QoL Discussion: Random Loot, Tokens


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
It should come as no surprise to everyone that RNG in this game is crappy. Many people come out of OG groups and feel like they didn't earn anything and could end up running the same content over and over and over again and never get the item they want due to RNG not being in their favor.

For this topic of discussion I would like to hear thoughts and ideas about making certain Loot items from current heroic instances attainable with tokens. The more rare and item, the more tokens it costs.

The benefits are that every person, on every run, feel like they are progressing towards a wanted item and more incentive to do heroic runs to work on attainable drop items.

I'd love to see suggested items that should be included and suggested Token costs.


New member
Oct 17, 2023
It should come as no surprise to everyone that RNG in this game is crappy. Many people come out of OG groups and feel like they didn't earn anything and could end up running the same content over and over and over again and never get the item they want due to RNG not being in their favor.

For this topic of discussion I would like to hear thoughts and ideas about making certain Loot items from current heroic instances attainable with tokens. The more rare and item, the more tokens it costs.

The benefits are that every person, on every run, feel like they are progressing towards a wanted item and more incentive to do heroic runs to work on attainable drop items.

I'd love to see suggested items that should be included and suggested Token costs.
I love this idea! I’d say hit up chavex. Prophecy had vendors that allowed you to buy items from the heroics(prices were high, but attainable).
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New member
Mar 22, 2023
Interesting Idea. I don't agree with all Items being listed like the Ek mural or Excavation tools chest and such. But back packs and deco for sure would be awesome. If you do implement this. Are you removing these item from the loot table as well?


New member
Oct 17, 2023
I agree run after run and getting NO drops due to bad RNG sucks or not winning that 1 item you where looking for is hard. This would be a good way to get the more desirable items. Would there still be boss drops as well as normal? and They I assume cost heroic tokens? so we will then have to choose sets or drops? I'm interested in this and support some fair system as long it's not in line with the current Musty system where some of the rewards seem a bit pricey. I'm not trying to grind 100 of each for a TK pack at current 1 per. But I think this is a interesting view look forward what comes of it.


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
Yes, drops would continue as normal. This is an additional path to earn items over time and yes will use appropriate tokens. Musty tokens can also be adjusted on prices and we can add more musty drops to that vendor aswell.


New member
Oct 17, 2023
Interesting Idea. I don't agree with all Items being listed like the Ek mural or Excavation tools chest and such. But back packs and deco for sure would be awesome. If you do implement this. Are you removing these item from the loot table as well?
On Prophecy, in order to get the EK mural it took 500 of each token. Attainable, but definitely not something everyone could just buy.

The Heroic junk loot ran around 50 tokens per. Again, lots of runs, making it reasonable.
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New member
Oct 6, 2023
It should come as no surprise to everyone that RNG in this game is crappy. Many people come out of OG groups and feel like they didn't earn anything and could end up running the same content over and over and over again and never get the item they want due to RNG not being in their favor.

For this topic of discussion I would like to hear thoughts and ideas about making certain Loot items from current heroic instances attainable with tokens. The more rare and item, the more tokens it costs.

The benefits are that every person, on every run, feel like they are progressing towards a wanted item and more incentive to do heroic runs to work on attainable drop items.

I'd love to see suggested items that should be included and suggested Token costs.
I support this idea, we had vendors on Prophecy for the same reason, I don't remember the cost of the items, but the RNG does suck in this game, you can run instances 20 times and get nothing and the person who has everything wins the loot drops, seen it many times. Mustafar vendor with all the warmly glowing items and drops we had as well. With 1 token per run I'd do something around 10 or 15 tokens for a backpack and a little more for weapons etc. You can have a full jewelry set in 8 runs.
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New member
Oct 6, 2023
On Prophecy, in order to get the EK mural it took 500 of each token. Attainable, but definitely not something everyone could just buy.

The Heroic junk loot ran around 50 tokens per. Again, lots of runs, making it reasonable.
don't forget the tokens were 2 per run and 4 on double tokens events so it did not take as long.


Mar 4, 2023
I definitely agree with this idea, wouldn’t mind seeing 2 tokens per instance again honestly as Reyna mentioned was the base rate on Prophecy. I am also not opposed tot he idea of having a “Server City” for Evolve as well. I always thought that was an awesome addition 😁
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The Trickster
Sep 15, 2023
I think this would be a fine addition to the server, provided that the prices of the items make it worth the time investment getting the tokens to buy the items in the first place.

In addition to what RangerPhenom said above. Having a "server city would be another great idea." I played a server where they had Player cities that would considered "hubs" that were neutral zones (no pvp, no bounty hunting) that had a variety of players that resided there. Buff bots and a mall with player placed vendors to sell their goods. Adding to this I think it would be cool to see such an addition and having the Custom vendors that Evolve has "the trader token, login token, ent token" vendors placed within that city to add some extra reason to go their other than plain old Mos Eisley.
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New member
Nov 10, 2023
I've only just started running them over the last week and have gotten absolutely nothing in rewards. I'm only running to get my 10 badge and then I was thinking of stopping due to no real reason to do them - so this is a great idea!

I'd like to see practical things that are worth the investment in the players time:
* Rare Housing Buildings (Spires, Meditation Rooms, Bespin etc)
* Addition Housing Storage Token
* Rare Vehicles (perhaps slightly improved speed?)
* Decorations and Paintings (Some players love em)
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New member
Oct 15, 2023
My thoughts on this:

Create a unique "Evolve Currency". Players could purchase this currency, for example, by turning in 1 token each of the 5 OG tokens (1 TK, 1 ISD, 1 EK, 1 AM, 1 IG). The evolve currency token, could then be used to purchase items like field ace backpacks, tool chests, disabled homing beacons etc. Id say put the cost of 10 Evolve tokens, for these items. This way players are encouraged to continue to run OG content, but even if they fail during their runs to ever loot the items theyre after, they can obtain it by buying it from a unique vendor.

Traders could also use their trader tokens at a rate of 100:1, to buy the "Evolve Token".

Entertainers could use their entertainer tokens at a rate of 25:1, to buy the "Evolve Token". I came to this ratio based on the fact that entertainers only have a 20% chance to get a token upon buffing a player for a 3hr duration, and then having a lockout before they can get another token. Not an ideal way to farm for the unique token.
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New member
Oct 10, 2023
Interesting Idea. I don't agree with all Items being listed like the Ek mural or Excavation tools chest and such. But back packs and deco for sure would be awesome. If you do implement this. Are you removing these item from the loot table as well?
That May be a good idea. Remove the items from the loot table but add in some ultra rare stuff that is on par with the mural drop rate. Stuff like sunriders crystal and maybe the old CU plaque that were silver and gold. Mix it up a little for hard loot drops that are only in OGs.
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Wookiee Overlord
Nov 14, 2023
My thoughts on this:

Create a unique "Evolve Currency". Players could purchase this currency, for example, by turning in 1 token each of the 5 OG tokens (1 TK, 1 ISD, 1 EK, 1 AM, 1 IG). The evolve currency token, could then be used to purchase items like field ace backpacks, tool chests, disabled homing beacons etc. Id say put the cost of 10 Evolve tokens, for these items. This way players are encouraged to continue to run OG content, but even if they fail during their runs to ever loot the items theyre after, they can obtain it by buying it from a unique vendor.

Traders could also use their trader tokens at a rate of 100:1, to buy the "Evolve Token".

Entertainers could use their entertainer tokens at a rate of 25:1, to buy the "Evolve Token". I came to this ratio based on the fact that entertainers only have a 20% chance to get a token upon buffing a player for a 3hr duration, and then having a lockout before they can get another token. Not an ideal way to farm for the unique token.
100:1 seems a little steep for traders. You can only get 4/hr ,if it's correct that you only get 1 every 15 minutes while crafting. That would put 1 Evolve Token worth 25hrs of continuous crafting compared to the 1hr it takes to run all OG's.


New member
Oct 13, 2023
I like the token concept since you feel like you are making progress.

The RNG that the game uses is the Unix/Linux system call. You can take steps to make it less predictable, but you can not make it favor or disfavor any specific character. On live the first collection holocron I looted was one of the Ultra rare ones. Another was the last and I made ATK farming bearable by saying it was a race to see if I looted one, or if I made enough from the credits and junk loot to buy one from a scalper.

So I would not mess with the loot table and would add an additional completion token that all get. That way if the RNG favors them they have the item that way, but if they run it often enough they can buy it with tokens.

Also, if you can spend X trader tokens to get 1 of these tokens you should be able to spend 1 of these tokens and get the same X trader tokens, Y entertainer tokens or Z heroic tokens. It should not be a one way street and the conversion should not be done at a loss.

As to the conversion rates they should not be too high or too low. I reserve my opinion on this this till I see what is on the vendor and the prices.


New member
Oct 17, 2023
I like the token concept since you feel like you are making progress.

The RNG that the game uses is the Unix/Linux system call. You can take steps to make it less predictable, but you can not make it favor or disfavor any specific character. On live the first collection holocron I looted was one of the Ultra rare ones. Another was the last and I made ATK farming bearable by saying it was a race to see if I looted one, or if I made enough from the credits and junk loot to buy one from a scalper.

So I would not mess with the loot table and would add an additional completion token that all get. That way if the RNG favors them they have the item that way, but if they run it often enough they can buy it with tokens.

Also, if you can spend X trader tokens to get 1 of these tokens you should be able to spend 1 of these tokens and get the same X trader tokens, Y entertainer tokens or Z heroic tokens. It should not be a one way street and the conversion should not be done at a loss.

As to the conversion rates they should not be too high or too low. I reserve my opinion on this this till I see what is on the vendor and the prices.
That is an entirely different conversation but I would support it if you put forward a proposal to trade OGs or musty tokens for trader and entertainer tokens.
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New member
Feb 15, 2024
It should come as no surprise to everyone that RNG in this game is crappy. Many people come out of OG groups and feel like they didn't earn anything and could end up running the same content over and over and over again and never get the item they want due to RNG not being in their favor.

For this topic of discussion I would like to hear thoughts and ideas about making certain Loot items from current heroic instances attainable with tokens. The more rare and item, the more tokens it costs.

The benefits are that every person, on every run, feel like they are progressing towards a wanted item and more incentive to do heroic runs to work on attainable drop items.

I'd love to see suggested items that should be included and suggested Token costs.
I think this got a little off topic but I would like to bring it back. I think this is a great idea, once you have completed 10 of each OG for stat bonus and then obtain your 5 piece there is not a lot of incentive to continue to do these. By adding more token rewards I think would be excellent and give more veteran players reason to continue to run them. I think tcg rewards were always highly sought after such as the newer vehicles, class specific weapons, rare DNA, rare paintings and decor, rare junk loot, unique schematics, etc.
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