Chapter 4: Dawn of the World Bosses and Daily Challenges - 9/04/2024


World Bosses:
  • 3 World Bosses with permanent World Boss Camps have been added to the world

Daily Challenges:
  • We have launched the first of five solo Daily Challenge Instances: Death Watch Arena
  • This daily can be started solo at lvl 90 by talking to Boba Fett outside the Mos Eisley City Hall
  • Current rewards are 25k credits and a Daily Token (Same as the daily login token)

Bounty System:
  • New Bounty Hunter Leaderboard System
  • FRS Jedi and Master Bounty Hunters are auto flagged and cannot opt-out of the custom bounty system
  • Players enabled into the custom bounty system will now receive a new buff while opted-in:
    • 5% Reactive Heal Chance
    • 2% PvP Healing Bonus
    • 2% PvP Damage Output
    • 2% PvP Offensive: Dodge Reduction
  • Victims of a bounty will now be revived on the spot
  • Players who thwart a bounty attempt will now receive 10k credits

FRS System:
  • New FRS Leaderboard System
  • FRS Maintenace is now a flat 2500 weekly maintenance and will no longer scale with higher ranks
  • FRS demotion and maintenance will now only apply to Rank 5 and Rank 6 FRS Jedi
  • Passive Weekly Bounties for FRS Ranks 5 and 6 have been reenabled
  • New GCW Leaderboard System
  • Restuss Vendors now have purchasable GCW Recruitment letters for 100 comms
  • Restuss Vendors now have purchasable Restuss Comm scroll for 400 comms (This can be used to buy the same amount of opposing faction comms)
New Species:
  • Nightbrothers (Dathomirian Zabraks)

Experimental Dual Wielding:
  • Thank you all for testing and reporting issues
  • This has been disabled while we work to adjust and fix the issues reported by players

Buff Banners:
  • Cooldown has been reduced to 1 minute
  • Pistols should now show under the correct category

Event Foods:
  • Removed Unique Tag and Decay Timers from Event Foods (Empire Day, Life Day, EFOL)
Jewelry Changes:
  • Razor Cat 5-Piece Bonus to 5% Indefensible Attack will now apply as long as the jewelry is equipped, no longer requires stealth
  • Mos Eisley Mayor quests should no longer bug out after level 10
Trader Tokens:
  • Fixed a bug that was being abused
  • Secret of the Syren - Destroy Cal Handro's Ship Fix (Credit Draskon)
BH Vendor:
  • Added Ancient Mandalorian Jetpack (100 slot, stated backpack)
Event Vendor:
  • Added Regal Purple Cape
  • Added Elegant Golden Cape
  • Added Lando Cape
  • Added Imperial Assault Trooper Armor (Credit Blood)

FRS Vendor:
  • Added Premium and Flawless Power Crystals

Hoth Vendor:
  • Added Cold Weather Storm Commando Armor (Credit Blood)

Trader Vendor:
  • Added a number of TCG Greeters and Vendors
World Boss Vendor:
  • Added C3PO Backpack
  • Added Yoda Backpack
  • Added Structure Deed: Cloud City House
  • Added XJ-6 Speeder
  • Added Species Respec Devices
Bounty Hunter:
  • Reveal Bounty has been re-enabled for Master Bounty Hunters with a new twist (10 sec timer to eject)
  • Corpse Drag has been increased to 64m
  • Flurry has been added to Master Swordsman
  • Note: Only one ability shows in the Expertise UI. Both Flurry and Narrow Escape are granted by this skill.
  • Force Pull now has a 30 second recourse
  • Disarming Slash now has an 8 second duration
  • Pommel Bash now has an 8 second duration
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