Fix these Wookiee "boots" please!!!

Mar 4, 2023

Please fix this craftable wookiee boot slot ittem to not take Armor cores. Boots for armor sets don't even have armor values anyway.
Make it so it's in line with something like High Quality Boots, but since it's a wookiee item, make it take leather, synthetic cloth and wood and metal.


New New Kid
Staff member
May 29, 2023
United States

Please fix this craftable wookiee boot slot ittem to not take Armor cores. Boots for armor sets don't even have armor values anyway.
Make it so it's in line with something like High Quality Boots, but since it's a wookiee item, make it take leather, synthetic cloth and wood and metal.
the image that you attached are leggings
Mar 4, 2023
I was in the middle of editing my reply. The slot it takes is the foot armor slot but in reality they are leggings
That's because they were created based off the original Cermonial leggings. I think the problem is that they were not made fully in-line with actual boots, and instead are just a copy of the ceremonial leggings, for the boot slot, but retained the schematic requirements for the leggings


New member
Nov 13, 2023
Las Vegas, NV
That's because they were created based off the original Cermonial leggings. I think the problem is that they were not made fully in-line with actual boots, and instead are just a copy of the ceremonial leggings, for the boot slot, but retained the schematic requirements for the leggings
That Item is both the legs and the feet. If you look in the Leg section there is no Kashyyk ceremonial armor, But it is in the Foot Section of the crafting. If anything it should be moved from the foot section to the leg section, but it costs the cores because it does in fact encompass both the legs and the feet.
Mar 4, 2023
That Item is both the legs and the feet. If you look in the Leg section there is no Kashyyk ceremonial armor, But it is in the Foot Section of the crafting. If anything it should be moved from the foot section to the leg section, but it costs the cores because it does in fact encompass both the legs and the feet.

they are only boots, sir... the waistwrap is classified as pants.

Also, Rezec, the classification as armor needs to be changed to clothing. I was trying to use them as appearance, and it keeps un-equipping saying 'You lack the certification to wear armor" - (they are NOT armor, per se... It's a new item you kinda humored me with, and it works, (mostly). However, a few tweaks are needed to get them where they need to be.