Recent content by Fyrakin

  1. Fyrakin

    Current review of patch notes 2024/03/04

    Lyase color hes now match the name and description
  2. Fyrakin

    Current review of patch notes 2024/03/04

    Lyase color hue assignemt is ready for patching Extraction bonus is smallest on set 3 pieces, 4 slighly better and with 5 it will be a little more noticable. You can compare DNA extraction results without BE set and with 3, 4 and 5 pieces. I made another update frort group duty mission tokens...
  3. Fyrakin

    QoL Improvement - Add a LOOT ALL button to POB ship cargo hold

    Honestly, I don't like this idea.
  4. Fyrakin

    Vehicle Upgrade Kit

    Well, fading cosmetics are one thing, but fading boosts is something that would be worth using. No disrespect for other servers who implemented them, but I don't like the idea of permanent buffs.
  5. Fyrakin

    Vehicle Upgrade Kit

    We may come up with some way to introduce them in the future, but don't expect these kits to be permanent :). More like experimented number of calls(uses for vehicle before mods will fade away)/experimented top speed override/experimented steering), think about it like pre-NGE weapon power-ups.
  6. Fyrakin

    QoL Improvement - Add a LOOT ALL button to POB ship cargo hold

    POB ships have a loot container and asteroid resource cargo hold. POB ship loot container can be accessed by any player inside a ship with admin permissions, you can designate loot manager role to one of them so a pilot and the gunners can do their work uninterrupted - this is intended way of...
  7. Fyrakin

    Expansion to Expertise

    This looks like a can of worms we may not want to open to be honest.
  8. Fyrakin

    Space Resource Deeds

    I think these should be in a trader vendor for trader tokens instead, because, well, we have trader vendor and the most frequent users for this kind items will be traders. I like this idea too, some traders want to make heavy variant ships to begin their piloting more comfy to start space mining...
  9. Fyrakin

    Ready for testing

    space component collections reset and reward a schematic, change works works
  10. Fyrakin

    Ready for testing

    I did some T3 and T5 selective kills in Kessel and Kashyyk space (duty mission and static) for a minimum count of kills to get a drop rate idea, I see some improvement in collection loot and number of looted components, this change won't be noticeable after just few kills, but with more kills it...
  11. Fyrakin

    Galaxy Harvester Site

    Here it is. Still under development, but you can use it already.
  12. Fyrakin


    I bought my first copy of SWG back in 2003 November, my very first chacter I created on Naritus was named Fyrakin Liosta, since then this became my nickname in all of the gaming communities I've been showing up (LOTRO, STO, SWTOR, ESO). Between 2003 and the end of official SWG I've spent several...
  13. Fyrakin

    Neural Recon Network Terminal

    The terminal was intended to be used by anyone who has visitor rights to a structure where it is placed.
  14. Fyrakin


    I've never been good at digital artwork, my drawing skills are limited to paper and pencil :) But, now that you mentioned...
  15. Fyrakin

    Delete Lyase Enzymes RNG!
