Hi I am new.


New member
May 13, 2024
United States New York
Just wondering if the game is going to be keeping the same leveling pace. I feel no accomplishment with leveling to 90 in two or three hours of creating the account. I would like to work at something. If there is a plans to increase the amount of xps needed to level in the trees I would stick around or come back after the change happens. Thank you for your time.


New member
Feb 5, 2024
The intention behind xp here, as I understand it, is to eliminate the grind x 7 (or 8 if you unlock) so you can instead focus on ingame fun. Themeparks, space, pvp, OGs, etc...

While I have fond memories of grinding out my first toon in live, I hated grinding out template changes. There's so much more to do in this game than missions on repeat.
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New member
May 13, 2024
United States New York
See I find having it handed to me boring. I like the grind having to work for something feels like an achievement. Once 90 what's the point after you grind the gear idk what's fun about that but that's just me. I guess this isn't for me thanks for the information I will look for one where I can feel like I have achieved something. I played SWG when it originally came out and it took a long to time achieve something and that's what I prefer. Hate having things just handed to me with minimal effort. Thanks again for the information. I will keep looking have a nice day.


Dec 30, 2023
Just wondering if the game is going to be keeping the same leveling pace. I feel no accomplishment with leveling to 90 in two or three hours of creating the account. I would like to work at something. If there is a plans to increase the amount of xps needed to level in the trees I would stick around or come back after the change happens. Thank you for your time.
Greetings, and welcome to our server!

XP and leveling in terms of building up a base character has been accelerated with the main goal, as Rimy said, to get people into the action as quickly as possible. One of the reasons for this is to lean more into the classless flexibility of all the major professions with the exclusion of Jedi. Jedi is currently being reworked, and there are some major foundational changes being developed and refined to make the experience actively different from the way the game feels to play.

In the future, though, we are going to be implementing a lot more goal oriented content, but in the meantime, the process behind Jedi unlocking and leveling with its FRS system implementation should satiate your desire to progress toward something.

However, this server doesn't give "handouts." It's moreso focused on letting you get prepared for endgame content faster, and taking out a lot of arbitrary grind that is not exactly very interesting. So while things are easier to get in some places, you won't be getting everything in the game in a week.

You may find chasing a number interesting; as do many other servers. However, ours would prefer to make progression something you can feel rather than something you can see, if that makes sense.


New member
May 13, 2024
United States New York
Its all good I like the grind if I make 90 in two to three hours that's a handout to me. Like I said I rather earn it. It's not chasing a number to me it is earning something if anyone can bang it out that fast it leaves little to be desired if that makes sense. I will just look for one more my pace. To me If I am 90 and I am doing the quests to do them and get the story and there is no challenge because I am 90 I will lose interest I want the challenge. I am the guy who plays Elden ring on the hardest settings so I have to push my self lol. but again thanks for the info. I will just keep looking thanks.


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Unfortunately what happens on many NGE based servers is the following:

1. Create character.
2. Join AFK group
3. Leave PC running until level 90
4. Create alts and join group
5. Grind credits AFK until you afford armor

Our initial leveling and reduced AFK credit drops were to curb this and reward actual at the keyboard play.


New member
May 13, 2024
United States New York
I don't AFK grind I feel what's the point. Its lazy to me. If people wana play that way that's ok but I want to grind it out work hard. I played back when the game was still owned by Sony and became a Jedi the hard way visiting the POI and gaining Force sensitive meeting the jedi in the desert going to the jedi hidden village and grinding the xps and exchanging them for jedi xps lol. I like that. I played last night started a crafter and made 90 in a short time. Made a Character to be my combat person and when I saw how fast I was gaining xps I stopped. but thank you for your time all have a great day. I will move on and I will be shutting off notifications so I do not get any more alerts so I wont return thank you.


Dec 30, 2023
I'm not sure spending days doing mundane tasks to reach level 90 is even remotely on the same level as playing a Souls-like game when talking about difficulty, but that's just me.

I respect the desire for challenge, and we certainly have that and will include far more down the road, but leveling isn't one of those areas.


New member
May 13, 2024
United States New York
Lol luckily, I was still here reading something that was the point I like the challenge wasn't saying they were the same or in the same ballpark lol. Its the challenge. I like grinding and working at something. To me it's not mundane what's mundane to me is having something hand to me to the point there is no challenge. End game in a day is not fun after that it's just trying to get the best gear. Thats what is mundane to me. I want something that takes days to earn. Its all good bro if thats what you like. I have 6 friends we all game together in mmos and we all look for that challenge. but have a great day and enjoy.


New member
May 16, 2024
Casa Grande, AZ
Hi, I am new and after reading this post, this IS exactly my style. No AFK grinding for me, thanks. And, no AFK anything either. I have a wife, five kids, a mortgage, and all that comes with that. That's plenty challenge enough for me and that is the long, 20+ year grind, if you take my meaning. When I do get time for me to do much of anything, honestly, I don't have time to waste endlessly doing anything. I'd just quit because, I won't ever have the time to commit to anything like that, at minimum, for the next two decades. My fifth was born just over a month ago. So, when I play, I like to dig right in. Made an Entertainer already and am hoping to get some times I might be able to meet up with some other players. I just need to know when a good time to jump on usually is. I am on AZ time Zone so, if someone could tell me when most players are on, I sure would like to meet up. It has been 13 years since I last played so, and I first played six months before Sony shut the game down. To say that I am a noob would be accurate. In many real ways, this will be my actual first real play-through of this game and all I ever knew of SWG was NGE. I missed everything else because I was in college and broke at the the time. I didn't have $15.00 at the time to afford a sub, which it still was until the shutdown. Before that, I didn't even own a computer of my own. So, for me, this will be my first time all over again.

I'm very glad to meet everyone and hope to meet ya'll in-game soon. Don't forget to drop me some general time frames to jump on and meet everyone. This sounds like my cup-of-tea and I'm happy to have found this particular SWG, NGE Server. See you soon and thank you for letting me join up.


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Glad to have you join us. I'm in a very similar boat having 5 kids myself. There is a ton of Quality of Life updates on this server that saves time and makes the game what it is, a fun break from reality.

The current state of heroic Instances are a bit of a breeze but that is intentional. That content is 20 years old and very little reason for it to take players forever to do.

We are working on future content that will be harder and more challenging but at the same time it's not going to be some extreme time consumption and we are leaning into have some unique mechanics in those.


New member
May 16, 2024
Casa Grande, AZ
Glad to have you join us. I'm in a very similar boat having 5 kids myself. There is a ton of Quality of Life updates on this server that saves time and makes the game what it is, a fun break from reality.

The current state of heroic Instances are a bit of a breeze but that is intentional. That content is 20 years old and very little reason for it to take players forever to do.

We are working on future content that will be harder and more challenging but at the same time it's not going to be some extreme time consumption and we are leaning into have some unique mechanics in those.
And what would be some good times to meet up with the majority of players who play here?


Dec 30, 2023
Hi, I am new and after reading this post, this IS exactly my style...
Welcome, glad to have you join us and it's awesome to see your situation allows for you to jump in here!

When we get the chance, we'll have server-wide meetup and events for various activities around 6p.m. PDT (my timezone) some days throughout the week. These will likely increase as time goes though, because we're currently busy working on a lot of foundational updates to some of the classes and gameplay elements. We just recently did a major combat revamp on the ground, and there's currently one in the works for space as well.

If you're on the Discord, (which I think you should be when you sign up), we usually notify people when an event is to be held. If you miss them, we do have posts on Twitter and such announcing these. We look forward to seeing you around!

If your timezone doesn't allow, there will likely be more people available to host events in suitable timezones as and when. Most of our current staff is based in NA as far as I know.


Community Dad
Staff member
Jun 3, 2023
And what would be some good times to meet up with the majority of players who play here?
Don't hesitate to pop in our Discord as well, can meet some great folks and will be able to interact in close to real time. Welcome to Evolve!