More Events


New member
Nov 24, 2024
So I have been on Evolve for alittle over a month now, I have loved what I seen and want this server to flourish. My suggestion is putting on more events for the Server. While we do have Heroic OGs and World Bosses and once in a rare moment - Hoth. There is other Heroic Content and similar out there. What I suggest is adding those to event nights possibly, gives more variety.

I also want to give real props to Mediocrebh for pushing events for PST folk, it has been really helpful to a few I know.


Oct 17, 2023
The issue is the Event people or person. Need to do more than plain old runs and come up with some good things. But also you not getting new player to place up a run and so all can help out. Plus not having new players learn to WS. Same with nothing for when new person to tank and heal/debuff at world boss.

I had a great idea for a PvP tournament and can even add too to make for PVE and crafting to have a big system that anyone can win. But no one wanted to do the pvp I was trying to to push the mainly my ISB knows what I was going to try to do. We can run the monthly run tournament basically.

I said that from the beginning need a calendar I was told it was added but nothing happened. You have plenty of stuff to do from space collection - quest line to unlock stuff. Can also put it for any badges person out to get them all.

I know they and working new stuff. But still I think you can easy have more things going on.


New member
Nov 24, 2024
Events do not need to be just Heroics. Like the example you showed was a primes example of it.

And you can easily use Heroics for a learning tool with WS and/or tanking. Literally my first heroic run here, I was told to tank.

Maybe there needs to be another Event Coordinator. Cause it would be nice to have more options all around.


Community Dad
Staff member
Jun 3, 2023
We as staff will take the brunt of this issue. We've talked about getting more events going and are in process of getting more folks involved with the events team. With the holiday season and some of our work schedules interfering with the end goal, it's been a tough to try and get things going. We are on the case though, and we're optimistic we get things rolling on a more consistent basis here in the short term. Thanks for voicing your concern/recommendation, we want to bring dynamic style events on a more regular basis.


New member
Nov 24, 2024
I have alot of confidence in the team here, I was just noticing that at times people are picky with who they bring and noticed ALOT of people just doing the whole duel boxing to bring their toons in as a group to complete things as well.

It's not just a staff thing and I totally understand that the holidays and work do play a key factor in this kind of stuff and want you to know that you are all very much appreciated.

I got asked to join by my friend Tesconda and I got hooked to this server and I want it to be the best out there.

Im just wanting to see the community grow and have connections be made with everyone else.


Community Dad
Staff member
Jun 3, 2023
No worries at all. The older content we do allow folks to bot, we've all done them ad nauseum for 20 plus years or so. The newer content is intended to be more on level with our base power levels here (we are pretty OP for all the old stuff lol), so we'll cut back on the bots for that kinda stuff (you'll see we do that for the world bosses already). Just to give you a little method behind the madness lol


New member
Nov 24, 2024
I get it. I've played on SWG when it was life as well. There is alot of people who just haven't had that in their experience. And I know stuff can or does get very repetitive. So I definitely understand lol


Polarizing Figure
Staff member
Jan 21, 2023
I think you joined after we finished up all the fun for Galactic Moon Festival. We did run a couple of events during that holiday with the player base. We did a Halloween/undead/night sister themed event twice and then had an old fashioned Droid Invasion of Theed.

I enjoy these types of events and we have been known to do both scheduled and unscheduled events like that. Unfortunately I've been traveling a lot over this holiday, so I didn't get any Life day themed events going.


New member
Nov 24, 2024
I think you joined after we finished up all the fun for Galactic Moon Festival. We did run a couple of events during that holiday with the player base. We did a Halloween/undead/night sister themed event twice and then had an old fashioned Droid Invasion of Theed.

I enjoy these types of events and we have been known to do both scheduled and unscheduled events like that. Unfortunately I've been traveling a lot over this holiday, so I didn't get any Life day themed events going.
Yeah, that is what I was told by Tesconda and initially made me want to try out Evolve


New member
Mar 9, 2024
An event Calander would be very appreciated, along with other details: PVE/PVP, faction-based content, RP, Combat/Non-Combat.