Recent content by Draskon

  1. Draskon


    What would it need to be renamed to to solve the problem when people tend to look at the item's appearance directly in the inventory? It's not that much harder to make a new appearance, and is a more effective distinction than a simple name change. If anything that might confuse people more...
  2. Draskon


    A simple recolour would suffice enough for this I should think; it would also be far easier to implement as a visual distinction than making something entirely new. Could just make it red, since typically "advanced" items in games, especially Star Wars, typically have a red shade to them or...
  3. Draskon

    What assets do you wish to see added for ewok festival of love?

    Indeed, "assets" could mean many different things to different people as well, especially non-developers. In this context, assets refer to items the player can wear/use, at least for EFOL. However, assets can also be entire maps, world objects like buildings, rocks, geometry, and other such...
  4. Draskon

    What assets do you wish to see added to the game?

    Space will get it's time to shine, for sure; nothing has really evolved or changed about it since Nova Orion was introduced way back on live. A lot of servers also don't tend to touch space content on this game, which is unfortunate. However, I just want to mention that while having higher mass...
  5. Draskon

    New Questions

    As Evolve is based on the NGE, trainers are a thing of the past, but if you press the U key by default to bring up your expertise window, you can learn and mix and match any combination of skills for every listed profession as you like. So long as you have the required XP and such. This feature...
  6. Draskon

    Window That Displays Your Extractors And Status + Resource Delivery (and other stuff).

    If you're only using 5 then that makes sense as to where you're coming from with this. I just want to put a few things out there because while there are people out there who hoard millions of units of resources and never touch or even get through most of it, there are more players where that's...
  7. Draskon

    Window That Displays Your Extractors And Status + Resource Delivery (and other stuff).

    The G9 Rigger (Secret of the Syrens questline) lets you save 3 locations at once, and is easier to obtain comparatively. You can also do it on multiple toons at once and have them as dedicated resource "slave" slots. Even then I think the point being made here is that you still have to manually...
  8. Draskon

    Window That Displays Your Extractors And Status + Resource Delivery (and other stuff).

    Funny, I was just thinking about drafting up a system similar to this like this last week, because managing even just a handful of them can be a massive chore. (Especially if you exceed the lots per character to place any and you need to use multiple toons.) On a sidenote, I almost wish...
  9. Draskon

    Secrets of the syren endgame

    Yes, this is known and should be fixed next patch.
  10. Draskon

    Jedi Starfighter for Alliance toons

    The ARC-170, Jedi Starfighter, and Belbullab-22 are all factionless. However, the caveat for the ARC-170 and JSF is that you had to have completed their respective quests to fly them, which is why they can't be flown on other toons (unless you complete them). This is a restriction that we can...
  11. Draskon

    Proposed Change: Unlocking Cross-Faction Ship Access with "Aces of Aces" Badge

    Yes, I forgot about the stations as I hate going to them to get there or to Kessel. Thank you for the correction. The lead indicator is never going to be precise either because it's predicting where something is moving. It updates slowly enough that quick movements can be enough to throw you...
  12. Draskon

    Proposed Change: Unlocking Cross-Faction Ship Access with "Aces of Aces" Badge

    Ship shields showing a hit yet not actually registering damage is something that can't really be improved all that easily, because that's a client to server "talkback" issue. When you directly hit a ship, your client will show a shield hit because yes, you hit the ship directly on your screen...
  13. Draskon

    stuck on corsec mission in lok space to inspect a nym cannon ship...

    You can quickly soft log-out to the character screen and jump back in to not disrupt the mission or anything to fix it as well. However, if it's happening exactly the same way with that exact enemy all the time, please submit a ticket with as much info as you can, because we can take a look at...
  14. Draskon

    Proposed Change: Unlocking Cross-Faction Ship Access with "Aces of Aces" Badge

    Believe me, space is going to reach some incredible heights (pun unintended) as we go; we're not gonna stop there.
  15. Draskon

    Proposed Change: Unlocking Cross-Faction Ship Access with "Aces of Aces" Badge

    There's nothing inherently wrong with Shield Adjust vs. Reinforce; they're for different use cases and can be used together. Shield Adjust is primarily for altering the ratio of your front to rear shield capacity for your engagement style. A very common practice in PvP is to adjust the shields...