Recent content by Ishna

  1. Ishna

    What assets do you wish to see added to the game?

    I would like to see more armor options for Wookiees. This doesn't have to be crazy like incorporating them into the wookiee body or anything. Wookiees are able to wear Katarn armor and it shows and the armor just makes us look like a huge Katarn trooper, something like that would be amazing...
  2. Ishna

    Resuscitate Player for Novice Doctor

    Suggestion to make the non-combat PvE rez available to Novice Doctor. Simply for rezzes in PvE content when a full Master Doctor or Sage Jedi isn't available. Another alternative idea is make a craftable revive for same situations.
  3. Ishna

    <-I-> Imperial Security Bureau is recruiting!

    Absolutely, I'll get you invited to the Discord and see if we can get you set-up this afternoon.
  4. Ishna

    Status/Ability to be permanently opted out of any PvP for non-combat classes

    I agree with Nord. You can't expect to go to a city "invasion," a word that is used when describing warzones, and not be part of the "war." You're choosing to actively enter a contested warzone. Much like journalists do in real wars, they take precautions, but accidents happen. You can't just...
  5. Ishna

    1v1s 2v2s etc

    I'm always down for you always being down for things like this +2
  6. Ishna

    Hello SWG

    Hello Spuggidy! Were you able to get connected? If so and you need assistance getting up and running in-game feel free to reach out to me on Discord or in-game on Tank! Welcome to Evolve!!
  7. Ishna


    Welcome to Evolve! If you need help getting up and running feel free to reach out to me in Discord or in-game on Tank!
  8. Ishna


    Hello fellow Evolvian, there's a few points that I need to address but before we get to that I want inform you that there is a command to resign from the FRS system. It is /resignFromFRS and that will immediately fix your problem if you intend to mainly PvE. (WARNING: Resigning from FRS will...
  9. Ishna

    Feedback for latest patch 2.10 & 2.11

    My understanding is that it was a general complaint when talking about PvP and the fact a heal cut could be maintained 100% if no cleanse options we're available. Even if cleanse was available, multiple Jedi's could keep you at 100% uptime. Now I agree with adding a recourse timer on target. The...
  10. Ishna

    Feedback for latest patch 2.10 & 2.11

    Recourse being on the target is nice, however the duration is still something of concern. The cut% was reduced, and they can only apply it every 30 seconds, put's it far behind in terms of effectiveness of non-jedi. For example running Bacta Corruption and Dread Strike way outpaces you in terms...
  11. Ishna

    Feedback for latest patch 2.10 & 2.11

    (2.11) Force Choke Changes: Healing Reduction from Force Choke has been reduced Duration of Force Choke has been reduced to 6 seconds Added a 30 second Force Choke Recourse to the Improved Force Choke Debuff (Does not affect the Choke Snare) (2.10) FRS: Fixed unintended ways of earning FRS...
  12. Ishna

    Jedi effectiveness as tanks in PvE

    Hey! We got it once. Just once.
  13. Ishna

    Hi everyone!!

    Welcome! We're glad to have you, I'm also a Shadowfire veteran from live! Glad to see more of us still around. Please enjoy our different flavor of SWG and feel free to reach out when questions arise.
  14. Ishna

    Rezec Noble

    I love you, but you made my title say wookie, instead of wookiee. I cannot forgive this injustice.
  15. Ishna

    Hello there!

    Volkor my guy! I'm glad you're enjoying the community! We're glad to have you here and I personally appreciate all the help you've given new players. Keep up the great work!