- Adjusted script on Jedi Cloaks that should allow them to persist when decorated on a vendor.
- Resource Containers will now display the Resource Class and Resource Name
- Major rework to better organize skills into Evolve’s class segments or more generalized categories. Most skills should now report into this area.
- Pulling and storing pets should trigger the stat page to update quicker
- Adjusted Calculations of Block Value. These changes will slightly raise the effectiveness of block for anyone not using a Steel Body or Frontman set, and will slightly lower the effectiveness of those wearing Steel Body and Frontman sets (in combination with other changes to those sets. This will also make Block Value a much more valuable defensive core stat compared to strength.
- Before: ((Strength + Block Value) / 2 ) + 25 = Block Amount
- After: (Strength / 4) + Block Value + 25 = Block Amount
- Dodge, Parry, Block Chance, Evasion Chance, and Strikethrough Chance Pups and Exotic Attachments have been returned to their original divisors (+10 again grants 1% of the respective stat’s chance). This affects Pups and Exotic Attachments only.
- Under Construction
- Crews are cleaning
- Medic buff will come from Novice Doctor and/or Novice Combat Medic. Spy buff will now come from Novice Assassin
- Dual Equipping 1-handed weapons (pistols and 1-handed swords) has been enabled (Animation Results May Vary).
- The second equipped weapon will only be cosmetic and should have no impact on combat performance.
- Jedi Specialization trees, and most non-Jedi combat specializations (except for Beast Master and Creature Handler) now require the following minimum point spends to reach successive rows:
- Row 1 - 0
- Row 2 - 4
- Row 3 - 8
- Row 4 - 18
- Row 5 - 24
- Row 6 - 30 (Mastery Row)
- Combat Medic Stance, Doctors Stance, and Jedi Forms can now be applied in combat, and will persist through incapacitation and death.
- Moved Teras Kasi and Grenadier Trees to Combat Skills
- New Martial Artist Tree has taken the place of where Teras Kasi formerly occupied
- Master Pikeman, Fencer, Swordsman and Martial Artist now grant the Narrow Escape ability
- Restructured the order of skill trees
- Reduced XP Costs of the various weapon specific trees
- Reduced available armor protection from various expertise trees
- Heavy Weapon Specialist has been revamped to be more in line with our weapon skills
- Dancer and Musician skill boxes have been moved to the Performer Tree
- Combat Skillsets outside of Beast Master and Creature Handler have the following point spends:
- Undergone a complete redesign
- Master Merchant Line has been merged with the Business Line of Artisan
- Tree Reworked
- Puncturing Strikes has been linked to Advanced Strikes and relocated
- Spy/Ambush Damage Increase from Puncturing Strikes has been moved to Initiative
- Removed XP spends from these skill sets
- Added these skill trees to Jedi
- CH Pet Damage and Defenses have been increased
- Removed the ability (Reveal) to pull players from houses. More brainstorming and analysis is ongoing to determine how to rework or replace this ability gracefully
- Tangle Bomb is now a thrown trap with a max ranged of 18m
- Bounty Hunter Absorption is now 250 pts per kin/ele protection per point spent
- Manhunter now grants 2% strikethrough chance, 5% block reduction and 5% glancing blow reduction per point spent
- Detect Camouflage is now granted with Master Bounty Hunter
- Snare Duration is now included in the Lethality Skill Boxes
- Preparation has been increased to increase all damage by 60%
- Multiple skill boxes have been reworked to apply to all 3 trap types
- All the trap abilities are now granted by a single skill box
- Trap Damage, Critical Chance and Area are now effected by the same skill boxes
- Bounty Hunters have gained the following abilities:
- Torso Shot - High Damage Bleed
- Eye Shot - Causes Target to Reduce Precision and Chance to hit
- Confusion Shot - Cone Snare
- Critical Shot - Guaranteed Crit Hit
- Underhand Shot - Causes Target a debuff that makes them receive 25% increased damage from all sources for 6 seconds
- Add modifiers for the base heal
- Increased the amount of damage from the DoT Procs
- Novice Commando now gives 20% devastation
- On Target has been revamped and no longer tied to Position Secured
- Position Secured has been revamped and now functions similarly to Squad Leader’s Rally Point.
- It also now grants 20% action cost reduction, 20% crit hit reduction, 300 strength and precision to any group member in the area (However, Base of Operations will continue to apply to the group regardless of if they are near the Position Secured banner, so long as the commando is near the Position Secured banner)
- Devastation Damage has been increased from a 1.5 multiplier to 2.0
- Burst Fire can now proc regardless of Position Secure
- Combat Medic is now its own tree
- Medic Toxin is now a thrown toxin with a max range of 24m and includes an action DoT
- Doctor tree is now its own tree
- Medic Enhanced Armor is now 250 pts per kin/ele protection per point spent
- Fixed an issue that allowed Area Revive to not have a cooldown
- Gained the Inner Peace ability
- New boxes for reactive heal chance (chance to heal 10% of remaining health when damaged)
- New boxes for chance to heal self while healing others
- All the Enhancement buffs are tied to a single skill box
- Increased Buff Duration to 30 minutes per point, up from 10
- Gained the Bacta Cloud Ability (Area gas cloud with DoT Cures and a debuff purge)
- Gained the Detox Ability (Self DoT Cure)
- Increased the amount of damage from the DoT Procs
- Gained the Stun Grenade Ability
- Bonuses from Improved Explosives has been moved into Angled Shrapnel
- Bonus from short fuse has been combined with the last box of Blast Radius
- New skill boxes for Grenade Efficiency
- New skill boxes for Powerful Offense
- Fragmentation Grenade now also does flat action damage to the target
- Shock Tracer now has an Acid Dot and includes a 25% Glancing Blow Reduction
- Shock Grenade now has a Poison Dot and includes a 15% Reduction in Critical Hit Protection
- Dioxis Grenade's debuff effects have been increased
- Seismeic Grenade now causes the target to take 15% more damage from all sources
- Gained the Ally Grenade - All allies in the area of the effect receive a Buff to AOE Resistance by 50% for 15 seconds
- Grenadier 5 Piece now grants the Preparation H ability
- Grenade that lowers the dodge, block and evasion of the opponents by 40% for 8 seconds (subject to tweaks based on testing)
- Add modifiers for the base heal
- Pistol Overcharge and Pistol Burn Moved to Master Pistoleer
- Flying Tackle and Beatdown bonuses have been combined
- Values in the tree have been given another little boost to help pistols feel more valuable
- Sniper Shot should now have a guaranteed chance to hit and crit (or possibly strikethrough)
- Flawless Strike now does more damage and is a guaranteed critical
- Using this ability grants a Flawless Strike buff that increase Strikethrough Chance of the attacker for the next 15 seconds
- Impossible Odd’s “Sleight of Hand” enhancement skill hit chance by luck has been tuned down from 8% to 3% per point (for a total from 20% of luck down to 10% of luck)
- Skullduggery duration bonus tuned down to from 13 seconds per point to 4 seconds per point (for a total duration from 30 seconds down to 12 seconds)
- Skullduggery miss chance by luck has been tuned down from 8% to 3% per point (for a total from 20% of luck down to 10% of luck)
- Off The Books, Under the counter and Best deal ever have been merged into a single point
- Inside Information now includes the shoot first ability
- Smooth Move now gives generic weapon damage instead of specifically melee/pistol damage
- Squad Leader Enhanced Defense is now 250 pts per kin/ele protection per point spent for a max of 4 points
- Removed master restrictions from row 5 abilities
- Supply Drop is now granted by 4 points in Novice Squad Leader
- Expanded the options for Paint Target Damage and Paint Target Action Cost
- Increased Paint Target Damage per tick from 10% to 15%
- Added Damage to Action skill boxes (defensive)
- Added High Efficiency ACR skill boxes
- Increased Buff Duration to 30 minutes per point
- Many Expertise Effects have been swapped to general melee to allow better synergies with any melee weapon mastery
- Jetpacks, Sith Speeders, Geonosian Speeders and AV-21's have had their speeds increased to match the BARC speeds.
- Socket Retrofit Tools should be blocked from being used on Lightsabers
- Toolchests now craft with 80 slots like backpacks
- All furniture containers will now craft with 80 slots
- WoD Themepark Quests should correctly recognize crafters
- New method for token distribution, almost all tokens should now be affected by token bonuses, including BH and FRS tokens
- Also fixes issue with too many tokens spawning at once and crashing
- Removed NoTrade from Chronicles Items
- Make tokens default to Store All instead of one at a time
- Fixed Wampa Snowglobe
- Rotated Sandcrawler House Sign
- Initial Concepts of World Boss and Event Vendors have been added
Space Changes:
- Destroy Duties Tier 3 - 5 had their payouts adjusted to be more linear in progression following T1 and T2
- Fixed an issue with Rogue Droid duties attempting to spawn an invalid enemy, resulting in inability to complete the duty or progress.
- Fixed issues with Lok and Dantooine destroy duties having enemies not respective to their tier.
- Changed Z-95 droid command slot to Flight Computer instead of Astromech.
- Changed T-Wing droid command slot to Flight Computer instead of Astromech.
- Adjusted the TransGalMeg "Vaksai" Type 2's statistics to be identical to that of the Vaksai Type 1.
- Adjusted and buffed space loot drop chances across all fighters of all tiers.
- POBs, Gunships, and other larger ships will now have a chance to roll for loot the same number of times corresponding to their tier. (E.G. A YT-1300 Tier 3 can drop up to 3 components on kill.)
- Increased Midlithe collection bonus from 5 to 10.
- Increased Droid Command success chance average from 65 to 80
- Rebel NPC fighter Tiers 1-5 should now have correct textures and better distinguishing colors per tier.
- Doubled the lootbox capacity for POBs and Gunships from 75 to 150 in anticipation for high tier convoys and content.
- Fixed the issue with No Trade being applied to the YT-2400 deed when generating and re-deeding the ship.
- Increased hyperspeed calculation speeds for pilot and co-pilot.
- From 40 to 20 for pilots.
- From 20 to 10 for co-pilots
- In space Helper/Covert/Overt registration timer decreased from 30 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Narrowed the window for Emergency Weapons:
- Before: 10 seconds to 90 seconds.
- After: 40 seconds to 60 seconds.
- Fixed various Starship Hangar ship displays:
- TIE Advanced.
- TIE Fighter LN
- TIE Fighter Modified (Not currently available.)
- Black Sun "Kihrakx" Fighter (Style 1)
- Royal Guard TIE Interceptor hangar display fixed
- Complete Tree Revamp
- FRS Tree Added (PvP Stat Increases Only) - This tree will unlock 1 row per FRS rank, and does not require skill points to invest in.
- Innate FRS Bonuses Removed
- Stats on crafted robes have been equalized to +175 Con/Agil/Luck across all types
- Jedi can now wear a full suit of armor under their cloaks
- Stance/Focus Removed
- 7 Jedi Forms Added
- Form 1: Shii-Cho:
- 2% extra lightsaber damage but 10% less force powers damage.
- 2% bonus per point spent in 4 boxes below.
- Form 2: Makashi:
- 20% riposte but 15% more likely to get hit by a ranged attack.
- 2% bonus per point spent in 4 boxes below.
- (bonus tier 3) 15% more force powers damage but 5% less healing per point spent in 4 boxes
- Form 3: Soresu:
- 2% block chance, 2% parry, reduce all damage dealt by 25%.
- 2% bonus defense per point spent in 4 boxes below.
- 6% dodge on the final box.
- Form 4: Ataru:
- 2% crit/hit chance/action from attacks/movement protection/chance to hit twice but 15% increase damage taken.
- 2% bonus per point spent in 4 boxes below.
- Form 5: Shien:
- 10% chance to reflect damage but reduce strikethrough and crit chance by 5%.
- 5% bonus and 2% reduction per point spent in 4 boxes below.
- Form 6:
- Niman (balanced): 2% more damage, 2% healing, 2% defense
- 2% bonus per point spent in 4 boxes below.
- (Bonus tier 3) increase healing by 10% per point spent, but reduce damage and defense by 5% per point spent for 4 points
- Form 7: Juyo:
- 8% more lightsaber damage but action cost is 20% higher.
- 2% increase damage per point spent in 4 boxes below.
- Form 1: Shii-Cho:
- Several all new Jedi Abilities Added
- Overhead Slice - Strong single target ability that applies a bleed and an armor break to the opponent.
- Vigilant Strike - Strong AOE attack that applies a 3 second snare.
- Pommel Bash - Low damage ability that strikes the opponent in the head with a lightsaber and causes a chance to snare them in place.
- Disarming Slash - Ability with low damage, but stuns the target for 5 seconds. Ability has a 25 sec cooldown. (Under Shii-Cho)
- Duelist's Prowess - Offensive buff that has a 20% Offensive Dodge Reduction for 5s. Buff has a 25 sec cooldown. (Under Makashi)
- Circle of Shelter - Defensive buff that redirects all damage from allies to the user for 10 seconds. Buff has a 45 sec cooldown. (Under Soresu)
- Impelling Force- Increase melee damage by 20% and adds movement protection for 15s. Buff has a 45 sec cooldown. (Under Ataru)
- Barrier of Blades - Defensive buff that has a 20% chance to reflect damage back to attacker for 10 seconds. Buff has a 45 sec cooldown. (Under Shien)
- Healing Grace - Healing a target will also heal yourself by 25%, active for 10 sec. Buff has a 45 sec cooldown. (Under Niman)
- Vornskr's Ferocity - Offensive buff that has a 15% damage increase for attacks but user will recieve 20% more damage for 10 seconds. Buff has a 30 sec cooldown. (Under Juyo)
- Saber Burst - Powerful melee attack that does more damage the more it stacks
- Arterial Strike - Causes Action Damage and an Action DoT
- Life Warden - Reactive Heal Self Buff
- Force Pull - Pulls a target to the Guardian and snares them for 8 sec
- Inner Peace - 10 sec buff that can be applied to targets to increase incoming heals by 15%
- Stasis and Self Stasis - similar to medic stasis but does not restrict movement
- Force Rend - Bleeding causes tissues to swell resulting in intense pain, when action is spent and damage over time
- Mending Aura - Channeled Group Heal
- Lightning Burst - Powerful lightning attack that does more damage the more it stacks
- Telekinesis - Ranged ability that causes bleed damage
- Force Powers Cooldown is now percentage base instead of a flat reduction. (This may be tuned further after testing)
- Heightened Speed and Second Wind have been combined into a single selection
- The Force Cloak ability will now include the stat from Improved Force Cloak that breaks combat
- Jedi Innate Armor has been reduced from a max of 7000 to 6000 Innate Armor
- Force Drag ability is now included with Force Revive Skill
- Increased base self heal from 5k to 10k
- Regular Jedi Heal and Force Drain Cooldowns have been separated
- Advanced Force Heal Cooldown reduced from 30 to 24 seconds
- Forsake Fear duration has been lowered from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
- Hermetic Touch now has a 20 second cooldown
- Premonition now includes a Dot Resistance
- The taunt expertise will now grant both a single and aoe taunt
- Fixed FRS mail from daily to weekly
- BattleField Sabers are now Gen5 and have the additional stats equal to Evolve's Old Republic Hilt
Jewelry Set Changes:
- Frontmans:
- Increased constitution from 20 to 25 per piece
- Added 25 agility per piece
- Added 1% damage adds to action per piece
- Added 150 agility 5 piece bonus
- Increased 5 piece bonus chance to block from 3% to 10%
- Removed hidden bonus that caused strength and block value to not be divided by 2. However, the block value formula has been reworked.
- Steel Body:
- Removed 2500 innate armor granted from 5 piece bonus
- Removed hidden bonus that caused strength and block value to not be divided by 2. However, the block value formula has been reworked.
- Enforcers Jewlery Set:
- Removed Ambush Bonuses
- Added Assault Damage Increase - 1% per piece
- Replaced 5 piece Ambush Action Cost Reduction (10) with 20% Assault Freeshot Chance
- Flawless Set:
- Flawless Strike now does more damage and is a guaranteed critical
- Using this ability grants a Flawless Strike buff that increase Strikethrough Chance of the attacker by 50% for the next 15 seconds
- Flawless Strike now does more damage and is a guaranteed critical
- Guardian Set:
- Removed ACR from Set Bonus
- Added Reflect Chance 5/10/15 to Set Bonus
- 25 Contitution Per Piece
- 25 Agility Per Piece
- 1% damage taken to action per piece
- Jedi Sage Set:
- 25 Contitution Per Piece
- 1% Healing Potency Per Piece
- 1% Jedi Heal ACR Per Piece
- 1% Jedi Heal Fast Attack Per Piece
- 3 Piece Bonus: +50 Stamina, 5% Increase to Jedi Heal
- 4 Piece Bonus: +100 Stamina, 10% Increase to Jedi Heal, 5% Chance to Fast Attack with Jedi Heal
- 5 Piece Bonus: +150 Stamina, 15% Increase to Jedi Heal, 10% Chance to Fast Attack with Jedi Heal
- Dark Fury Set:
- 20% Piercing Energy Per Piece
- 2% Lightning Duration Per Piece
- 1% Force Powers Cooldown Per Piece
- 2% Force Powers Damage Per Piece
- 3 Piece Bonus: 5% Force Powers Cooldown, 5% Action Cost Reduction
- 4 Piece Bonus: 10% Force Powers Cooldown, 10% Action Cost Reduction, 10% Chance to reset the cooldown of Force Lightning or Force Shockwave, 10% Chance to reset the cooldown of Force Maelstrom
- 5 Piece Bonus: 20% Force Powers Cooldown, 15% Action Cost Reduction, 20% Chance to reset the cooldown of Force Lightning or Force Shockwave, 20% Chance to reset the cooldown of Force Maelstrom, 100% Chance for Force Lightning Snare
- Duelist Set:
- 25 Strength Per Piece
- 1% Hit Chance Per Piece
- 2% Saber Strike Damage Per Piece
- 2% Saber Sweep Damage Per Piece
- 1% Chance to Hit Twice Per Piece
- 1% Riposte Chance Per Piece
- 3 Piece Bonus: 1% Increase Movement Speed, 1% Chance to Hit Twice, 2s Flurry Cooldown, 5% Saber Strike Damage, 5% Saber Sweep Damage
- 4 Piece Bonus: 2% Increase Movement Speed, 2% Chance to Hit Twice, 4s Flurry Cooldown, 10% Saber Strike Damage, 10% Saber Sweep Damage
- 5 Piece Bonus: 5% Increase Movement Speed, 5% Chance to Hit Twice, 6s Flurry Cooldown, 15% Saber Strike Damage, 15% Saber Sweep Damage
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