TC Patch Notes - 03/04/2024

Evolve Staff

Staff member
Mar 23, 2023
This is the FINAL Patch to be tested before skill/combat changes.


  • To mirror climbing FRS Bounties, normal bounties will now grow at a modified rate based on the players GCW Rank (Credit Tank)
  • Added very minimal bounty growth for killing factional NPCs that award GCW if you are a GCW Officer

Jedi TEF:
  • Players who possess Master Artisan, Master Entertainer or under level 90 will not flag for a Jedi TEF, but will still properly flag in other PvP areas of the game.
  • FRS Jedi will now appear YELLOW if you can attack them, but they cannot yet attack you.

  • Fixed an issue that will prevent non-frs Jedi from getting rank processing notifications every 30 minutes. (Credit Ward)
  • Fixed an issue with the BH strings on kills. (Credit Reedux)

  • Removed restrictions on which pet types can learn Helper Monkey Buffs
  • Improved Helper Monkey Buffs (Credit Fryakin)
  • Altered Foraged Lyase Enzymes for ATK players to always be 11's (Credit Fryakin)
  • Added hidden DNA extraction bonus to Bio-Engineer set (Credit Fryakin)
  • Destroy Duty missions will grant tokens to all group members who are in the same area and in a valid ship (Credit Fryakin)
  • FRS can once again be gained in Battlefields

New Items:
  • 3 New Paintings for Rewards (Credit Reyna and Fyrakin)