Recent content by loganskenove

  1. loganskenove

    Proposed Change: Unlocking Cross-Faction Ship Access with "Aces of Aces" Badge

    It is too early to have any opinion, but i can not imagine a pilot flying a xwing while is imperial aligned and having access to all the factional commands... This would mean a great distortion in Da Force!!! :p
  2. loganskenove

    Proposed Change: Unlocking Cross-Faction Ship Access with "Aces of Aces" Badge

    I would say: Flying any ship is a nice concept. But this does not necessarily mean, u are able to use all the specific factional capabilities..... So, i am so skeptical like you cause the same thoughts. This concept may be analyzed in deep, far away than allowing players to fly any available...
  3. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    UPDATE: 1.3.1- F1 to F5 toolbar keys are no longer needed. Keys F1 to F12 are now available to be used by the player at their convenience. F1 to F5 added to be called from the panel Enjoy it
  4. loganskenove

    Game usually crash if u have mods installed. To solve it it is necesary to uninstall mods and...

    Game usually crash if u have mods installed. To solve it it is necesary to uninstall mods and reinstall them one by one. I had that problem when i came from legends installation at the begining.. just in case helps...
  5. loganskenove

    eating cookies...

    eating cookies...
  6. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    Friends, I'm aboard my xwing... Happy flying everyone....
  7. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    UPDATE: New features 1.3-added Kessel and Deep Space jump buttons/ commands. Of course you need the kessel and Deepspace chips loaded into the flight computer/astromech 1.3-added 3 roles: Fighter pilot, POB Pilot and POB Copilot. Now you can select your role. 1.3-added WP to Datapad button: you...
  8. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    Just to verify and share with you all. Here is the list i am handeling
  9. loganskenove

    Missing Space commands wish list

    YES RIGHT ON.... it works didn't know that.....thx so much
  10. loganskenove

    Missing Space commands wish list

    Greetings: Working on the ingame Universal Flight Panel for Evolve, some friends found we miss some useful commands. This post objetive is compile the commands we think would be usefull for all of us and, specially, to be included in the Flight Panel. Once we think is ready, the goal is to ask...
  11. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    you are right. BUT, i would prefer all readers here to make a wish list of commands before to ask for anything to devs.... um will open a post to make this previous commands compilation...
  12. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    Absolutelly: The panel is using now commands like: /ptrap2 - Pirate Trap 2 /pumpreactor /jstart3 /ethrust - Emergency Thrust /eweapons - Emergency Weapons /iffscramble - IFF Transponder Scramble and more... We miss some that are not implemented, like /homeport or hyperspacing to Ord...
  13. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    UPDATE: - Thx to windshadow0177 : added cycle secuence to RO, CO , EO and WO. Overloads command search on the droid for existing programs to execute the available one. By this we will not need to have the overload icons assigned into the toolbarslot00. F1 to F4. CTSS is still on toolbar00 F5 -...
  14. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    Thx my friend. We will stay tunned to any QOL future update/improvement in order to add it to the Flight Panel
  15. loganskenove

    Free Flight Control Panel for space activities

    Unfourtunally i have not found a command in the commands available list to make, for example, iff on a droid command... If i am not wrong, there is no way to do that thing unless, devs allow it under certain circumstances (being Ace of Ace, for example) as i have read in the suggestions channels...