Status/Ability to be permanently opted out of any PvP for non-combat classes

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Rebel Sympathizer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2023
I'm presenting this suggestion on behalf of some folks who feel that when they're playing a non-combatant class, i.e. entertainer/crafter, they should be exempt from any and all forms of PvP, especially concerning when accidentally attacking FRS Jedi.

As such, here is a suggestion that VikingMando/Jax, Zero, Sphiynx and myself thought of and contributed to.

If you're wanting to be fully exempt from any and all PvP activities and to not accept any risks and benefits from doing so, the following should be met concerning your expertise points, of which you have 135 total:

1) Obtain Master Artisan/Entertainer
2) Obtain Master (Crafter of your choice)/Master Muse or other Ent tree.
3) You must have at minimum 120 Expertise points spread across the Entertainer/Crafting expertise trees

Fulfilling all 3 conditions can allow for those who do so to have an ability, to toggle on or off, to opt out of any and all PvP activities and cannot be forced into PvP in any natural and event-ran PvP zones/Fight Pits or cannot enter them. The extra 15 points can be used in any combat tree to assist those who are out and about doing resource gathering or otherwise get attacked by much lower level NPCs to make it easier to deal with those scenarios.

If you are not able to maintain the 3 requirements above at any given time, this buff will be removed from the character and you lose the ability to use it until all 3 requirements are satisfied and is granted again to you.

This is mainly meant to have a conversation started around this idea, it can always be adjusted to be more stricter or loosely depending on the community feedback.
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New New Kid
Staff member
May 29, 2023
United States
Why not just tie it to the existing crafters' and entertainer sets? If X=at least one piece of jewelry and Y=two or more masters completions, then Z. That way, both professions wouldn't have to constantly be switching between sets. It doesn't however protect the people fresh off the transport, so a notification on the launcher or something would certainly be nice. My original toon was born on live before jedi were a thing so I fell in love with a game that didn't have them, and they've never held much interest for me. Needless to say, I didn't realize that reading up on their care and feeding was a requirement. ;)

I also have a question. Is all PVP initiated here with a single click?
1. There are a lot of people that run hybrid builds because of the amount of points that we have over here so it would be hard for someone to just spec into one combat proffession then put the rest into non combat.

2. Not really. Most of PvP you have to be SF for. With the Jedi TEF you have to be within a certain distance of a Jedi. Kinda like how you would get TEFed to someone that you were in combat with as you were getting kicked from a battlefield
Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
There's already a visual indicator. It you hover over someone that is attackable, you have a red X over them.

If you are playing with Auto Aim on, you already play at a disadvantage because you have a lower Crit and Hit chance. This is in the source code and true on every server.
Agreed. For me, trading that bit of crit and hit chance for making combat more managable is a fair trade.

However, in spite of the different cursor with the manual targeting and combat system, my point on what it takes to engage in PVP combat everywhere else also still stands.

In my opinion, with regard to this, it further highlights the flaw in the system. The further back you go with SWG, I believe it more likely you'd use the auto-targeting system - for no other reason than it's what you're used to. To my thinking, this is something that should be glaringly apparent no matter what targeting system you use, like the color coding for creatures and other NPCs. I should be able to see on my radar and on my screen that a hostile is in front of me. My issue here is that for 20+ years, the system has taught us that players are safe until we make an active choice for them not to be. That's been changed here - and that's okay, at the end of the day - with the right warnings.

At all levels, this tripping point should be made known. I didn't even know this about the targeting system until you pointed it out because I've never used the manual system, except for rare circumstances of creatures being untargetable because of being in a tree/house/rock, etc. This explains another large piece of how this is happening.
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Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
There's no exploiting going on and dying in swg has zero negative consequences on the player. Furthermore, you have to attack the jedi first in order for them to attack you.

It's an entirely voluntary and opt-in system for both parties.

I'm giving the facts as they are and not dramatizing the incident(s). Please stop attributing meaning where there isn't any.
From here, I'm done with trying to engage with you personally. You do not get to place values on my time, any more than I get to with you. You do not get to assign values to anything about me or what I value, any more than I get to for you.

I asked you directly if you profited from this system. More than once. Your evasion of that point until it had to be answered by a third party infers much about your moral fiber and your character. It is also highly suggestive of your motives for combating change. That'll be stuck to you no matter when or where I play SWG.

Good day, sir. I will not engage with or acknowledge you any further.


Mar 1, 2023
From here, I'm done with trying to engage with your personally. You do not get to place values on my time, any more than I get to with you. You do not get to assign values to anything about me or what I value, any more than I get to for you.

I asked you directly if you profited from this system. More than once. Your evasion of that point until it had to be answered by a third party infers much about your moral fiber and your character. It is also highly suggestive of your motives for combating change. That'll be stuck to you no matter when or where I play SWG.

Good day, sir. I will not engage with or acknowledge you any furth


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023

Coming in the Next Patch.

If YOU can attack them, they will be YELLOW.
If you click on them and they can attack you back, they will be RED.
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New member
Feb 22, 2024
There's no exploiting going on and dying in swg has zero negative consequences on the player. Furthermore, you have to attack the jedi first in order for them to attack you.

It's an entirely voluntary and opt-in system for both parties.

I'm giving the facts as they are and not dramatizing the incident(s). Please stop attributing meaning where there isn't any.
NO, it's not a voluntary opt-in system, it's a system where one, single, accidental click can throw you into it.

A trader gets off a shuttle, sees a force sensitive battle going on at approximately their 8 to 9 o'clock position, runs forward and then veers to the left to reach the nearest exit in the city square. Rather than going on with their battle, the force sensitives follow said trader. The trader deploys their vehicle, goes to click on it to enter, and one force sensitive steps between their cursor and their vehicle. That's not voluntary, in the real world that approximates a brief loss of balance that leads to accidentally brushing up against a person on the sidewalk and then getting a beat down for it. If you can't see that, might I suggest touching grass more often?
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The Trickster
Sep 15, 2023
NO, it's not a voluntary opt-in system, it's a system where one, single, accidental click can throw you into it.

A trader gets off a shuttle, sees a force sensitive battle going on at approximately their 8 to 9 o'clock position, runs forward and then veers to the left to reach the nearest exit in the city square. Rather than going on with their battle, the force sensitives follow said trader. The trader deploys their vehicle, goes to click on it to enter, and one force sensitive steps between their cursor and their vehicle. That's not voluntary, in the real world that approximates a brief loss of balance that leads to accidentally brushing up against a person on the sidewalk and then getting a beat down for it. If you can't see that, might I suggest touching grass more often?
There is a solution in place slated for a patch coming soon
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Mar 1, 2023
NO, it's not a voluntary opt-in system, it's a system where one, single, accidental click can throw you into it.

A trader gets off a shuttle, sees a force sensitive battle going on at approximately their 8 to 9 o'clock position, runs forward and then veers to the left to reach the nearest exit in the city square. Rather than going on with their battle, the force sensitives follow said trader. The trader deploys their vehicle, goes to click on it to enter, and one force sensitive steps between their cursor and their vehicle. That's not voluntary, in the real world that approximates a brief loss of balance that leads to accidentally brushing up against a person on the sidewalk and then getting a beat down for it. If you can't see that, might I suggest touching grass more often?
I would reread what you just wrote and then ask yourself the same question.


New member
Feb 22, 2024
I think you might be taking this a little too seriously.

If you don't want pvp, don't flag up or enter a pvp zone, and don't double click Jedi. It's really a simple as that.

To add to that, you could also remain neutral as a crafter or ent so that flagging up isn't even a possibility.
Except it doesn't take a double click, does it? One, single click, that's all. To attack any other target in this game, it takes a double. To attack a player in a PVP zone in any other version of this game, including back in live, it takes/took a double.


Mar 1, 2023
Except it doesn't take a double click, does it? One, single click, that's all. To attack any other target in this game, it takes a double. To attack a player in a PVP zone in any other version of this game, including back in live, it takes/took a double.
It should, yes.


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Except it doesn't take a double click, does it? One, single click, that's all. To attack any other target in this game, it takes a double. To attack a player in a PVP zone in any other version of this game, including back in live, it takes/took a double.

NOTHING has been changed one bit about how many clicks it takes to attack someone. I will end this nonsense right now.


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
NO, it's not a voluntary opt-in system, it's a system where one, single, accidental click can throw you into it.

A trader gets off a shuttle, sees a force sensitive battle going on at approximately their 8 to 9 o'clock position, runs forward and then veers to the left to reach the nearest exit in the city square. Rather than going on with their battle, the force sensitives follow said trader. The trader deploys their vehicle, goes to click on it to enter, and one force sensitive steps between their cursor and their vehicle. That's not voluntary, in the real world that approximates a brief loss of balance that leads to accidentally brushing up against a person on the sidewalk and then getting a beat down for it. If you can't see that, might I suggest touching grass more often?

You are RED on the map to FRS Jedi. For all they know, they were dueling and an SF or a BH just landed and started hauling butt when he noticed two Jedi instead of just 1. They have no way to tell you are just a crafter. People can change their class icon or their appearance outfit to anything that they want to.


Oct 10, 2023
NO, it's not a voluntary opt-in system, it's a system where one, single, accidental click can throw you into it.

A trader gets off a shuttle, sees a force sensitive battle going on at approximately their 8 to 9 o'clock position, runs forward and then veers to the left to reach the nearest exit in the city square. Rather than going on with their battle, the force sensitives follow said trader. The trader deploys their vehicle, goes to click on it to enter, and one force sensitive steps between their cursor and their vehicle. That's not voluntary, in the real world that approximates a brief loss of balance that leads to accidentally brushing up against a person on the sidewalk and then getting a beat down for it. If you can't see that, might I suggest touching grass more often?
This seems to be a hyperbolic situation bordering on soap opera level. I used to participate/compete in combat sports and getting sent to the cloner in a video game does not even compare to beat down on a sidewalk in a scenario that is low percentage. In a real life beat down you will probably have to go the hospital/deal with authorities/maybe deal with concussions instead of cloning at a cloning center and continue to shop. In addition, the scenario you use as an example is ridiculous. You are inferring an entire group of players as bully material and that they wait all day for you to log in and purposely set this situation up just so they can spam you with trade requests and greet emotes. I am in no way going to quit in the middle of a battle leaving my groupmates and follow after the new dot on the radar to "trade" and hope they accidently click on me to receive the 300 FRS in addition to expecting the rest of the battle participants to drop everything too. This is bordering on paranoia and has gotten to the point where you have come close to offending me if I didn't find this comedic like a low budget Unsolved Mysteries reenactment. Just because one or two people got you to mistakenly click on them so that they could kill you for your whopping 300 FRS points doesn't mean that the other 99% of the jedi will do that same thing. This scenario makes me question why I should PvP at all when I could use my time to find 17 crafters, wave at them so that I can set them up to die and beat my 5000 FRS decay without any chance of losing. I don't mean to insult, but this has gotten to the point of ridiculousness. Apology was given, the scenario is rare, tips on how to prevent given, and a quick fix by staff to help, but more "what if" situations are posted, the crazy thing is, typing a post here takes longer than ingame death and cloning to return back to what you were doing.
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Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
A simple fix will be implemented on Tuesday to better identify IF someone is attackable. Thanks for all thoughts and opinions. May the force be with you.
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