TC Patch Notes - 6/5/2024

Evolve Staff

Staff member
Mar 23, 2023
  • Resource Containers will now display the Resource Class and Resource Name
  • POB Loot box capacity should be 150 now
  • Fixed various Starship Hangar ship displays:
    • TIE Advanced.
    • TIE Fighter LN
    • TIE Fighter Modified (Not currently available.)
    • Black Sun "Kihrakx" Fighter (Style 1)
  • Space factional helper timer was correctly adjusted last PR, however the space overt timer was not. This should correct that from 30 seconds to 10
  • Potential fix for the Novaldex J-77 Event Horizon engine component not being flaggable for sale protection
  • WoD Themepark Quests should correctly recongnize crafters
  • New method for token distribution, almost all tokens should now be affected by token bonuses, including BH and FRS tokens
    • Also fixes issue with too many tokens spawning at once and crashing
  • Removed NoTrade from Chronicles Items
  • Make tokens default to Store All instead of one at a time
  • Fixed Wampa Snowglobe
  • Rotated Sandcrawler House Sign
  • PuPs and Exoctic Attachments have been returned to their original divisors
  • Initial Concepts of World Boss and Event Vendors have been added
  • Jedi Specialization Trees now require the following point spends:
    • Row 1 - 0
    • Row 2 - 4
    • Row 3 - 8
    • Row 4 - 18
    • Row 5 - 24
    • Row 6 - 30 (Mastery Row)
  • Force Powers Cooldown is now percentage base instead of a flat reduction. (This may be tuned further after testing)
  • Fixed several string files for incorrect Form Names
  • Removed Damage Reflect from Guardian set and replaced it with Block Chance and Block Value that mirror the other tanking sets
  • Lowered Vigilant Strike and Overhead Slice CDs from 15 to 10 seconds
  • Jedi Taunt is now an area taunt
  • Heightened Speed and Second Wind have been combined into a single selection
  • Saber Strike and Saber Sweep have been moved from Jedi Battlemaster to Force Sensitive
  • The Force Cloak ability will now include the stat from Improved Force Cloak that breaks combat
  • Jedi Innate Armor has been reduced from a max of 7000 to 6000 Innate Armor
  • Force Drag ability is now included with Force Revive Skill
  • Battlemaster has gained the Saber Burst Ability - Powerful melee attack that does more damage to more it stacks
  • Battlemaster has gained the Arterial Strike Ability - Causes Action Damage
  • Guardian has gained the Life Warden Ability - Reactive Heal Self Buff
  • Guardian has gained the Force Pull Ability - Pulls a target to the Guardian and snares them for 4 sec
  • Sage has gained the Inner Peace Ability - 10 sec buff that can be applied to targets to increase incoming heals by 15%
  • Sage has gained the Stasis and Self Stasis abilities - similiar to medic stasis but does not restrict movement
  • Mystic has gained the Force Rend Ability - Bleeding causes tissues to swell resulting in intense pain, when action is spent and damage over time
  • Increased base self heal from 5k to 10k
  • FRS Tree investment no longer requires expertise points to be spent

Non-Jedi Skill Trees:
  • New Martial Artist Tree
  • Master Pikeman, Fencer, Swordsman and Martial Artist now grant the Narrow Escape ability
  • Moved Teras Kasi and Grenadier Trees to Combat Skills
  • Restructured the order of skill trees
  • Reduced XP Costs of the various weapon specific trees
  • Reduced available armor protection from various expertise trees
  • Heavyweapon Specialist has been revamped to be more inline with our weapon skills
  • Dancer and Musician skill boxes have been moved to the Performer Tree
  • Combat Skillsets outside of Beast Master and Creature Handler have the following point spends:
  • Jedi Specialization Trees now require the following point spends:
    • Row 1 - 0
    • Row 2 - 4
    • Row 3 - 8
    • Row 4 - 18
    • Row 5 - 24
    • Row 6 - 30 (Mastery Row)

  • Master Merchant Line has been merged with the Business Line of Artisan
Bounty Hunter:
  • Tangle Bomb is now a thrown trap with a max ranged of 18m
  • Bounty Hunter Absorption is now 250 pts per kin/ele protection per point spent
  • Manhunter now grants 2% strikethrough chance, 5% block reduction and 5% glancing blow reduction per point spent
  • Detect Camouflage is now granted with Master Bounty Hunter
  • Snare Duration is now included in the Lethality Skill Boxes
  • Preparation has been increased to increase all damage by 60%
  • Multiple skill boxes have been reworked to apply to all 3 trap types
  • Bounty Hunters have gained the following abilities:
    • Torso Shot - High Damage Bleed
    • Eye Shot - Causes Target to Reduce Precision and Chance to hit
    • Confusion Shot - Cone Snare
    • Critical Shot - Guaranteed Crit Hit
    • Underhand Shot - Causes Target a debuff that makes them receive 25% increased damage from all sources for 6 seconds
  • Flawless Strike now does more damage and is a guaranteed critical
    • Using this ability grants a Flawless Strike buff that increase Strikethrough Chance of the attacker for the next 15 seconds
Combat Medic:
  • Combat Medic is now its own tree
  • Medic Toxin is now a thrown toxin with a max range of 24m
  • Doctor tree is now its own tree
  • Medic Enhanced Armor is now 250 pts per kin/ele protection per point spent
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Area Revive to not have a cooldown
  • Impossible Odds duration bonus tuned down to 4 seconds per tick instead of 13
  • Impossible Odds hit chance by luck has been tuned down to 3% per tick instead of 8
  • Skullduggery duration bonus tuned down to 4 seconds per tick instead of 13
  • Skullduggery miss chance by luck has been tuned down to 3% per tick instead of 6
Squad Leader:
  • Squad Leader Enhanced Defense is now 250 pts per kin/ele protection per point spent for a max of 4 points
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