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  • A
    Asteria posted the thread Instrument colors? in Crafting.
    Will there be optional colors on non classic instruments?
  • Rezec
    Rezec replied to the thread Medic stims.
    Originally both Master Medic and Bioengineers could make them but there were some revamps.and I believe only Bioengineers make them now.
  • M
    MasterParadox reacted to Fellon's post in the thread Medic stims with Like Like.
    How do i craft medic stims? it says in wiki under buffs "Medic Buffs as craftable stims (by Medics)"
  • F
    Fellon posted the thread Medic stims in Crafting.
    How do i craft medic stims? it says in wiki under buffs "Medic Buffs as craftable stims (by Medics)"
  • E
    epohimagiro updated their status.
    What's the status of the Discord?
  • C
    Chrylyn left a message on Rezec's profile.
    can i ask for something petty? Can the tree at -4530 4 2744 on dantooine be removed love spot I found for outpost
  • C
    Chrylyn replied to the thread Chandelier.
    Free-standing, simple set up. Just stand in the spot where you want it and drop all the items including the chair in the same place...
  • C
    Chrylyn posted the thread Chandelier in Crafting.
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  • C
    Chrylyn posted the thread yt-2400 house in Suggestions.
    not sure if possible but can the yt-2400 ship be tied to the yt-2400 house keep deco in it place like a house you packed in datapad?
  • F
    Fellon replied to the thread Blue rug.
    NVM... solved it by having a sellable item to the junkdealer in top of inventory
  • F
    Fellon posted the thread Blue rug in General.
    where do i find the kit to assemble my auto loomed blue rug?
  • Reyna
    Battlefields Thursday February 13, 2025 8:00pm EST Any class is welcome to join Please sign up in discord in the pvp-signup channel -SWG...
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  • C
    Chrylyn reacted to Rezec's post in the thread Perfect Crystals with Like Like.
    Things on the FRS vendor are available to anyone to wants to buy them from an FRS Jedi. It's okay for some things to be exclusive to PvP...
  • G
    Griffy replied to the thread Perfect Crystals.
    There is in fact a reason to add them to vendors as an extra source to prevent RNG gating something, just has to be the appropriate...
  • G
    Griffy replied to the thread Perfect Crystals.
    Ahh gotcha, yeah I don't think things that empower characters in PvP etc. should only be earnable in a PvE rng loot. Every server seems...