Search results

  1. Siddvicious

    VOA <Veterans of Ahazi> is Recruiting

    I will be back in-game tomorrow morning. I will send you an invite
  2. Siddvicious

    VOA <Veterans of Ahazi> is Recruiting

    What is your ingame name?
  3. Siddvicious

    VOA <Veterans of Ahazi> is Recruiting

    Contact Askewa, Barbequed, or Sidd Vicious ingame and we will get you an invite. You are also welcome to put up houses in the VOA city outside Kadaara Naboo. City is Savage Opress. One or Both of us will be ingame tonight for heroic run already scheduled.
  4. Siddvicious

    VOA <Veterans of Ahazi> is Recruiting

    Hey Aithos, we are happy to have you. We are mostly PVE and have all 3 factions in VOA. We are a very young Guild on this server, but we are looking forward to growing. How long have you been playing SWG? I will work on the discord invite link tomorrow.
  5. Siddvicious

    VOA <Veterans of Ahazi> is Recruiting

    We are a Neutral / Rebel Leaning Guild that has a mix of all Factions. We want everyone to feel welcomed. We have Rebels, Imps and some Freelance players. All willing to assist other players whenever possible. Guild Founder has been in since 3 days after launch and was an Original S.O.S...