Question: corrupted rancor despawn?


New member
Apr 5, 2024

I'm at the Corrupted Rancor part of the Witches theme park and dude despawned when we got him down to about a quarter health. I searched and didn't find anything on this, or a time limit maybe. Anyone know if this guy has a time limit in which you have to defeat him? It was just me and one other person, so it was taking a while to whittle him down, and then he just poofed.


Active member
Mar 2, 2024

I'm at the Corrupted Rancor part of the Witches theme park and dude despawned when we got him down to about a quarter health. I searched and didn't find anything on this, or a time limit maybe. Anyone know if this guy has a time limit in which you have to defeat him? It was just me and one other person, so it was taking a while to whittle him down, and then he just poofed.
Hi I had the same issue because there seems to be a time limit to kill the spawn. Exasperated by the Gold Bracket Healing bug which is being addressed.
I have killed it a few times even with the Gold Bracket Healing bug but it takes a small army (3+ Characters for me).

You can delete the quest and retake the mission to try again.

I am not sure if it is a bug that it despawns, I never sent a support ticket for that issue.
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