks get stronger and stronger and kill party members, avoid the gas it hurts. Phase 4 you can lure across the bridge allowing more space to stay out of the flames. Phase 5 doable alone, I put my alts on heal duty, take out Unquenchable Wrath (ranged weapon swap) first, then Promised Vengeance (ranged only), then Lingering Harmony & Embraced Chaos (both melee only).
Note if you are melee and use an area attack you could potentially kill everyone in the group. ranged area does not have this downside but be sure to not shoot directly the melee only bosses.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
AM - Axkva Min
With decent healing and dps its easy.
Tip Phase 2 Lelli Hi avoid her mine when she cloaks. Phase 3 occasionally move around to avoid damage especially if you have limited healing ability. Phase 4 Suin Chalo be sure to have weapon swap. Phase 5 try to space the group so that if you get gased it does not nuke the whole group.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
IG - IG-88
With decent healing and dps its easy.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
ISD - Imperial (Lost) Star Destroyer
With decent healing and dps its easy.
Tip fly the luxury yacht to the ISD in order to board this allows you to avoid confrontation in space. Phase 1 keep moving and take out the grenadiers first then Krix, stay out of his flames. Phase 5 Blacksun Boarders you can run to the end then kill the mobs in the engine room, the mission may move forward at this point avoiding taking out all the Boarders, if the mission does not move forward kill the engineers and take the elevator back.
Reward 100k credits per group member.
Hoth - Battle of Echo Base
Tip for imperials please check out my guide for 2nd Phase.
Ayusaru's Imperial Hoth 2nd Phase - Tip Guide
Some players have been asking how I complete Imperial Hoth 2nd Phase quickly with all objectives. Note if your looking for the Echo Base Sharpshooters, only 1 spawns per Hoth run, it will take multiple Hoth runs to complete. This is the route I take. This does not list all the Gold Bracket...

Maximum credits from OG's Heroics per day.
100k x 6 = 600k x 7 = 4.2m + 600k (Jedi) = 4.8m credits
This brings the total for the activities for the day between New Player and Endgame Easy Credits to rougly 12.08m credits per day if you bring all your alts along.
Section 3: Advanced Credits
This section is largely based on player sales. You need to find a need and fill it.
Needs can consist of consumables, rare loot.
Tip watch the Galactic-Bazaar on SWG Evolves discord.
Common consumables are Resources, Drink, Food, and PuPs (Weapon, Clothing, Armor Power ups), Enhancers and Augmentation.
Resources, are always in demand for consumables, perhaps you can find out what a crafter wants and place harvesters on needed resources.
Drink, and Food are created through Chef crafting and are directly consumed making it always in demand.
PuPs are consumable but take a while to consume but this creates a demand of +35 Power Bits which are created via Reverse Engineering. Looted stated gear of +21 or higher can be in demand to create +35 Power Bits.
Enhancers, with the introduction of the Daily Challenges many players are obtaining large amount of these, the value has significantly dropped. Perfect +30 still should sell very nicely.
Augmentation, with the introduction of the Daily Challenges many players are obtaining large amount of these, the value has significantly dropped. Perfect +250 still should sell very nicely.
Rare Loot.
Depending on the players items that can be in demand Jewelry, Ancient Pearls, Backpacks, Liquids, Tokens, Rare Vehicles, Junk Loot.
Jewelry, not just Heroic Jewelry which requires Tokens to obtain, but also some bracelets like the Jedi Meditative Bracelet from Treasure Hunting.
Ancient Pearls, The Ancient Krayt Dragon Pearl from either Ancient Krayt Dragons, or Treasure Hunting, soon to be in demand Ancient Greater Krayt Dragon Pearl from the World Boss.
Backpacks, Obtainable from OG's, the Tusken Rucksack, Ace Field Packs from ISD, and Tauntaun Skull backpack from Hoth.
Liquids, Binary Liquid and Protective Liquid Coating from Death Watch Wraiths in the Death Watch Bunker are always in demand. This is the added bonus of hunting in DWB.
Tokens, OG Tokens, GCW Tokens, Battlefield Tokens are tradeable and can be in demand.
Rare Vehicles, sometimes players want Jetpack (Crafted in the DWB, Jetpack Base obtained from Blacksun on Yavin4), AV-21 (Corellian Corvette need Schematic and AV-21 Powerplant)...
Junk Loot, there are a few pieces of Junk Loot that are in demand that are looted only from OG's, so save that Junk Loot you never know when it will become in demand.
Craft Items.
With NGE mechanics we do not have decay so Weapons, Armor, Clothing, Factories and Harvesters last forever once crafted. These items therefore can cost a premium to obtain.
Weapons, a capped weapon can be sold for millions of credits, especially if its based off of a rare schematic.
Armor, getting that proper baked in stat for the chest plate can take time, so players either buy the cores to build there own, or you may have a special schematic that they want specially made.
Clothing, tailor a suit just for that player that wants to look good.
Factories and Harvesters, couple 100k for a capped Harvester, but new players may want Factories to get themselves established saving the hassle of crafting themselves.
Final Notes:
To save time on travel get Teleport Devices for Mustafar and Aurilia for OG's. Have your alts pile up in a vehicle and teleport to the Heroics.
There are other methods of making credits like Bounty Hunting, and Space Reverse Engineering, please chat with players that are more familiar with these avenues of obtaining credits.
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