Allow bm pets to get your buffs when you pull them out


New member
Mar 12, 2023
You can currently buff your pet with medic buffs/officer buffs and others that apply to your group. But the problem is when your pet gets stored, it loses all those buffs when you call them again. And the buffs should last until the pet is killed in combat. If there is a balance issue in terms of doing so, there could be a penalty to the loyalty loss that occurs when the pet dies, make it double or triple the usual amount, so that it has to be earned back.


New New Kid
Staff member
May 29, 2023
United States
Allow BM pets to get your buffs when you pull them out. Previous servers mainly Prophecy had this feature and it was REALLY nice in my opinion
Just The medic and Squad leader buffs mainly. anything more than that is overkill. They already get them when they are applied but they go away when the pet is put away or killed. why not just make them have the same timer as the player itself


New member
May 25, 2023
Just The medic and Squad leader buffs mainly. anything more than that is overkill. They already get them when they are applied but they go away when the pet is put away or killed. why not just make them have the same timer as the player itself
Cause we dont need to revisit what Prophecy did with BM. You of all people know firsthand how dumb BM was on Prophecy. It was bad enough they changed the expertise and made the Abilities/Harm Understanding and the Revive super easy to get. Lets not go this route again lol. BMs are MORE than fine over here in their current state.


New member
Mar 12, 2023
I would be willing to have pets NOT receive any buffs at all , except the serum for xp gain. Instead in place, allow other Master Beast Masters' to trade pets only with other Master Beast Masters', with trained abilities intact. Another option , while including the same disadvantage is to allow Master BM's to train other peoples pets. There would be a cost included, the Master BM's can craft an item to trade with other players to scribe.

The creature book/manual would have these parameters :
  • The book only consists of a single charge, with a probability factor of the player scribing the book to learn the pet ability
  • The manual is crafted, requiring Master Bio-Engineer to craft the DNA Data Disk part of the schem
  • Master Tailor crafts the binding/pages/protective bindings and Master Droid Engineer crafts the Simulation Data Disk ( requires identical Module - Playback )
  • Master Artisan electronic identical components from a crate are required for the Simulation Data Disk ( Advanced Micro Sensor Suite ) - the stat cap is Quality 2.0 And identical components from a crate ( Advanced Control Unit ) - the stat cap is Mechanism Quality 2.0, and both will determine the success rate on the creature manual
  • The final form of the book with a percentage in the examine would include the overall rating/quality on the DND Data Disk, Simulation Data Disk and Master Tailor component
  • The player using the book , upon success will grant the given ability based on two things: the chance to learn the highest tier of that ability and if unsuccessful they learn the next available highest. Each roll on learning that ability will continue until the player either learns the lowest level of that ability , or not at all.


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
SoCal, USA
Pets themselves don’t ignore the buffs here’s the same pet without buffs and with buffs. The higher health is with buffs
Right, but Ykeer and I were talking about CH pets. I just did the same check you did with a CH pet and it looks like the stats did not change, which I'm guessing is what Ykeer was point out. Bummer! :D


New member
Mar 9, 2024
Right, but Ykeer and I were talking about CH pets. I just did the same check you did with a CH pet and it looks like the stats did not change, which I'm guessing is what Ykeer was point out. Bummer! :D
Do CH pets still not get buffs?