Add a couple of 00s to the resource deed


Feb 23, 2024
So.. polymer just reset and again it's shockingly bad.. which means to get anywhere as a crafter I need to wait 30 days and get a resource deed from the daily vendor, but 30K doesn't really go that far.. I don't suppose it would be amicable to add a couple of 00s to the end of that 30K value...
Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
I think a better compromise might be to make those resource deeds No Trade Shared if they aren't already, and grant the maximum quality of a given resource, especially if you want to only keep it at 30k units or even lower. That way, you have a decent amount to work with and can still get more of it via your other toons if needed, but you aren't going to be able to just beat out people who have set harvesters down on resources and kept them maintained for the duration of a resource's lifecycle.

Making the deeds No Trade Shared also prevents them from being sold and shared around with other traders for potential abuse, but if you redeem a few on combat toons you can funnel them to your main crafter/traders to use them. The resources that come out of them might be capped and super valuable, sure, but it ends up limited to that redeemed resource.
Even though I'm primarily a SW, I like this idea quite a bit. Lower quantities aren't really helpful for me as a SW, but, maximum quality (if I understand you correctly, Draskon) balances that nicely. Costly, sure, but it would have given me a toe-hold while waiting for resources (I'm approaching the lower-end of viability to start manufacturing for sale now.)

This line of thought also keeps an eye to the future and where we grow to from here.
wherein if everyone can craft server's best capped builds because everyone had access to the same quality of resources, then it would devalue the top of the line quality crafts.
And further devalues everything short of top-of-the-line products in the bargain.
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Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
Additionally, if spawn cycles were changed to be more frequent, that not only may cause aforementioned unintended consequences, but that doesn't alleviate the issue of bad resource quality. Evolve has all resources available at once, but the quality is all RNG and there's no easy way to remedy that issue.
Oh no... Please no... I watched something like this kill a server that I loved... Please don't mess with the resource shift cycle...
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Feb 23, 2024
Ok, so what on earth can I craft with 8 resource deeds in that example?
Lets say that we make resource deeds 300k or even 3m for 1 deed. Great! Now you, myself, and every other player has access to them too regardless of how long you've been on the server. Lets math this for a second. 8 Character slots = 8 resource deeds a month all for simply logging in and logging out of 8 characters daily which takes 30 seconds. Which has now deflated the value of all of your goods and your resources to the point that even not even Joe Schmitt that has never crafted a day in his life will pay more than 2 credits for an item from you or any other crafter on the server.
Ok, so what on earth can I craft with 8 resource deeds that breaks the economy? in the depth of schematics that are needed to make items? Without quality resource vendors on the server or people willing to put quality items up in quantity? I just get the feeling that people have a hard time in separating Work from Play. last time I checked this was supposed to be more in the Play category. Even if you have all the best resources on the server, and I'm sure there are some folks who do, you aren't going to be a machine to do it all. Help players help the server, all this talk about this pseudo economy means nothing if people aren't able to play within this economy. I was simply trying to suggest something that would greatly help new crafters catchup and produce for the server but clearly there isn't any way to view this perspective.


New New Kid
Staff member
May 29, 2023
United States
I was simply trying to suggest something that would greatly help new crafters catchup and produce for the server but clearly there isn't any way to view this perspective.
Like Mellow said " Everyone that was on the server when it launched didn't have server best resources in their first month". I'm pretty sure the other resource deeds are going to be added to future content. SOE had a reason for making the 30k deed 30k simply because it came from your veteran rewards. And besides the resource deeds are not meant for getting you set up with in your first month. They are there for you to grab a few extra resources of what you don't have so you can complete a craft. Here's something you can do. Go around in the crafting channel on Discord and ask if any one has the resource you are looking for and what they would want for it. Could be a few bags of 35s could be something else, you never know.


Feb 23, 2024
Hey Zero, Yes I know all about what SOE did to this game, I was playing at launch. And yet, this isn't SOE, it's also not a purist server, frankly that is what makes it great. I never needed them on live, there was always a resource farmer selling quality resources, could be expensive but they were there. I only used them on EMU servers to kick start the profession. So to that end I would say the intent for the deed is down to the user.


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
SoCal, USA
The resource crates a very abundantly available as is, and really diminish a whole amazing aspect of the crafting game in my opinion. So I respectfully would not support it. But I empathize with your polymer woes! I too have been waiting for something good.

Edit: What are you trying to make btw? Maybe I can help
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