Every now and then we find people who deserve to be in the spotlight. DWTerabyte is definitely one of those people. He's a very dedicated and amazing individual and I hope you all share my sentiment.
Main Character(s) Name(s):
Simara Kestalyn , ChumbumRonin, Beepo Laruk, Cypax Loncho, Mishel Moogley, Shirlee Wuzintme, Toodles McGee
Discord Handle:
Player Association:
Where in the RL world do you live?
United States of America, born and raised in Missouri
How long did you play the live version of Star wars galaxies and what server did you play on?
For a total of 2 years, off and on in between breaks, mainly the PC I had broke and had tobuild a new one to play. I played on the Kettemoor server.
What type of work do you do?
Perform residential and commercial lot tree removal, trimming and stump removal for at least 20 years. Get to drive the work trucks and mess with the fancy equipment we have to do the job.
What does a typical Star Wars Galaxies day consist of for you?
Logging in, and checking harvesters , updating their maintenance and power if needed , then take inventory and check to see if there are orders to be fulfilled and keep the stock fresh and plenty currently on my food and drink vendor. Then proceed to socialize with members that are online while trying to organize the never ending mess in my house and decorate one bit at a time to make it my home for all my crafting needs. Crack jokes and be a weirdo, you know the basic usual stuff.
What was the race and profession of your very first character?
A Female blue-hued Twi’lek named Simara Kestalyn. I started out with Marksman from first launch.
What is the one thing you’ve always wanted to be/do in Star Wars Galaxies on live that you've done(or have yet to do here)?
I want to be able to leadby example in the expertise for crafting, resources and all aroundsage advice. The one thing about SWG that it has cultivated acomplex social environment to where we can exchange jokes and ideasand take things to many different levels and perspectives to our gameenvironment. It has even developed some real life relationsihps withplayers in the game.
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing Star Wars Galaxies?
Woodworking, taking care of my doggos, learning new things every day from making gadgets and devices to making portable tool chests.
What race and profession is your main character?
Twi’lek , Master Swordsman, Master Assassin, Master Smuggler.
What do you like the most about the profession you have chosen for your main character?
While solo or in groups, I put out the damage. Mainly I’ve always been the main DPS in groups since it is the best job I can do, and I attempt to do it well. I have the capability to put out the hurt and once I I’m “warmed-up” I really shine in my role with my build I have chosen.
What faction is your main character?
What is your favorite player owned ship?
While the YT-2400 / 1200series roped me into loving and learning about Star Wars. I will always fly an X-Wing in game. Though the Havoc ship I saw is a good runner up.
What is your favorite ground vehicle?
While the BARC is my main go to for speed and travel. But I have always favored the AV-21. I love how the whole design is a good example of hubris and the land boats I used to ride around in as a child.
How did you choose your main character's name?
Simara Kestalyn, was a name I chose for a character I had back when I played Everquest - but the incarnation of her name I came up with out of the blue. She has been many incarnations in games over the years that I have played. I’ve even developed her into a story as a main character of a science fiction world setting that I developed but never written out. Also it was a unique name that I could get when I made a character among the MMO’s I’ve played , until the movie The Ring came out. And people clamored to that since the girl’s name was Simara… Who knew?
What is your favorite planet and/or city and why?
Theed on Naboo, the open space and design of the city really makes you want to go explore what is around you, with the occasional bother of being scanned for contraband.
What is your favorite NPC?
What are the most credits you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of yourcharacters?
On Evolve I spent 1 mil credits to buy an AV-21 that someone crafted. On Live I spent about 10 mil to buy a crafting suit for Droid Engineer to trade to pay fora player I knew to decorate my house.
What do you like best about SWG:Evolve?
When I was introduced to the concept of Evolve, I was really interested in the Expertise system that combine the ability of both systems of NGE and Pre-CU. Rezec at the time showed me a long time ago when Evolve was in it’s infant stages, testing the schematics to see if they worked, provided feedback on what could help make us unique or implement a vast chunk of Quality of Life changes for all of us. Now that is in Live, the ability to fast track an idea/build you have for your character, instead of grabbing missions, grinding xp to finally test your final setup. With the possiblity of Droid Commander in the works, as well as other upcoming changes that a lot of us as a player base have wanted in the Live version of the game for years. To see that come to life has reignited my passion and love for the game once again.
Describe your best experience playing Star Wars Galaxies.
Back on Live, I was strutting around looking at vendors, figuring things out and testing the waters. With other players waiting for the planetary transport to land, I looked around me for a second, and suddenly I was washed over with a series of feelings, that me here in the game, felt a sense of unique small part of the giant galaxy. From there it really helped me on the path to find my identity in game and in Real LIfe.
What is your favorite quest-line and/or place within Star Wars Galaxies and why?
My favorite place to explore is the Warren on Dantooine. It was the first place and exposure to some real basic puzzles and lore of the game outside the normal Rebels vs. Imp lore that is part of the game. You learn about some nasty experiments, try to survive by not getting eaten by said experiments and realizing when you reach a certain point when the AT-ST is inside, while being blasted by it, you wonder, “How the hell did they get that in here? “ And then when your done you get rewarded by reporting bad management.
Thanks DW for taking the time to answer our questions today!
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Do you know someone who you think deserves the spotlight? Please reach out to CSR-Jax on discord to nominate someone today!
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