Search results

  1. wobby1984

    CL90 Droids

    Hi all, Wobby here! I was wondering, why cant combat toons get (except Beast Master and Creature Handlers ) CL90 droids. I know that entertainers/crafter can get max lvl droids. But the rest of the classes that dont have pets, gets max CL60 droids. If the remaining classes also could use...
  2. wobby1984

    Account wide bank

    Guys if u like the idea, not only post a comment but upvote if u can! So the Dev's see this and maybe can make it so, or talk with us about it! If all that posted already did an upvote we would have 5 votes for this!!
  3. wobby1984

    Account wide bank

    No i really mean only the credits account wide banking. Not items not sure if items can be exploited?
  4. wobby1984

    Account wide bank

    Hi all, another idea i had. Not sure IF it even can be done. But what IF we had an account wide bank (just the credits not the items/loot) So all my chars can use the same credits no matter if its a new char or an old one. Makes it so we/i dont need to keep trading credits between chars...
  5. wobby1984


    Seeing how paintings can be made from scratch, Maybe have paintings from different era's or factions. I would love to see more, maybe even craftable so we keep architects or for tapestry tailors busy! Like Factions: Republic (clone wars, star ships, clone trooper phase armor 1 and 2, clone...
  6. wobby1984

    Balcony's on house decoration

    Hello all, I was wondering we got these medium/large houses with balcony's : Medium Naboo House Large Tatooine House Some Guild Halls etc. So i was thinking, is it possible to make these parts interactible? Like putting up chairs, table's, lights! Make them cozy? Not sure IF it can be done...
  7. wobby1984


    Hello all, My name is Harald, ingame name that i use the most Wobby (ever since swg live) I live on my own with 2 house tigers (cats, calm down) I use gameing to try to relax and get my head empty. I got some mental health issues and because of that i end up not playing for weeks or when...