Recent content by mediocrebh

  1. M

    Perfect Crystals

    The perfect crystal drop from the crate is very rare...I have only gotten one in all of the world boss runs. I have only gotten 3 of the ancient flawless to tune 21/23. The rest of my saber's crystals are the FRS flawless 20/22. I'm not sure what the drop rate of the Krayt pearls are...I have...
  2. M

    Perfect Crystals

    Vendor I think is 22/23 and the crate is 24/25
  3. M

    Perfect Crystals

    The ones in the crate are better than the vendor
  4. M

    Perfect Crystals

    The best crystals drop from the RLS crates
  5. M

    What assets do you wish to see added to the game?

    Is there a way to add spots in box of achievements for all of the pvp factional collection patches and rank badges or maybe its own crate
  6. M

    Chronicler Suggestion

    Sounds like a good suggestion to me.
  7. M

    What assets do you wish to see added for ewok festival of love?

    Not sure what is already on the vendor, but valentine style cards would be cool. I'm not sure if you can make them with the iconic characters like, vader, boba fett, leia, etc etc
  8. M

    What assets do you wish to see added to the game?

    I'm new to space, so my opinion is probably uninformed, but I would love more TTK so that a fight could last longer and turn into more of a chess match.
  9. M


    welcome to Evolve .... see you ingame soon
  10. M

    1st week in

    Good to hear, welcome to Evolve
  11. M

    New Questions

    You don't need any trainers, you just gain the XP and you will be able to train in the boxes as long as you have reached the box prerequisites. You may want to link up your discord account to Evolve discord. Once there, you will be able to see our channels and get more of your questions answered
  12. M

    New Questions

    Roger that....feel free to ask questions, we'll try our best to help.
  13. M

    Assassin's Jewelry Set Rework Suggestion

    I like it....there are some jewelry sets that could use some rework/love to accommodate the newer trees/professions
  14. M

    BH Upgrades

    The tree is well done. I agree with Hellion on Stun