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  1. M

    Possible PvE for Solo/Group Play

    This is something my brother (who played live 03 through the end and a while on SWG Emu) and I talked about recently while reminiscing about our early days of setting up camps and getting killed by huurtons on Dantooine. What if you had another area like the krayt graveyard or even a whole...
  2. M

    BH Upgrades

    These are just things going through my mind, so some of them might be "stupid". How about making Tangle Bomb similiar to the other traps and add a DOT to it, but maybe an action dot tick similiar to a lizard pet. How about changing Burn to add a fire could make the initial damage...
  3. M


    Would it be possible to have the entry boxes to grenadier put into brawler as is in marksman? That way you could run a melee build without having to put 8 points into marksman.
  4. M

    Enforcer's Set Revamp

    Is there anyway to change the Enforcer Set's Ambush mods to another carbineer special? The set goes to Master Carbineer but the Ambush line is in the Rifles Skill Tree. Maybe take the Ambush off and add a slight chance at a Assault reset or something that is at least in the carbineer skill tree.