Search results

  1. D

    Jedi bounties

    So i don't know how difficult it would be, but is there anyway to set up a way to hunt Jedi NPC's on the BH. terminal. Do it like the Highly Dangerous ones, but specifically for Jedi? Since this is set in the era where Jedi are hunted, set it up like the Inquisitors are asking for help to hunt...
  2. D

    Revan Armor

    yeah then i did make a mistake on that my bad. but i just wanted to make a suggestion about jedi specific armor was all. not anymore powerful armor or anything like that, just something a jedi can quest for.
  3. D

    Revan Armor

    I have looted BH aromor and it says I can't equip it. Maybe I did something wrong lol
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    Revan Armor

    Well I never said "junk armor that drops from npc's". I said I'd like to see jedi SPECIFIC armor sets. Like how the Bounty Hunter armor is not equippable for a tkm. Like a quest reward, like the Katarn armor, but maybe it'll be the jedi armor from the clone wars. And maybe the revanite leader...
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    Revan Armor

    I just mean something that's ONLY for jedi. If that makes more sense lol. I love Revan too, maybe even that revanite leader mask would be a cool drop
  6. D

    Revan Armor

    Revans armor was kind of unique. The arevan Reborn wore something similar. Maybe we don't get his exact stuff, but something similar?
  7. D

    Revan Armor

    just curious who would think it would be awesome to see Darth Revans armor as a questable reward? jedi are limited in actual Jedi armor in all of swg. its usually inate in their robes, or using other armor types any player would have access to. what about Jedi only armor? like the armor used in...