Frontman set Revamp


Mar 4, 2023
Since Commando is situated now as the Ranged version of TKM for tanking I would like to suggest we bring the stats for the Frontman set up to par with the Steel Body Set. As of right now, the Steel body set is significantly more viable for a solid tank and will deter people from running ranged tanks since for the same cost (probably less for buying HW instead of Knucklers) you can get a Steel Body set instead of an inferior Frontman's.
Upvote 3
Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
Since Commando is situated now as the Ranged version of TKM for tanking I would like to suggest we bring the stats for the Frontman set up to par with the Steel Body Set. As of right now, the Steel body set is significantly more viable for a solid tank and will deter people from running ranged tanks since for the same cost (probably less for buying HW instead of Knucklers) you can get a Steel Body set instead of an inferior Frontman's.
Could/would you go into some more detail of what you're proposing? Stat differences between what currently is and where you want it to do? I'm not as well versed concerning any of the melee classes, so while I have a vague sense of what you want to change, I don't have enough to form an opinion.
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Mar 4, 2023
Could/would you go into some more detail of what you're proposing? Stat differences between what currently is and where you want it to do? I'm not as well versed concerning any of the melee classes, so while I have a vague sense of what you want to change, I don't have enough to form an opinion.
Frontman set is currently the same stats as on live which can be found in Wiki, while the Steel Body set was designed specifically for TKM as the Tank set and an upgrade from the base stats. I have tried to attach pictures to show the disparities but for some reason even significantly cropped pics are telling me that the file is too large today. If you go to Aurilia and look at the sets on the vendor there you will see my meaning I am sure


Oct 18, 2023
Frontman set is currently the same stats as on live which can be found in Wiki, while the Steel Body set was designed specifically for TKM as the Tank set and an upgrade from the base stats. I have tried to attach pictures to show the disparities but for some reason even significantly cropped pics are telling me that the file is too large today. If you go to Aurilia and look at the sets on the vendor there you will see my meaning I am sure
Frontman set and steel body both have the original block formula which has no division so whatever your strength is + block value is how much damage you’ll block with it.
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Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Commando isn't tied to Heavy Weapons. You can be a melee commando, a Pistoleer commando, a grenadier commando. It's a tank against Ranged but you don't necessarily HAVE to play as ranged.


Mar 4, 2023
Commando isn't tied to Heavy Weapons. You can be a melee commando, a Pistoleer commando, a grenadier commando. It's a tank against Ranged but you don't necessarily HAVE to play as ranged.
I understand and agree with that but the Steel Body set is clearly more advantageous for tkm thank Frontman set is for commando regardless if you decide on ranged or melee disciplines. My suggestion is to bring the stats, innate armor bonuses etc up to par with steel body for the frontman set.


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
SoCal, USA
Frontman set and steel body both have the original block formula which has no division so whatever your strength is + block value is how much damage you’ll block with it.
Oh, its not ((Block Value + strength) / 2 + 25)? ...But only if you are wearing one of those two sets?
Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
I feel like I have a better grasp of what RangerPhenom is advocating for, but I'm not sure it's necessary. Granted, I'm not engaging in combat the way most people are - my combat toons are 95% for farming mats. I will eventually need to run heroics so I can unlock the 8th character slot and get jewelry sets for my other two combat farmers, but instances/PVP/other ground content isn't where the game is for me. My game is in crafting and space.

My Commando-main, wearing a block suit with only the hand-sampling jewelry set, is quite tanky. I can, for example, aggro the entire Spider Cult cave on the way down to the Starmap objective there and tank it fine. It doesn't matter how many, I typically just go until one of them manage to snare me, drop secure position and kill the group - rinse and repeat.

But what I'm doing isn't what most others are doing, so I'm going to abstain on this idea.


Mar 4, 2023
I feel like I have a better grasp of what RangerPhenom is advocating for, but I'm not sure it's necessary. Granted, I'm not engaging in combat the way most people are - my combat toons are 95% for farming mats. I will eventually need to run heroics so I can unlock the 8th character slot and get jewelry sets for my other two combat farmers, but instances/PVP/other ground content isn't where the game is for me. My game is in crafting and space.

My Commando-main, wearing a block suit with only the hand-sampling jewelry set, is quite tanky. I can, for example, aggro the entire Spider Cult cave on the way down to the Starmap objective there and tank it fine. It doesn't matter how many, I typically just go until one of them manage to snare me, drop secure position and kill the group - rinse and repeat.

But what I'm doing isn't what most others are doing, so I'm going to abstain on this idea.
If an SWG veteran, new to this server, reads through all the patch notes and updates and decides he/she wants to run a Tank toon and does his research....when he/she gets to the jewelry sets as a sway to which prof he wants to run, Commando or TKM, and he/she gets to a side by side comparison of our Frontman and Steel Body sets....10/10 they are going to choose the Steel Body set because it is night and day better than Frontman....if you want TKM and Commando to be on the same tier for tanks albeit opposite spectrums (ranged/melee) Frontman needs to be addressed. I may be wrong but I would assume that one would want to have at least similar if not equivalent options for two profs that are NOT allowed to hybrid with one another but as of right now the tank sets (Frontman and Steel Body) arent even close in what benefits they provide.
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Feb 28, 2024
Johnson City, TN USA
If an SWG veteran, new to this server, reads through all the patch notes and updates and decides he/she wants to run a Tank toon and does his research....when he/she gets to the jewelry sets as a sway to which prof he wants to run, Commando or TKM, and he/she gets to a side by side comparison of our Frontman and Steel Body sets....10/10 they are going to choose the Steel Body set because it is night and day better than Frontman....if you want TKM and Commando to be on the same tier for tanks albeit opposite spectrums (ranged/melee) Frontman needs to be addressed.
And from that point of view, I absolutely see your point. However, the way I utilize my Commando/SL hybrid, I don't feel like I have the expertise nor the right starting place to throw my weight in either direction.

That's why I'm backing out without hitting the button either way.
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Mar 4, 2023
And from that point of view, I absolutely see your point. However, the way I utilize my Commando/SL hybrid, I don't feel like I have the expertise nor the right starting place to throw my weight in either direction.

That's why I'm backing out without hitting the button either way.
I completely understand, thank you wind for asking the clarifying questions though I think it helped to really bring out the point more effectively
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