Recent content by RangerPhenom

  1. RangerPhenom

    Change a few in in the solo instance drops

    From what I have seen these NPCs drop the same loot table as DWB NPCs thus far. The 4/5 Contraband collection pieces and I have gotten 2 melee Weapons Augs/Enhances from them in the range you are suggesting. I am just hoping that PLCs and BLs drop from them as well :D for BillHans sake anyway...
  2. RangerPhenom

    Replace Relic Rings with Toolsets

    From my experience working with other SWG projects especially associated with NGE, the game has a hard cap at 14 exp pts for classes outside of Shipwright. I am uncertain as I am not on staff here on Evolve whether that is the case here or if that has been adjusted to allow for movement North...
  3. RangerPhenom

    Replace Relic Rings with Toolsets

    Surprised no one has thought of this before, great suggestion Legacy. In addition to this I would suggest that they be wearable with the Belt of Bodo Baas for those crafters that like to get the 50 Luck from that or make the Tool Sets not containers just simply like the crafted Bandoliers.
  4. RangerPhenom

    Trader 5 pieces should be tradable

    I admittedly have not had to buy armor in quite some time as I have been here since launch but I havent paid more than 500k for a set of armor. 35s for those sets of armor set me back 150k a set until my daughter got situated doing RE for the guild....those prices are stupid low compared to...
  5. RangerPhenom

    Trader 5 pieces should be tradable

    I have seen No One go without when posting LTB orders from crafters in the bazaar channel. they usually find people to fill their orders quickly and reasonably priced. this server may not have the bloated inflated market of some other servers in SWG but you can find people to make things for...
  6. RangerPhenom

    Trader 5 pieces should be tradable

    considering the "spamming 8 junk metal" those are for crafted Mod bits which ARE useful in the long run. What is the point of making these tradeable from No Trade Shared other than to sell them to other players who possibly will not know any better starting fresh and not realizing how easy it...
  7. RangerPhenom

    Trader 5 pieces should be tradable

    As stated before, we had issues with people exploiting the system to try to get rich selling the sets, it isnt difficult to grind the tokens needed to get all the sets one needs honestly. Personally I prefer the system the way it is now, it gives incentive to crafters to do crafter things to...
  8. RangerPhenom

    Ace of Aces Pilot Jewelry Set

    A Jewelry Set specifically for Ace of Aces Requirement to Equip : Ace of Aces Badge Necklace - Rebel Droid Command Abilities to level 2, R Bracelet - Imperial Droid Commands to level 2, L Bracelet - Neutral Droid Commands to level 2 Ring - 2% Bonus to DI Spd Band - 2% Bonus to DI Spd 3...
  9. RangerPhenom

    Jedi Collection Cloaks

    I would like to suggest, similar to the color palette implemented for the Katarn Armor from Avenging Mort, that the CoH and Shatterpoint have a MODEST recolor palette implemented to them. My Jedi would LOVE to have a Grey/Brown Shatterpoint :D Thanks for your consideration yall :D
  10. RangerPhenom

    KSE Firespray Schematic

    Good afternoon Evolve, The base reward schematic for the KSE Firespray is an RNG drop of anywhere from 3-8 uses, I would like to propose that we set it to a standard amount rather than the RNG setting at present. Ideally an 8 use would be loved by pretty much every shipwright on server but a...
  11. RangerPhenom

    <MANDO> Guild City Recruiting Citizens

    Good afternoon Evolve, <MANDO> and PHNX City on Dantooine, Norg Keldabe is looking for citizens. We are a DNA Laboratory to assist our BM friends on server. We are currently a City (Tier 4) with shuttle etc. If interested please shoot a DM to Ward Wren on Discord. Thanks Evovle, hope...
  12. RangerPhenom

    Frontman set Revamp

    I completely understand, thank you wind for asking the clarifying questions though I think it helped to really bring out the point more effectively
  13. RangerPhenom

    Frontman set Revamp

    If an SWG veteran, new to this server, reads through all the patch notes and updates and decides he/she wants to run a Tank toon and does his research....when he/she gets to the jewelry sets as a sway to which prof he wants to run, Commando or TKM, and he/she gets to a side by side comparison of...
  14. RangerPhenom

    Frontman set Revamp

    I understand and agree with that but the Steel Body set is clearly more advantageous for tkm thank Frontman set is for commando regardless if you decide on ranged or melee disciplines. My suggestion is to bring the stats, innate armor bonuses etc up to par with steel body for the frontman set.
  15. RangerPhenom

    Frontman set Revamp

    Frontman set is currently the same stats as on live which can be found in Wiki, while the Steel Body set was designed specifically for TKM as the Tank set and an upgrade from the base stats. I have tried to attach pictures to show the disparities but for some reason even significantly cropped...