I have spoken to other players about this one and it seemed to be all around agreeance.
The Rebreather from DFW, the lootable ones and the Advance Rebreather literally look the same in the inventory. Now I know one of the replies is probably going to be, you will need to figure out which one is the right one by trial and error but people could easily forget that. Is there a possibility of either changing the color of the item itself OR possibly renaming the Advanced Rebreather to something to separate the two in the off chance that the Advanced one is deleted or sold.
The Rebreather from DFW, the lootable ones and the Advance Rebreather literally look the same in the inventory. Now I know one of the replies is probably going to be, you will need to figure out which one is the right one by trial and error but people could easily forget that. Is there a possibility of either changing the color of the item itself OR possibly renaming the Advanced Rebreather to something to separate the two in the off chance that the Advanced one is deleted or sold.