Chapter 2: Path of the Jedi
Unique Jedi Unlock System:
- This is fully completed within the Collection System with a new page for the "Path of the Jedi" Collection
- Many people will retroactively complete Phases 1 through 3
- Phases 4 and 5 are currently a mystery, but is easily repeatable once players discover and share this information
- Completing the collection will reward a No Trade Shared Unlock Holocron
- This is now a 2 step process:
- First Use - Adds the Jedi Slot and then manually use /occupyUnlockedSlot command (This is a permanent occupation)
- Second Use - Converts the character to a Jedi permanently (You can skip this step and keep an 8th non-jedi slot)
Additional Rewards - Upon becoming a jedi you will recieve the following:
- Padawan Robes
- Training Saber
- Color Crystal
- FRS Light and Dark Holocrons (To join the Light or Dark Jedi Force Ranking System)
- Imperial and Rebel Devices (For Jedi to switch factions as Jedi are no longer able to speak to Faction Recruiter to drop a faction)
Force Ranking System:
- There are 6 Ranks:
- Jedi Padawan
- Dark Jedi Knight / Jedi Knight
- Dark Jedi Enforcer / Jedi Sentinel
- Dark Jedi Templar / Jedi Consular
- Dark Jedi Oppressor / Jedi Arbiter
- Dark Jedi Council / Jedi Council
- Knight and above are permanently locked to Special Forces
- Ranks are directly tied to equippable Robes
- Ranks of Knight and higher gain bounties for every pvp kill
Jedi Visibility:
- Equipping Robes or Lightsaber will TEF you against other players, even in your own faction
- Knight and above will always TEF you against other players, even in your own faction
- TEFs include Jedi in your own faction that belong to Opposing Enclaves
New Items:
- Added Return Home Ability on a 30 minute Cooldown
- Added Ace of Aces Badge and Starship Hangar Reward (Credit Citrine)
- Added Nyms Travel Device to Ace of Aces Rewards (Credit Cetrine)
- Added Aurilian Travel Device to Token Vendor in Aurilia (Credit Cyco)
- Added Mustafar Travel Device to Token Vendor in Mensix (Credit Cyco)
- Added Limited Use Automated Creature Harvester Schematic to Trader Vender (Credit Reyna)
- Added Target Dummy to Daily Vendor (Credit EllasDad)
- Added Visual Indicator for players opted-in to our custom Bounty System (Credit Reyna)
- Added an Armor Bit Tool and a Weapon Bit Tool to the Trader Vendor for 1 token each
- These Tools are made to create Armor and Weapon Bits with the crafted modifier bits
- Added a "Class Specialist" Collection that grants an improved version of the "Favor of the Elders" buff
- Master the core 6 combat skills:
- Bounty Hunter
- Commando
- Smuggler
- Squad Leader
- Medic
- Assassin
- Master the core 6 combat skills:
- Shipwright stat rebalance (Credit Citrine)
- Elite Natural Gas Processor - Bore Mechanism reduced from 21125 to 1000 units of metal (Credit RedeyeWV)
- Droidsmith and Weaponsmith Bandolier's experimentation increased from 3 to 5 points (Credit Sphiynx)
- Factories and Harvesters will now be able to be crafted in factory crates (Credit Bleep)
- Reduced cost for All in One Survey Tool on Trader Vendor
- Citizens and Experts in Tusken King instance should no longer be targetable by players (Credit Raum)
- Jedi Cloaks (except collection Cloaks) are now colorable
- Improvements made to Teras Kasi and the Steel Body Jewelry Set
- Any NPC with a chance to drop a dooku's data disk, now has a chance to drop any of the 5
- Master Merchants will now be able to register Vendors on the map (Credit Cyco)
- Architects can now correctly customize color palettes on furntire (Credit Cyco)
- Snowspeeder ITV will now function correctly (Credit Cyco)
- Fixed issue with Space Duty Token Bonus (Credit Roronoa Zoro)
- Fixed issue with Imperial Double Hoth Tokens
- Fixed issue with double hoth tokens not granting the Badge and Painting for Flawless Runs
- Fixed issue preventing groups from recieving collection loot
- Fixed issue with Nym's Badge
- Fixed an issue with Nova Orion Vendors (Credit Roronoa Zoro)
- Fixed issues with some abilities not working while wearing a 5 piece Pikeman Set (Credit Vellarian)
- Fixed issues with Squall Kill Collection (Credit EllasDad)
- Fixed issues with Cresh not dropping
- Fixed issue with missing Boogie song for Musicians (Credit Volkor)
- Fixed issue with missing Schematics for Xangtha and Valahorn
- Fixed issue with Meatlump Map Puzzles (Credit Ice)
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