Add a couple of 00s to the resource deed


Feb 23, 2024
So.. polymer just reset and again it's shockingly bad.. which means to get anywhere as a crafter I need to wait 30 days and get a resource deed from the daily vendor, but 30K doesn't really go that far.. I don't suppose it would be amicable to add a couple of 00s to the end of that 30K value...


Oct 16, 2023
The Sea
So.. polymer just reset and again it's shockingly bad.. which means to get anywhere as a crafter I need to wait 30 days and get a resource deed from the daily vendor, but 30K doesn't really go that far.. I don't suppose it would be amicable to add a couple of 00s to the end of that 30K value...
We didn't have any polymer the first month either. You can always trade or barter for the resources you don't have. Those resource deeds might actually do more harm to the economy than good.


Dec 30, 2023
I'm not against the idea of increasing the value of those deeds at least slightly since they do take 30 days to get... however, if you have 8 toons and you use them all on a particular crate, that'll give you a lot on its own.

Adding extra 0's might be a bit overkill, especially with what I just mentioned. Perhaps 60k or 90k might be a bit better imo.


Feb 23, 2024
It's more so coming into the game like now and nothing is there.. you're waiting for a very very long time.. And you simply cannot get those resources. I don't have a problem with putting harvesters or hand samplers out in the wild. it's not a problem.. I've been doing that since I started 43 days ago.. but still I'm severely hampered in my crafting ability to move forward. There isn't any resources on any vendors, nor is there any means in which to barter for those that are no longer down.. Polymer was just an example, I am surprised by how poor the poly has been mind.
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Dec 30, 2023
I do agree that resource weighting with resource spawns being so inconsistent can be extremely frustrating when we have long dry spells, but from what I understand, modifying those pools and ranges can have dire, unintended consequences thanks to the way SOE coded NGE over top of Pre-CU and CU in regard to RNG.

There will be adjustments to resource quality, extraction, and some other QoL within the profession trees coming soon as they're live on the test center right now, if that's any consolation.


Feb 23, 2024
I wasn't suggesting that someone attempt to inject a decent spawn into the cycle. I've heard the horror stories. However, I'm just trying to get to a point where I can do something productive with my crafter which I presently can't within the current resource climate. increasing the amount within the purchasable deed would go a long way to not needing to wait yet another 30 days to get another tiny amount, and significantly improve QoL for new crafters on the server. Even if they need to wait 30 days to get somewhere. Current hand sampling and artisans boosts to resource collection is already brilliant on this server, the time between spawn cycles is a little long which just adds more delay. It is definitely frustrating not being able to create anything worthwhile right now.

The knowledge that something is being done to help poor quality resources is welcomed.
Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
Perhaps the middle way is to add a second, more expensive type of deed? Not necessarily at the 1k of resource=1 token ratio, but still more costly to help try to balance it? Purely as an example, say a 100k deed for 125 tokens?


Feb 23, 2024
And why on earth would anyone buy a deed for 125 daily tokens to get less than what you could get for 30? presently it's clearly 1 token = 1K for the current therefore why would anyone consider saving 100 daily tokens to get a ratio that is 1.25 tokens = 1K, I thought this server was all about QoL. And yet you're still talking about a minuscule amount of quality resource where much is needed, only now your suggesting crafters login religiously everyday for 125 days to get for less.. The way I see those resource kits is simply to tied folks over until something else comes up. Why spend daily tokens when you don't need to, more so for new crafters to the server than those seasoned and with hordes of resources they were lucky enough to be around when it dropped.
Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
And why on earth would anyone buy a deed for 125 daily tokens to get less than what you could get for 30? presently it's clearly 1 token = 1K for the current therefore why would anyone consider saving 100 daily tokens to get a ratio that is 1.25 tokens = 1K, I thought this server was all about QoL. And yet you're still talking about a minuscule amount of quality resource where much is needed, only now your suggesting crafters login religiously everyday for 125 days to get for less.. The way I see those resource kits is simply to tied folks over until something else comes up. Why spend daily tokens when you don't need to, more so for new crafters to the server than those seasoned and with hordes of resources they were lucky enough to be around when it dropped.
Not necessarily... Because these are sellable themselves. How many players are there with boatloads of daily tokens and nothing to do with them? That's not rhetorical, BTW. I don't have a good grasp of how old this server really is. Based on the resource history and the absence of certain catagorys - like High OQ/CD steel, it suggests that it's pretty young. On the other hand, the gearing of toons I see around suggest that it's older. The relative thinness of the economy could be due to lower population or it could also be a factor of age. I don't have a way to gauge these things.

My line of thinking here is trying to encourage commerce with the deeds themselves, pull some of that currency out of circulation (login tokens), while translating it to another currency that circulates to everyone easier (credits). I do apologize, because I should have spelled this out in my first post.

I do feel your pain. I've been here a week or two longer than you. Three at absolute max. But also keep in mind that harvys only recently got a mild nerf to keep from flooding the economy with too much resource. And will likely need to be nerfed many more times as the population grows. Most everything we make comes from these resources, and too much of them devalues what we make - especially with the top-shelf resources.

What you've suggested (that I don't necessarily disagree with,) isn't a bad thing. But whatever adjustments are made need to be made carefully. I was looking at the problem from a different point of view with a broader focus that I didn't communicate well.


Oct 16, 2023
The Sea
And why on earth would anyone buy a deed for 125 daily tokens to get less than what you could get for 30? presently it's clearly 1 token = 1K for the current therefore why would anyone consider saving 100 daily tokens to get a ratio that is 1.25 tokens = 1K, I thought this server was all about QoL. And yet you're still talking about a minuscule amount of quality resource where much is needed, only now your suggesting crafters login religiously everyday for 125 days to get for less.. The way I see those resource kits is simply to tied folks over until something else comes up. Why spend daily tokens when you don't need to, more so for new crafters to the server than those seasoned and with hordes of resources they were lucky enough to be around when it dropped

Not necessarily... Because these are sellable themselves. How many players are there with boatloads of daily tokens and nothing to do with them? That's not rhetorical, BTW. I don't have a good grasp of how old this server really is. Based on the resource history and the absence of certain catagorys - like High OQ/CD steel, it suggests that it's pretty young. On the other hand, the gearing of toons I see around suggest that it's older. The relative thinness of the economy could be due to lower population or it could also be a factor of age. I don't have a way to gauge these things.

My line of thinking here is trying to encourage commerce with the deeds themselves, pull some of that currency out of circulation (login tokens), while translating it to another currency that circulates to everyone easier (credits). I do apologize, because I should have spelled this out in my first post.

I do feel your pain. I've been here a week or two longer than you. Three at absolute max. But also keep in mind that harvys only recently got a mild nerf to keep from flooding the economy with too much resource. And will likely need to be nerfed many more times as the population grows. Most everything we make comes from these resources, and too much of them devalues what we make - especially with the top-shelf resources.

What you've suggested (that I don't necessarily disagree with,) isn't a bad thing. But whatever adjustments are made need to be made carefully. I was looking at the problem from a different point of view with a broader focus that I didn't communicate well.
these deeds are what is killing the economy.


Feb 23, 2024
From what I gather it's quite young and ever changing, which is good. But for me it's time lost, as new to the server or atleast my guild being new to the server we're playing catchup. Credits are not all that easy to come by with the junk dealer being nerfed and every mob only giving 1 credit to deter credit farmers which instantly drives any inflation down. From what I've come to assume is that this server is catering more towards QoL changes above puritans. certain loots are easier to obtain and hand sampling at least on Mustafar is greatly increased which is a massive help towards QoL imo. But if the resources are bad.. not much you can do, the RNG gods are not our friends.


Feb 23, 2024
these deeds are what is killing the economy.
I'm not seeing a market for resources on this server.. I'm not actually seeing much of a market for most things on this server at the moment, from what I've been told many people are simply hording and sitting on it. So one could argue, what economy? that aside I'm more for playing than running the prices/inflation up. When people bang on about economy it just seems to take the fun out of a game and it pushes it more towards work.
Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
From what I gather it's quite young and ever changing, which is good. But for me it's time lost, as new to the server or atleast my guild being new to the server we're playing catchup. Credits are not all that easy to come by with the junk dealer being nerfed and every mob only giving 1 credit to deter credit farmers which instantly drives any inflation down. From what I've come to assume is that this server is catering more towards QoL changes above puritans. certain loots are easier to obtain and hand sampling at least on Mustafar is greatly increased which is a massive help towards QoL imo. But if the resources are bad.. not much you can do, the RNG gods are not our friends.
That being the case, then my approach won't work. Everyone will still be hoarding their tokens to buy the deco and utility items they need/want (saving for a FoV myself, right now).

No, RNGeezus does not appear to like us much, though I was thrown a bone on this recently-spawned High-Grade Polymetric Rad... I'll be soaking that up for as long as it's here. Just wish we could get a sweet high OQ/CD steel and my SW will be set for a good long while.

I'll keep thinking on it, but I think best case is that Draskon's suggestion of going to 60k or 90k for these with the understanding that they'll have to come down in the future to keep the economy from getting out of hand...


Feb 23, 2024
I am not an economist, nor do I wish to be. But I don't understand how/why obtaining X amount of a specific resource to be able to make items for the server would kill it? the concept of breaking a games economy via a resource deed is clearly lost on me.
Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
I am not an economist, nor do I wish to be. But I don't understand how/why obtaining X amount of a specific resource to be able to make items for the server would kill it? the concept of breaking a games economy via a resource deed is clearly lost on me.
Because what's available to you becomes available to everyone. More of it = less value. Less valuable resource = less valuable products.

Yes, we are in a lag in the server's maturity where there is no resource market. Making the deeds crucial at this time and giving viability to your suggestion; though I think a more conservative approach needs to be taken, roughly in line with Draskon's thoughts. If too much is done here, perhaps a resource market never develops.

*Further to that, if everyone can get what they need on their own, what are we playing together for?

Edit - additional clarification


The Trickster
Sep 15, 2023
Just for clarification, Evolve launched in October of 2023.

This server has an economy its just not a traditional one. Newer folks coming to Evolve may or may not be able to glean that information just from a couple of discord posts. Yes there are still credit trades for goods and services, but this economy greatly emphasizes that its been using a barter system trading one good for another, rather than the traditional credits for goods system. Its wasn't intentionally set like this, its just the direction the player base went when the server launched.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Resource deeds are always going to be a necessary part of any player economy. Whether it is to play catch up for a new player or to fill in a blank you may have missed somewhere down the line. You may want to add a couple of 0's to the end of a 30k deed, but imo that is a very shortsighted request when you consider the the downsides to doing it and only look at the positives.

Lets say that we make resource deeds 300k or even 3m for 1 deed. Great! Now you, myself, and every other player has access to them too regardless of how long you've been on the server. Lets math this for a second. 8 Character slots = 8 resource deeds a month all for simply logging in and logging out of 8 characters daily which takes 30 seconds. Which has now deflated the value of all of your goods and your resources to the point that even not even Joe Schmitt that has never crafted a day in his life will pay more than 2 credits for an item from you or any other crafter on the server.
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Dec 30, 2023
Windshadow has it basically correct, wherein if everyone can craft server's best capped builds because everyone had access to the same quality of resources, then it would devalue the top of the line quality crafts.

However, there isn't an economy for a lot of things at the moment not just because of server maturity (this server launched in October of '23), but because ease of access to loot and resources is so up-front on this server that many guilds and communities on this server tend to keep things in-house.

I think a better compromise might be to make those resource deeds No Trade Shared if they aren't already, and grant the maximum quality of a given resource, especially if you want to only keep it at 30k units or even lower. That way, you have a decent amount to work with and can still get more of it via your other toons if needed, but you aren't going to be able to just beat out people who have set harvesters down on resources and kept them maintained for the duration of a resource's lifecycle.

Making the deeds No Trade Shared also prevents them from being sold and shared around with other traders for potential abuse, but if you redeem a few on combat toons you can funnel them to your main crafter/traders to use them. The resources that come out of them might be capped and super valuable, sure, but it ends up limited to that redeemed resource.

I think that could be a healthier way of getting new and returning crafters out of the rut of bad cycles while also not totally ruining any potential economy that may come from the resource market. It may also incentivize those who have plentiful of high quality pools to sell some off, since they would have access to at least some capped resources in a steady stream if they regularly play. Just some ideas, and even though I realize my initial statement is contradicted by my suggestion of max capped/quality resources, I think the difference is subtle.

You wouldn't get much of a resource from the deed, so you are limited in what you can craft with them, but because so many crafts require very specific resources, it's not going to be a game-breaker, in my opinion, if the resource deeds were made to be better in that sense.
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Dec 30, 2023
Additionally, if spawn cycles were changed to be more frequent, that not only may cause aforementioned unintended consequences, but that doesn't alleviate the issue of bad resource quality. Evolve has all resources available at once, but the quality is all RNG and there's no easy way to remedy that issue.