Newbie Friendly Home/About Page


New member
Jun 18, 2023
Hey guys! I'm a new user and know very little about the game, but am eager to learn.

I thought it would be a useful suggestion to encourage the devs to update the home and about pages to make it more newbie friendly.
There are numerous acronyms (SWG/NGE/CU) which I am unfamiliar with, and the home page is almost unintelligible unless you already know these definitions.
The about page isn't much better unfortunately, but you can gather from context clues what is going on there.

TLDR: Define terms or change language on the Home/About pages so that interested new players that are new to the Star Wars gaming universe can know and understand what they are looking at.


Community Dad
Staff member
Jun 3, 2023
Maybe add a link to the default SWG wiki. May not go into detail about NGE/CU, but is good for players to see what the base game has. Can also make a copy of the default wiki and then use it to base changes off of, so that the things that aren't adjusted can more easily be referenced, instead of having to recreate the wheel so to speak


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Bellator: Excellent suggestion, when I revamp the site I will look at diving a bit more into that for people who have never played SWG before.

Chavex: There are plans to work on our own wiki of sorts since we have quite a few changes from any other iteration of SWG