Satchel and Cargo Pocket w/ Storage


Active member
Mar 2, 2024
Pre-CU I recall there being Satchels and Cargo Pockets that could have items placed inside of them. Was very convenient for organizing backpacks as they could also then be placed inside of a backpack. Think they were 20 storage. Not sure if they were able to be renamed, thou that would be convenient also. Used to have 1 or 2 of them to separate my buffs from other items in my backpack.

I recall them being looted from Mag Seal containers in dungeons among other simple loot that used to spawn in these containers.

Any way to get these implemented or point me in the direction they can be found.
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The Trickster
Sep 15, 2023
I've been wondering the same , where have they gone ?

These items spoken of are actually "extinct" they were removed when the NGE launched. The only way to obtain them after NGE dropped originally was by purchasing them from other players. They are currently not available as loot on Evolve. However we can consider adding them back to the game.