This is not an end all guide to making macros, I will cover a basic design for making combat macros, assist macros, miscellaneous macros.
First off lets get the 3rd row on the Abilities Bar,
Hit "O" which brings up Options window, select Interface, then check Expand Toolbar to a Third Row.

Section 1: Combat Macros
Typical Abilities Bar Example:

I have many attacks and healing abilities along with some utility abilities and items.
We can make the use of all these much easier then pressing "1" through "=" or Shift+"1" through "=" by making macros.
Hit ";" to access your Command Browser (Abilities), select the Macro tab, select New Macro.

Give the macro a Name, an Icon, and then in the macro text we will start typing up the macro.
Section 1: Combat Macro's
What is typically in a combat macro?
Your attacks, heals, repeatable item buffs/stims.
What commands are typically used?
/ui action toolbarSlotxx (where xx is correlates to the button on the abilities bar, NOTE the command is case sensitive it needs the capital "S").
/pause xx (where xx correlates to duration of a pause between the last command given and the next one to follow, lowest possible pause between is .1).
/macro xx (where xx correlates to the macro that will be called, typically by placing this at the end followed by the present macro will create a loopback, or repeat of the command).
/dump (cancels all macros, may need to be pressed multiple times due to lag).
Below is a general guide to the layout of toolbarSlotxx:

3rd TOP Row
2nd MIDDLE Row (Keyboard Shift+"1" through "=")
1st BOTTOM Row (Keyboard "1" through "=")
Macro Name: Dump
Explained: Most important macro, because it cancels all other macros, this is important because when you start a looping macro, it will not stop unless you use this command /dump.
Macro Name: 0-Start
/macro 1-Combat
/pause .3
/macro 1-Combat
/macro 0-Start
Explained: This will start the button smashing macro, then pause for 0.3 seconds, then loop the macro back on itself.
Macro Name: 1-Combat
/ui action toolbarSlot12;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot13;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot14;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot15;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot16;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot17;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot18;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot19;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot24;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot25;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot26;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot27;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot28;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot29;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot30;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot31;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot32;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot33;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot34;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot35;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot12;
Explained: It will press all the abilities on the ability bar between 12-19 and 24-35.

To begin the macro you can type /macro 0-Start or place the macro on the abilities bar, and to end the macro you could type /macro Dump or place the macro on the abilities bar.
Lets make it much more simple.
Hit "O" which brings up the Options window, select Keymap, then the Custom tab. Navigate to Start-att, select Rebind.

I typically assign my combat macro to "Q" as it is close to my directional keys WASD.
*Dont forget to assign the macro Dump. I typically assign my dump macro to "E"
Section 2: Assist Macro's
If you have alternate characters (alts) that you want to travel with your main character (main), and don't want them to be useless, this is the basic guide for you.
Note before proceeding please follow AFK Rules and general kindness to other players when running around with a small army (some players are very sensitive to having alts in pvp, even if its outside of pvp zones and events, please use discretion as there is not yet a rule involving every aspect of these two scenarios).
So we already have a combat macro created so that's great we can activate that and then switch to our alt and select a target then switch back to our main. But that takes time, we want things to be fluid and seamless.
What commands will you typically use for assist macro's?
/pause xx (where xx correlates to duration of a pause between the last command given and the next one to follow, lowest possible pause between is .1).
/join (to automatically join a group)
/follow xx (xx corresponding to the avatar you want follow)
/mount (to automatically mount a vehicle that lands on the reticle, sometimes you will need to manually target the vehicle with an alt)
/assist xx (xx corresponding to the avatar you want to assist)
My basic assist macro's:
Macro Name: Join
/pause 1;
/follow xx;
/pause 1;
/macro Join
Explained: This macro will cause the character to automatically accept invites to groups, followed by follow the main character represented by xx, then attempts to mount a targeted vehicle.
(Replace xx in the macro with the name of the main character you run around with that will be assisted)
Note I slow down this macro some as these command do not need to be activated as often. I also occasionally at /harvest xx (xx corresponding to meat, hide, bone) to this macro, sadly you may have to occasionally manually target the creature to harvest these resources as the command needs to be issued while the reticle is hovering over the corpse, you will run into a similar issue on occasion with the /mount command in which the target reticle needs to be highlighted on the vehicle.
Macro Name: Assist
/assist xx;
/pause .1;
/macro Assist
Explained: This macro causes the character running the macro to assist the main character representing xx, in which what xx targets will cause this character to also target.
(Replace xx in the macro with the name of the main character you run around with that will be assisted)
Now occasionally you want to assist the leader of a group (especially in pvp) that way all in the group focus on a specific target that is called out. You will want to use the following command.
/ui action targetGroup0
I typically assign this macro to "R" on my keyboard for easy access.
Section 3: Miscellaneous Macros
These are a few special case scenarios where I want a macro that does a specific thing.
What commands will you typically use for specific thing's macro's?
/harvest xx (xx corresponding to meat, hide, bone)
/loot (loots the reticled corpse)
/deathblow (deals deathblow to reticled player corpse)
/forage (forages off the group, find enzymes, treasure maps, bait)
/mount (mount the reticled vehicle)
/ui action cycleTargetOutward (Cycles target outward from your location, repeated will cycle further out based on camera angle, you also can replace Outward with Inward, it is case sensitive)
/ui action targetSelf (Targets yourself)
Macro Name: Loot
/harvest hide
Explained: When I use this macro it will attempt the following on my highlighted reticle, loot, harvest hide, mount, forage.
Note /forage causes a delay to the activation of your abilities, so you will not want to run this on a repeat macro, or possibly remove this command from the macro all together, at the very least make sure its at the end of the macro otherwise it will prevent the commands that follow.
Macro Name: Death
/pause .1
Explained: Primarily used in PVP will attempt a deathblow to an incapped player highlighted by the reticle.
Note /deathblow causes a delay to the activation of your abilities much like /forage, so if you decide to run this on a repeat macro you may want to slow it down.
Macro Name: Turret
/ui action targetSelf;
/pause .1;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 3;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 3;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 3;
/m turret
Explained: This macro targets yourself then cycles the target outward from you, does this 3 times then loops and does it again.
Combine this with Ctrl+Shift+S to begin bullet-time/screen-pan, camera will rotate around your avatar, and cycle outward from your location. Run Start-att alongside and you will automatically pickup new targets and use combat specials on them. Simple AFK farming, be sure to respect AFK farming rules.
Final Thoughts:
Once again I want to emphasize that I play as a button smasher, that is I don't carefully time my abilities.
Carefully timed abilities can provide better damage output, healing timing, and utility.
Note on healing timing you waste heals using them on a macro such as this.
Note on utility that is abilities that end on a cooldown and would have been better activated at a specific moment in combat verses random. Examples would be Debuffs (Stun), DoT's.
Some players find it better to run a macro with a .3 timing versus .1 timing, they say it causes less miss fires.
Using macros like these also can cause miss fires for manually selected abilities like Position Secure, which you may activate it and it goes on cooldown but doesn't actually apply, in this event you may want to dump your macros apply the ability and then start back up the macros.
First off lets get the 3rd row on the Abilities Bar,
Hit "O" which brings up Options window, select Interface, then check Expand Toolbar to a Third Row.

Section 1: Combat Macros
Typical Abilities Bar Example:

I have many attacks and healing abilities along with some utility abilities and items.
We can make the use of all these much easier then pressing "1" through "=" or Shift+"1" through "=" by making macros.
Hit ";" to access your Command Browser (Abilities), select the Macro tab, select New Macro.

Give the macro a Name, an Icon, and then in the macro text we will start typing up the macro.
Section 1: Combat Macro's
What is typically in a combat macro?
Your attacks, heals, repeatable item buffs/stims.
What commands are typically used?
/ui action toolbarSlotxx (where xx is correlates to the button on the abilities bar, NOTE the command is case sensitive it needs the capital "S").
/pause xx (where xx correlates to duration of a pause between the last command given and the next one to follow, lowest possible pause between is .1).
/macro xx (where xx correlates to the macro that will be called, typically by placing this at the end followed by the present macro will create a loopback, or repeat of the command).
/dump (cancels all macros, may need to be pressed multiple times due to lag).
Below is a general guide to the layout of toolbarSlotxx:

3rd TOP Row
2nd MIDDLE Row (Keyboard Shift+"1" through "=")
1st BOTTOM Row (Keyboard "1" through "=")
Macro Name: Dump
Explained: Most important macro, because it cancels all other macros, this is important because when you start a looping macro, it will not stop unless you use this command /dump.
Macro Name: 0-Start
/macro 1-Combat
/pause .3
/macro 1-Combat
/macro 0-Start
Explained: This will start the button smashing macro, then pause for 0.3 seconds, then loop the macro back on itself.
Macro Name: 1-Combat
/ui action toolbarSlot12;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot13;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot14;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot15;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot16;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot17;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot18;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot19;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot24;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot25;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot26;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot27;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot28;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot29;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot30;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot31;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot32;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot33;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot34;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot35;
/pause 0;
/ui action toolbarSlot12;
Explained: It will press all the abilities on the ability bar between 12-19 and 24-35.

To begin the macro you can type /macro 0-Start or place the macro on the abilities bar, and to end the macro you could type /macro Dump or place the macro on the abilities bar.
Lets make it much more simple.
Hit "O" which brings up the Options window, select Keymap, then the Custom tab. Navigate to Start-att, select Rebind.

I typically assign my combat macro to "Q" as it is close to my directional keys WASD.
*Dont forget to assign the macro Dump. I typically assign my dump macro to "E"
Section 2: Assist Macro's
If you have alternate characters (alts) that you want to travel with your main character (main), and don't want them to be useless, this is the basic guide for you.
Note before proceeding please follow AFK Rules and general kindness to other players when running around with a small army (some players are very sensitive to having alts in pvp, even if its outside of pvp zones and events, please use discretion as there is not yet a rule involving every aspect of these two scenarios).
Evolve Rules and Policies
Server Guidelines The following guidelines are the basic rules of conduct that govern player interaction and activity and are strictly forbidden within any SWG: Evolve platform. Failure to act responsibly and comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action, which may include account...

So we already have a combat macro created so that's great we can activate that and then switch to our alt and select a target then switch back to our main. But that takes time, we want things to be fluid and seamless.
What commands will you typically use for assist macro's?
/pause xx (where xx correlates to duration of a pause between the last command given and the next one to follow, lowest possible pause between is .1).
/join (to automatically join a group)
/follow xx (xx corresponding to the avatar you want follow)
/mount (to automatically mount a vehicle that lands on the reticle, sometimes you will need to manually target the vehicle with an alt)
/assist xx (xx corresponding to the avatar you want to assist)
My basic assist macro's:
Macro Name: Join
/pause 1;
/follow xx;
/pause 1;
/macro Join
Explained: This macro will cause the character to automatically accept invites to groups, followed by follow the main character represented by xx, then attempts to mount a targeted vehicle.
(Replace xx in the macro with the name of the main character you run around with that will be assisted)
Note I slow down this macro some as these command do not need to be activated as often. I also occasionally at /harvest xx (xx corresponding to meat, hide, bone) to this macro, sadly you may have to occasionally manually target the creature to harvest these resources as the command needs to be issued while the reticle is hovering over the corpse, you will run into a similar issue on occasion with the /mount command in which the target reticle needs to be highlighted on the vehicle.
Macro Name: Assist
/assist xx;
/pause .1;
/macro Assist
Explained: This macro causes the character running the macro to assist the main character representing xx, in which what xx targets will cause this character to also target.
(Replace xx in the macro with the name of the main character you run around with that will be assisted)
Now occasionally you want to assist the leader of a group (especially in pvp) that way all in the group focus on a specific target that is called out. You will want to use the following command.
/ui action targetGroup0
I typically assign this macro to "R" on my keyboard for easy access.
Section 3: Miscellaneous Macros
These are a few special case scenarios where I want a macro that does a specific thing.
What commands will you typically use for specific thing's macro's?
/harvest xx (xx corresponding to meat, hide, bone)
/loot (loots the reticled corpse)
/deathblow (deals deathblow to reticled player corpse)
/forage (forages off the group, find enzymes, treasure maps, bait)
/mount (mount the reticled vehicle)
/ui action cycleTargetOutward (Cycles target outward from your location, repeated will cycle further out based on camera angle, you also can replace Outward with Inward, it is case sensitive)
/ui action targetSelf (Targets yourself)
Macro Name: Loot
/harvest hide
Explained: When I use this macro it will attempt the following on my highlighted reticle, loot, harvest hide, mount, forage.
Note /forage causes a delay to the activation of your abilities, so you will not want to run this on a repeat macro, or possibly remove this command from the macro all together, at the very least make sure its at the end of the macro otherwise it will prevent the commands that follow.
Macro Name: Death
/pause .1
Explained: Primarily used in PVP will attempt a deathblow to an incapped player highlighted by the reticle.
Note /deathblow causes a delay to the activation of your abilities much like /forage, so if you decide to run this on a repeat macro you may want to slow it down.
Macro Name: Turret
/ui action targetSelf;
/pause .1;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 3;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 3;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 3;
/m turret
Explained: This macro targets yourself then cycles the target outward from you, does this 3 times then loops and does it again.
Combine this with Ctrl+Shift+S to begin bullet-time/screen-pan, camera will rotate around your avatar, and cycle outward from your location. Run Start-att alongside and you will automatically pickup new targets and use combat specials on them. Simple AFK farming, be sure to respect AFK farming rules.
Final Thoughts:
Once again I want to emphasize that I play as a button smasher, that is I don't carefully time my abilities.
Carefully timed abilities can provide better damage output, healing timing, and utility.
Note on healing timing you waste heals using them on a macro such as this.
Note on utility that is abilities that end on a cooldown and would have been better activated at a specific moment in combat verses random. Examples would be Debuffs (Stun), DoT's.
Some players find it better to run a macro with a .3 timing versus .1 timing, they say it causes less miss fires.
Using macros like these also can cause miss fires for manually selected abilities like Position Secure, which you may activate it and it goes on cooldown but doesn't actually apply, in this event you may want to dump your macros apply the ability and then start back up the macros.
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