Veteran Rewards:
- New Once Per Account Painting of Vader in Rememberance of James Earl Jones (Credit Vossk)
Death Watch Arena:
- New loot tables that include heroic level weapon components (augs/enhance), stated rings for RE, BH Armor
- Small chance at PLC/BL/Alum Minerals/Jet Pack Base on the final boss
- Removed collection loot
- New Hardmode version available (counts against the daily)
- Instance should now close 60 seconds after completion or failing on the final boss to prevent instance farming
- Instance total time limit is 30 minutes to complete
- BH and FRS Badges will now show the correct icons
- Made adjustments that should make the leaderboard scores more reliable by separating FRS Jedi from the GCW Leaderboard
- Fan shot can no longer be used with a melee weapon
NS/SMC Huts:
- Fixed an issue that prevent decorations from being raised/lowered
TCG Vendors:
- Fixed an issue that prevent players from using them
World Bosses:
- World Boss Tokens are now No Trade Shared
- Bot Detections have been added to World Boss Mechanics
- World Boss Vendor prices have been lowered on multiple items
- Fixed an issue that would prevent some of the World Boss attacks from having a chance to be punishing blows
- Added no spawn/no build zones around the World Bosses
Game Client:
- New splash and login screens (Credit Jax and Scorpius for contributing new images)