Search results

  1. Ishna

    Resuscitate Player for Novice Doctor

    Suggestion to make the non-combat PvE rez available to Novice Doctor. Simply for rezzes in PvE content when a full Master Doctor or Sage Jedi isn't available. Another alternative idea is make a craftable revive for same situations.
  2. Ishna

    Feedback for latest patch 2.10 & 2.11

    (2.11) Force Choke Changes: Healing Reduction from Force Choke has been reduced Duration of Force Choke has been reduced to 6 seconds Added a 30 second Force Choke Recourse to the Improved Force Choke Debuff (Does not affect the Choke Snare) (2.10) FRS: Fixed unintended ways of earning FRS...
  3. Ishna

    <-I-> Imperial Security Bureau is recruiting!

    The newly formed Imperial Security Bureau <-ISB-> is looking for members to expand! We are a small group of players who actively participate in PvP and PvE events. We have members of the community that are well involved in all aspects of SWG and have been playing on here or other emulators since...
  4. Ishna

    Continuity in buff timers

    I would love to open the discussion and talk about seeing more continuity in buff timers for QoL and less management of buff bars. Matching everything to the med buffs timers could be a good start. Food stacks could match drink stacks, so we wouldn't have to buy extra crates of food just to...