Instant Travel House - Free for all

Hi folks, i've setup a tent in Naboo -6587 -4979 (DIS city) by the starport

Just Radial the device and click the use style button - Enjoy!

It contains:
an Instance Arm for the Heroics
  • IG88
  • Axkva Min
  • Tusken King
  • Exar Kun
A Teleporter for Mustafar
  • Mensix Mining Facility
  • Old Republic Facility
  • Droid Factory
  • Droid Army
  • Kubaza Bettle Cave
  • Sher Kar
Flight of the Veteran
  • Teleport to any member of your group (the teleport to must not be inside a structure)

Neural Recon Network Terminal
  • Reset one of your locked out heroics once every 2 days

All have access and can use it as you please! Set your Snow speeders for here!
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Reactions: joncaedus and haze