VOA <Veterans of Ahazi> is Recruiting


New member
Dec 24, 2023
We are a Neutral / Rebel Leaning Guild that has a mix of all Factions. We want everyone to feel welcomed. We have Rebels, Imps and some Freelance players. All willing to assist other players whenever possible.
Guild Founder has been in since 3 days after launch and was an Original S.O.S member.
We will try to run AT LEAST one Heroics run per week and work in the most City Invasions, PVP Flashpoints and Space content possible as time and RL permits.
We understand that real life comes first, but look forward to meeting and welcoming many new people!
SAVAGE OPRESS is our city on Naboo, just outside Kadaara /WP 4508, 13, 4511
We are still in the process of building the city. Currently level 4 with Shuttleport.
VOA has our own discord channel. Jump in and JOIN! https://discord.gg/bfAsmmFg9F
Please Contact Askewa, Sidd Vicious, or Barbequed Bleach for more information and invitations!
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New member
Mar 9, 2024
Hi. I am interested in joining. I enjoy more of the pve exploration aspects of SWG. I plan to stay a Beast Master. The discord invite no longer works.


New member
Dec 24, 2023
Hi. I am interested in joining. I enjoy more of the pve exploration aspects of SWG. I plan to stay a Beast Master. The discord invite no longer works.
Hey Aithos, we are happy to have you. We are mostly PVE and have all 3 factions in VOA. We are a very young Guild on this server, but we are looking forward to growing. How long have you been playing SWG?
I will work on the discord invite link tomorrow.


New member
Mar 9, 2024
Hey Aithos, we are happy to have you. We are mostly PVE and have all 3 factions in VOA. We are a very young Guild on this server, but we are looking forward to growing. How long have you been playing SWG?
I will work on the discord invite link tomorrow.
I played retail on release up to trials of obi. I never did any of this new content or JTLS. I always played a Creature Handler and Maily explored and gathered resources. I plan to do the same here. Right now I am playing around with a few characters: Creature Handler ( named Aithos ), a melee dps ( named Hegdmon ), a weapon crafter ( named Hong ), and a BioEngineer ( named Lumbard ). I usually go Neutral and Empire. I am very casual so I will have a lot of questions.


New member
Dec 24, 2023
Where do I sign up, #Ahazi4Life
Contact Askewa, Barbequed, or Sidd Vicious ingame and we will get you an invite. You are also welcome to put up houses in the VOA city outside Kadaara Naboo. City is Savage Opress. One or Both of us will be ingame tonight for heroic run already scheduled.