Power Levels


New member
May 15, 2024
Portland, Oregon, United States
Power Level: A value reflecting your character's power after hitting max CL
- Since 1-90 is such a small part of the progression, the CL indicator on the nameplate turns into wasted space for most players.
-As harder PvE content gets released, a suggested power level would be the easiest way to understand if you're ready or not.
-Getting Bounty hunted with no chance of victory is frustrating, but seeing the BH's power level at least shows you where you need to reach, to stand a chance.
-A character with the best gear and all the buffs would represent the current max power level. If higher tier gear is added, "raising the max power level" is very clear and understandable messaging.
-Seeing that power level go up as you get buffed, rather than having to hover over each buff icon, would be sick.
-All-in-all, a clear number to work towards is just easy to grasp and satisfying.

Possible implementation, but I'm no doctor: After hitting 90, a number preceded by a "+" is displayed where your CL used to be. The number equals the sum total of all 6 attributes, divided by 150.
A character just hitting max level would be anywhere from 2 to 5.

I dueled a friend who was newer than me. He didn't stand a chance. His power level would've been 10 while mine, 24. A 14 point difference makes sense as a bad match-up.
I realize that this doesn't account for skill mods and build choices. That just means there would be a gap range of "good match-ups" which is good in my opinion.

(Mockup, Power Levels on the left and Combat Levels on the right)
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Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
SoCal, USA
I like it! I'd also be happy to help put together some formulas that would account for most of the predictable elements of character power (keeping in mind you'll probably not be able to account for player skill and strong build which actually are probably two of the biggest factors in my opinion).

Do you think this number should reflect PvP or PvE capability? I say this because Jedi FRS ranks (and possible other things down the line) is expected to be only improve PvP performance. I guess it could also average them.


New member
May 15, 2024
Portland, Oregon, United States
I like it! I'd also be happy to help put together some formulas that would account for most of the predictable elements of character power (keeping in mind you'll probably not be able to account for player skill and strong build which actually are probably two of the biggest factors in my opinion).

Do you think this number should reflect PvP or PvE capability? I say this because Jedi FRS ranks (and possible other things down the line) is expected to be only improve PvP performance. I guess it could also average them.
Great! Yes I think the power level taking more factors into account would be helpful. I wasn't sure if my suggestion would be a huge undertaking, dev-wise, so I used a super basic formula based on a single duel (When I fought my friend, RIP) I don't think it should account for player skill or strong build, even in a perfect world.

I think it should reflect PvP & PvE capability as much as CL currently does. Thinking about the new player experience: anyone that participates in any combat should be motivated to raise their Power Level.

This combined with a guide (in-game or otherwise) that points the player towards some Power Level raising activities would do wonders for attracting and retaining more casual players, I believe. I'm basing this assumption off of my experience (still quite new) playing with my friend who's even newer.


New member
Mar 12, 2023
You got my vote on it, I think it would help us realize with the weapons we equip, well as all the clickies and buffs we can acquire. Allowing us to work with the current buff bloat.


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
SoCal, USA
So I've personally never played a game which had one of these systems, but I was talking about with this with some other folks who have experience with a system like this on other games, which I didn't realize is actually not hugely uncommon. They've recollected that those "item level" alike system have bred an atmosphere of elitism towards players wanting to do group content, and toxicity in PvP. I can totally see a risk of that, and giving me second thoughts.


New member
May 15, 2024
Portland, Oregon, United States
So I've personally never played a game which had one of these systems, but I was talking about with this with some other folks who have experience with a system like this on other games, which I didn't realize is actually not hugely uncommon. They've recollected that those "item level" alike system have bred an atmosphere of elitism towards players wanting to do group content, and toxicity in PvP. I can totally see a risk of that, and giving me second thoughts.
Well I'm only familiar with WoW's iLevel system. In a WoW raid, a couple underpowered or inattentive players could mean a party wipe. The iLevel is just a depiction of the players' viability. If anything is breeding toxicity, it's the high standards of the raid and/or players that don't want to waste their time. If this server were to add ultra-hard heroics and people were to get toxic about power levels, these same supposed people would be just as toxic about arriving buffed. If the instances were difficult enough, people would ask new potential raiders about their gear. Like, if there was a chance that the stats of a greenhorn would mean you couldn't finish the raid and would be locked out for that day, of course people would ensure the adequacy of their team. A power level simplifying the information wouldn't be the thing breeding toxicity. What would be a more traumatic experience: being told that you can't come to the raid because your not strong enough, or getting to come along only for you to eventually realize (or are told) that you're the reason 7 people just wasted their shot at completing the raid for the day? I'd imagine the latter. I'd be curious if your sources were citing any small MMOs as being toxic because of item levels. WoW is huge, and anonymity invites toxicity (see social media)

As far as PvP, this is a server where my interest in ranking up my jedi forces me to get hunted by BHs. In the moment, it's super frustrating given the fact that I've literally had 0 chance at winning any of those fights. But conceptually it's fun, adds variety and makes sense lore-wise; so it's a net positive. My point is that the PvP in this game, and particularly this server, is already set up to be toxic, on paper at least. I could see someone being toxic about defeating another player with a much higher power level. If it really becomes a problem you could just remove power levels. This is just a UI change after all, and players wouldn't be losing anything.

Also a possible compromise could be integrating power levels into titles. So for example, I could choose to display "+94 Dark Jedi Knight" or just "Dark Jedi Knight"
Or the power level is in my character sheet and only I can see it. My friend and I share screenshots of our attributes. It would be nice to just say a number.