Search results

  1. Rezec

    What assets do you wish to see added for ewok festival of love?

    There are two threads. One for new items for the game in general and one, this one, was meant for Valentine's themed items for the EFOL event.
  2. Rezec

    More Events

    I think you joined after we finished up all the fun for Galactic Moon Festival. We did run a couple of events during that holiday with the player base. We did a Halloween/undead/night sister themed event twice and then had an old fashioned Droid Invasion of Theed. I enjoy these types of events...
  3. Rezec

    Revan Armor

    That's probably the non-stated pieces that are used the craft Mando Armor. Nobody can actually equip that. Other than that, all armor is equippable by all classes. The only restrictions in armor are not class based, but species based due to some species being non-humanoids.
  4. Rezec

    Revan Armor

    The only Bounty Hunter armor that isnt equippable, is the parts that are used to craft mando and nobody can equip those pieces.
  5. Rezec

    Revan Armor

    Bounty Hunter Armor is equippable by a TKM, what do you mean? If you are specced into Advanced Innate Armor, it will ignore the armor protection, but it IS equippable and you get all the stats.
  6. Rezec

    Revan Armor

  7. Rezec

    Revan Armor

    I wanted to step in and clear some things up since they vary on most servers. Jedi on Evolve are not limited to the junk "jedi armor" that drops from NPCs. Jedi can wear the same armor as any other player. Jedi Robes and Cloaks on Evolve do not have armor protection. For our Jedi system it is...
  8. Rezec

    New Questions

    Forums don't quite get near the amount of activity that you find on Discord.
  9. Rezec

    Solo Instance Ideas/ A Few Suggestions

    Honestly a lot of good ideas here. These are absolutely the kind of ideas we look for when adding new instances. I also love the idea of invading servers as Stormtroopers on their PvP nights occasionally.
  10. Rezec

    Jedi specifically Mystic.

    Mystic doesn't have to invest anymore into Makashi than Sage has to invest into Niman. That's an equal spend from those two. Melee builds have more flexibility in what Forms they can use. Though, lets not forget that to go reflect, you are sacrificing increased dps or heals from other forms AND...
  11. Rezec

    Jedi specifically Mystic.

    Armor penetration tied to the set was necessary. Like most things in the Jedi revamp you need to specialize and not be a one of everything. Theres a proper form, proper jewelry set and proper spec to Force Powers. If they could heal and tank like crazy while having armor pen on every ability...
  12. Rezec

    Change a few in in the solo instance drops

    We can absolutely adjust these loot tables. This will be done in 4.1
  13. Rezec

    BH Upgrades

    The BH skill tree had quite a few updates in the last major patch and some more BH System related things will be coming with our world boss release, like the reintroduction of the improved "reveal". How do you guys feel about the current state of BH abilities and skill tree?
  14. Rezec

    Galaxy Harvester Site

    It's not a page that is developed by SWG: Evolve and it's why when time allows we will be expanding the current resource page to be more robust. This is a fan site and we can't guarantee that it will always be updated and supported.
  15. Rezec

    Galaxy Harvester Site

    Yes, we do indeed use a modified version of this. It was a great resource. I've always wanted to do more with it to expand it to the capabilities similar to SWGAide, but I hadn't found the time to come back to it.
  16. Rezec

    Trader 5 pieces should be tradable

    I see points 2 and 3, but those miss the mark. The sets are something that have value and greatly influence crafting, but are easy to get, extremely. More so than trader sets on any other server. We also have far less No Trade Restrictions. The only items with that restrictions are items we...
  17. Rezec

    Trader 5 pieces should be tradable

    I will try to address this soon.
  18. Rezec

    Trader 5 pieces should be tradable

    Well, lets see if other crafters agree.
  19. Rezec

    Trader 5 pieces should be tradable

    This is the quickest server to level on. The katarn armor which takes all of 30 minutes to do has 4 added stats. You get a free combat jewelry set and unlock scrolls for every heroic and most of the mustafar instances. This is the easiest server to start fresh on. Trader Tokens on other servers...
  20. Rezec

    Exotic Removal on Lightsabers

    Retrofit tools should no longer work on Lightsabers