Hi Folks, like most of you i love how much versatility evolve has for building different types of builds. It makes the game super fun to dabble with!
There are some wierd things compared to live that affect a bunch of stats (i hear some of this is being looked at) that have resulted in either insane damage and/or insane defenses
to demonstrate, i can take a teras kasi character, stick steel body on them and tank unkajo and all his wampa's in hoth, solo without losing any health atall!
There are two things i'd like to propose
1. Return the stat amounts to their original return values from the original game (i.e 1 point in strikethough chance is actually 0.4% strikethrough chance etc) so that we dont have these crazy 100% dodge chance, parry chance or block chance combo's going on
. For some stats this is already the case such as healing potentcy as i understand it
2. We apply DR, but we only apply DR to PUPs, and Exotic Mods, This will encourage some diversity in core stat usage in armor and clothing etc (this would mean skill tree boxes should give the values they say, but as a value, not a percentage, values could be adjusted for rebalancing if desired and these should not suffer DR) what that will do is reward a tank for being a tank, but a pure dps cannot just pup thier way to similar immortality
3. The DR should be pretty severe to keep insane damage or defense in check if we dont do suggestion 1
thoughts and comments?
There are some wierd things compared to live that affect a bunch of stats (i hear some of this is being looked at) that have resulted in either insane damage and/or insane defenses
to demonstrate, i can take a teras kasi character, stick steel body on them and tank unkajo and all his wampa's in hoth, solo without losing any health atall!
There are two things i'd like to propose
1. Return the stat amounts to their original return values from the original game (i.e 1 point in strikethough chance is actually 0.4% strikethrough chance etc) so that we dont have these crazy 100% dodge chance, parry chance or block chance combo's going on
2. We apply DR, but we only apply DR to PUPs, and Exotic Mods, This will encourage some diversity in core stat usage in armor and clothing etc (this would mean skill tree boxes should give the values they say, but as a value, not a percentage, values could be adjusted for rebalancing if desired and these should not suffer DR) what that will do is reward a tank for being a tank, but a pure dps cannot just pup thier way to similar immortality
3. The DR should be pretty severe to keep insane damage or defense in check if we dont do suggestion 1
thoughts and comments?