Recent content by sunshineunits

  1. S

    Ayusaru's Rifleman/Assassin Build.

    nice! thanks much, very instructive especially for the stuff you guy all know that a new-to-nge player would be clueless of, like me. stuff like the tip about stim armor having less uptime than infusion, very cool :).
  2. S

    Instant Travel House and Heroic Resets - Free for all

    dude! :D very cool of you! i'll definitely be using this a bit, love all these travel options on this server o7
  3. S

    Ayusaru's Macro Guide

    thanks! awesome to have someone else's take on how to string all this together :). i feel bad sometimes running many alts (and i dont pvp at all really) but at the same time its a giant pain in the butt herding them in the same direction or getting them in sync...this is a major upgrade for me...
  4. S

    Ayusaru's how to get GCW fast on SWG Evolve.

    wow, thanks for the major info dumps! great help for players new to the server! :)
  5. S

    Ayusaru's making Credits in SWG Evolve.

    perfect timing, thanks! :D awesome guide i will be trying some of these, woot woot!